****April 2019 Mummies****

Oh night owl can't believe your still bad! Feel for you!!! I still have aversions but I'm craving cheese haha!!! Best time of the year for it.
I did throw up a few mornings ago brushing my teeth I was just wretching so bad. I can't take my vitamins for the same reason they make me gag. I take aspirin and omeprazole and have to inject with clexane everyday so the vitamin on top I can't cope with.
Never done hypnobirthing. None of that was around when I started having kids or it wasn't the trend. I have just been so preoccupied with Christmas that I find it hard to even think about a new baby. Looking forward to the new year and hopefully I can focus more on new baby.
How is everyone?
I went back to work finally a few weeks ago. When is everyone thinking about finishing work? Xxx

Thanks MM, I’ve just gotten used to it now ha ha it’s going to be weird next year when she’s out when I can just eat normally again!

Oh I don’t blame you for not wanting to anything else on top of all that stuff!

I’m thinking of finishing at the end of March when I’m 38 weeks, I’m probably only taking 7 months off as we can’t really afford for me to be on SMP for too long so I want as much time as possible when baby is actually here, when are you thinking of finishing? Xx
Ha ha stuff like that can wind me up too! I intended on doing pregnancy yoga but I’ve just been too ill and it feels a bit too late to start now x

I've signed up for pregnancy pilates at the start of February :shock: i must be mad lol. Thankfully the trainer has said just play it by ear and if you are too uncomfortable by then, to just let them know - only time will tell x
I did throw up a few mornings ago brushing my teeth I was just wretching so bad.

This has been happening to me lately, i just thought it was non pregnancy related, but god it was awful brushing my teeth, but i refused to give in and throw up :lol: so teeth brushing got cut short.x
Just catching up on everyone's posts as I've been so busy at work recently!!
Is everyone looking forward to Christmas?? I'm looking forward to a chilled one with just me, my hubby and our 11 year old daughter.. nice and calm as little man will be here next year and I'd imagine it won't be so peaceful!! haha
Someone mentioned a hard bump.. mine has done this a few times. It feels a bit weird when I'm lying in bed and when I look down it's gone all big and it's rock hard. I'm convinced it Braxton-Hicks. It's only happened 2-3 times that I've noticed, and apparently it's normal to be having them regularly around now!
I've got my 24 week growth scan tomorrow.. I'm so excited to see how much he's grown since 20 weeks!! :)
I would love to try Hypnobirthing, but I'd imagine the classes to be pricey.. we've just forked out over £200 for our local NCT course!! We start on 14th Jan.. I'm hoping to make some new mummy friends in the area as my best friend is moving to Dubai this weekend and so I'm only left with one friend!!!! haha
I think I'm going to book a pregnancy yoga course, but the lady near me who comes highly recommended runs her classes on the same night as NCT! So I'll either find someone else, or wait and do the yoga much later on, I haven't decided yet..
Hi everyone. Sorry for being MIA the last few weeks. On top of everything this new website layout is horrendous for me to get used to on the phone, and on the laptop it's still horrible. It's really put me off logging in if I'm honest :(

Just an update from my side, 21+6 today.

Had our anomaly scan today and everything looks good. Confirmed what we were told at our private 16 week scan that it is definitely a boy.. no debating it!

I've written the rest in my pregnancy journal as it's a bit long!

Hope everyone is well and I'll try to suck it up about the new layout and visit more often x
Yea I hate the new layout too ☹️
Has anyone heard of the app called Mush? Connects local moms. I made two great mates on there, 2 years on we are in touch daily
I couldnt justify nct first time round so haven't done it this time either.
The only classes I'm going to do are baby sensory because it's so awesome!
I've signed up for pregnancy pilates at the start of February :shock: i must be mad lol. Thankfully the trainer has said just play it by ear and if you are too uncomfortable by then, to just let them know - only time will tell x
I’ve been doing antenatal Pilates since the start of November and I love it! Most of the girls in the class are going right up until their due date and the physio says it’s completely fine, plus they do a postnatal that you can go along to with your baby!
Yea I hate the new layout too ☹️
Has anyone heard of the app called Mush? Connects local moms. I made two great mates on there, 2 years on we are in touch daily
I couldnt justify nct first time round so haven't done it this time either.
The only classes I'm going to do are baby sensory because it's so awesome!

I downloaded it and started to chat to a mum to be who lives a few roads away from me, shes informed me of loads of stuff i would never has realised, so glad i joined it now. We plan to meet in the new year so at least i have someone in person i can bore with baby talk :lol: seeing my friends arent quite at the baby stage age. Deleted it for now, but will definitely join it once mini ivw is here x
I’ve been doing antenatal Pilates since the start of November and I love it! Most of the girls in the class are going right up until their due date and the physio says it’s completely fine, plus they do a postnatal that you can go along to with your baby!

I think starting early would have been a better option for me as i will be going straight into when i will be huge, so probably wont be able to get in to certain positions :lol: but as they say 'better late than never' and i am fairly small and flexible anyway, so i am hoping i will naturally just be able to do it....we will see x
All was fine at the scan this morning.. he is currently bang on the 50th centile which is nice to know. He was very active and wriggly which came as no surprise to me! haha but the sonographer was struggling to take measurements as he wouldn't keep still!

I've also booked to start a Yogabellies course in January.. they are all over the UK I think and I had a really good recommendation for my local lady. I liked that on the website they mention a lot about relaxation, self-meditation etc so it sounds like it will be similar to Hypnobirthing. £90 for an 8 week course, which I didn't think was too bad, and you get stuff to download to practice at home too I think xx
Glad your scan went well mrs g! :)
Does anyone else only notice their baby kicking when you’re sat down or lying down? I never feel him kicking when I’m at work on my feet!! It’s always as soon as I get home and I sit down to relax he likes to kick! X
I Can feel flutters when I'm standing but proper kicks when I'm sitting. Saw some yesterday!
Am also So breathless, I just had to sit down in the shower to catch my breatg. I know it's normal and MW said so too but think I might go to Dr's next week if they're open. Whenever I move Im struggling!
Glad your scan went well mrs g! :)
Does anyone else only notice their baby kicking when you’re sat down or lying down? I never feel him kicking when I’m at work on my feet!! It’s always as soon as I get home and I sit down to relax he likes to kick! X

Yep, this is exactly like me. Don't feel so much during the day, as soon as I get into bed and lay down, he starts dancing away :dance: x
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas!
I got up super early today, with all the baby products I've chosen in my online shopping baskets, eager to see if anything would be in the Boxing Day sales. Not one thing haha. Typical!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas!
I got up super early today, with all the baby products I've chosen in my online shopping baskets, eager to see if anything would be in the Boxing Day sales. Not one thing haha. Typical!

Ha ha! I think the sales look a bit rubbish this year, I’m really hoping for some bargains too so going to get online today, still haven’t chosen a pram!

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. How’s everyone getting on with baby movement/patterns? I’ve found the last few days her movements haven’t felt as strong, don’t know if she’s changed position or something, I’m 24+5, does anyone else find movements still a bit irregular at this stage? Xx
Hi girls! Hope you all had a fab Christmas! :D
Night owl- I’m 26+2 now and I still find that some days his kicks are stronger than others, I always feel him but sometimes I can see my belly move from the outside and they feel really strong, and sometimes it feels like jolts towards the back of my tummy as if he’s kicking inwards. As long as you’re feeling him I wouldn’t worry :D I’m sure they’re still at the stage where they can be nearer the back of the uterus :) xx
Ha ha! I think the sales look a bit rubbish this year, I’m really hoping for some bargains too so going to get online today, still haven’t chosen a pram!

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. How’s everyone getting on with baby movement/patterns? I’ve found the last few days her movements haven’t felt as strong, don’t know if she’s changed position or something, I’m 24+5, does anyone else find movements still a bit irregular at this stage? Xx
Night owl I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm 24+5 today and have been worried about movements. He has been so active up until a few days ago feel like I'm having very very long periods of not feeling him and when I do they are very faint xxx
Night owl I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm 24+5 today and have been worried about movements. He has been so active up until a few days ago feel like I'm having very very long periods of not feeling him and when I do they are very faint xxx

Yeah this is exactly how I’m feeling, felt like there was more stronger movements up until a few days ago, now I feel like I’m going long periods hardly feeling anything and it’s just faint, maybe our babies are just knackered from Christmas too :rotfl: gonna see how I get on over the next two days before deciding whether to get in touch with midwife, as everything I’ve read says don’t need to start counting movements until 28 weeks as it will still be very irregular at this point, I’m sure we’ve got nothing to worry about MM, I think me and you are just worrywarts :) xx

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