Hope everyone had a lovely xmas and new year and didn't mind being off the booze - actually hasn't bothered me, a few cheeky white wine sodas, but not missed it at all, just made up for it with the food
Glad all your bubs are ok, the worrying just continues for us now with their movements

This one hasn't stopped, right little mover

which is great, but not when I want a lay in
Is anyone suffering with bad bowel movements? I'm ok during the day, but come night time I'm having to rush to the toilet, its awful and given both me and my partner broken sleep, which isn't ideal. Midwife said she isn't too concerned as I am not ill with it, but if its continues much longer, to get in touch. My sister said she had it for ages as well, so I am thinking its just something I have to deal with
I actually think we have bought everything we need. Even been a snob and bought a bulk load of water wipes for him

MIL is buying our next 2 u cot, so plan to have him in with us for maybe 6 months, but will just play it by ear. If you are breast feeding, it just makes sense to have them as close as possible.
Eughhhh back to work tomoz
