****April 2019 Mummies****

Haha most definitely night owl you would think I would be much more chilled than this the amount of times I have done it. I have just been kind of monitoring it and holding off phoning I don't want to sound neurotic!!! But like you said I'm sure all is fine it's been such a busy week. How has your sickness been? Xxx
Haha most definitely night owl you would think I would be much more chilled than this the amount of times I have done it. I have just been kind of monitoring it and holding off phoning I don't want to sound neurotic!!! But like you said I'm sure all is fine it's been such a busy week. How has your sickness been? Xxx

Yeah I’ve been chocker this week too just haven’t stopped, It hasn’t been the most relaxing Christmas I’ve had that’s for sure! Looking forward to just relaxing over the next few days now that all the visiting family is done

Urgh my sickness is still there really, not vomiting anymore thankfully maybe only once a week now but I’m still off food a lot, it’s so frustrating, my fella is always asking me what I want for me tea and you know when you just can’t think of a single thing you want, even bread is getting on my nerves now :rotfl:

I’ve been living off McDonald’s happy meals lately, have to have a coke with it too, feel so guilty, but I am eating quite a lot of fruit now too which makes me feel a bit better

Yeah this whole pregnancy thing should be an absolute walk in the park for you now MM ha ha but I honestly think every pregnancy is different and it is full of unknowns every time so it’s never gonna be easy no matter how many times you’ve done it, do you think this is your last one now or would you ever go for another one? :rotfl:Xx
Hahaha most definitely the last!!!
The thought of number 5 scares the hell out of me!!!
I ended up ringing my maternity triage the night I last spoke to you and they asked me to go up to be checked out. I just wasn't happy things didn't seem right and they were so lovely with me. They managed to get him moving and listened to his heartbeat and done all my observations. She said it will be logged as my first episode of reduced movements but if it happens again come straight back. He's been a bit more active since. I have been absolutely full of cold again so she said thats probably not helping and drink plenty of fluids.
Ooooh I could live off happy meals to be fair ha! I never know what I want for tea either and my sickness hasn't been as bad as yours xxx
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. This little one is such a wriggler - much more than her brother was. Only 23+4 but she is so strong I can see her kicks from the outside xx
MM I also had to get checked for reduced movement yesterday, I’d still felt him but not as much as I had around Christmas time. They told me it was best to come in and I had to get a trace done on a monitor for an hour and his movement checked, and they were happy with it. Of course as soon as I got home after he was partying around!!! Finding this whole pregnancy completely nerve wracking and anxiety inducing, I’m looking forward to giving birth so much!!!
MM and jomo so glad your monitoring showed baby to be fine, I’ve been deliberating about phoning up about reduced movements myself, I feel like the movements feel different now, almost lighter, had a really firm kick last night but overall just feel like she’s not kicking much more just turning around in there or something, I will see how it goes over the next day, it’s so nerve racking isn’t it I don’t know how I’m gonna get through the next 15 weeks! I just want her here safely now x
Happy new year anyway ladies :) in a few hours time we will be able to say our babies are due THIS YEAR!! AAH! How exciting! I’m also kind of scared now though too ha :rotfl:

She has been doing a few more rolly-pollies in there this evening anyway thankfully

We just need to decide 100% on a name now though we keep going backwards and forwards, Has everyone decided on a name now?
Hello! Sorry to jump in as a newbie. Didn’t know which other forums would be helpful.
Also couldn’t help but notice that some of you still feel sick and I’m so fed up now of feeling and being sick at 23weeks.

First baby is a girl due April 29th.
Hello! Sorry to jump in as a newbie. Didn’t know which other forums would be helpful.
Also couldn’t help but notice that some of you still feel sick and I’m so fed up now of feeling and being sick at 23weeks.

First baby is a girl due April 29th.

Welcome sainsbury! Always lovely to have someone new onboard :D

It’s my first baby too, also a girl and due 13th April <3

Urgh I know how you feel about the sickness, I’m so fed up of it now, I’m 25 weeks and still suffering from it, had a few bits of party food last night such as southern fried chicken and samosas and have been unbelievably nauseous ever since, chicken just really disagrees with me throughout this pregnancy for some reason! OH is making a lasagna today which should be nice, I can tolerate red meat more then anything else!

Has everyone bought what they they need now? Ordered a mamas and papas sola2 travel system last week

Silly question maybe but where does everyone think is best to put the baby to sleep at first? She will be in the room with us but don’t know whether we should use something like a Moses basket or just put her straight into a cot xx
Haha yes completely fed up now of the sick. I was hopeful new year new start and woke up and promptly threw up! Excellent. I don’t think it’s going to go away now so am coming to terms with that.
I have bought absolutely nothing!
Hope everyone had a lovely xmas and new year and didn't mind being off the booze - actually hasn't bothered me, a few cheeky white wine sodas, but not missed it at all, just made up for it with the food :lol:

Glad all your bubs are ok, the worrying just continues for us now with their movements :roll: This one hasn't stopped, right little mover :dance: which is great, but not when I want a lay in :lol:

Is anyone suffering with bad bowel movements? I'm ok during the day, but come night time I'm having to rush to the toilet, its awful and given both me and my partner broken sleep, which isn't ideal. Midwife said she isn't too concerned as I am not ill with it, but if its continues much longer, to get in touch. My sister said she had it for ages as well, so I am thinking its just something I have to deal with :roll:

I actually think we have bought everything we need. Even been a snob and bought a bulk load of water wipes for him :lol: MIL is buying our next 2 u cot, so plan to have him in with us for maybe 6 months, but will just play it by ear. If you are breast feeding, it just makes sense to have them as close as possible.

Eughhhh back to work tomoz :( xx
Hi girls, hope everyone is well. Has anyone been experiencing random crying? I've cried everyday for the past 2 weeks now. I've been putting it down to hormones which I know it will be but the last few days I've started to get really worried. I don't feel happy like I thought I would, I can't explain it. But I don't feel depressed. Debating on booking an appointment with my GP to talk it through, although I do have an appointment with midwife next week so could wait until then. It's making me and my partner argue which we never really did before. I'm just so confused. Any advice?!
Hope everyone had a lovely xmas and new year and didn't mind being off the booze - actually hasn't bothered me, a few cheeky white wine sodas, but not missed it at all, just made up for it with the food :lol:

Glad all your bubs are ok, the worrying just continues for us now with their movements :roll: This one hasn't stopped, right little mover :dance: which is great, but not when I want a lay in :lol:

Is anyone suffering with bad bowel movements? I'm ok during the day, but come night time I'm having to rush to the toilet, its awful and given both me and my partner broken sleep, which isn't ideal. Midwife said she isn't too concerned as I am not ill with it, but if its continues much longer, to get in touch. My sister said she had it for ages as well, so I am thinking its just something I have to deal with :roll:

I actually think we have bought everything we need. Even been a snob and bought a bulk load of water wipes for him :lol: MIL is buying our next 2 u cot, so plan to have him in with us for maybe 6 months, but will just play it by ear. If you are breast feeding, it just makes sense to have them as close as possible.

Eughhhh back to work tomoz :( xx

I’ve bulk bought water wipes too, and those pampers pure nappies just for the first few months until their skin isn’t as delicate, my friend used water wipes and just a bit of Vaseline as a barrier cream and said her baby never got nappy rash once, she’s recommended a few bath and body products to me aswell which are super gentle on their skin

I’ve been lucky in the number 2 department really, not much has changed for me but what I am finding is when I need to go I really need to go! Not as in it’s gonna come out anyway but more like it’s uncomfortable and there’s just no space for it to stay in there! Maybe I’m only not struggling in that department cos it’s still coming out the other end and I’m still only eating bland beige crap :rotfl:
Hi girls, hope everyone is well. Has anyone been experiencing random crying? I've cried everyday for the past 2 weeks now. I've been putting it down to hormones which I know it will be but the last few days I've started to get really worried. I don't feel happy like I thought I would, I can't explain it. But I don't feel depressed. Debating on booking an appointment with my GP to talk it through, although I do have an appointment with midwife next week so could wait until then. It's making me and my partner argue which we never really did before. I'm just so confused. Any advice?!

Ah I’m glad someone else has said this! Yes I’m been randomly crying all the time, the other day the donkey sanctuary advert on the tele set me off and the afternoon before that I was in work browsing the internet (serves me right for being on the internet instead of doing my work :D) and seen a really sad story on a news’s site and just started crying at my desk!
I’m been having a few morbid depressing thoughts too, just along the lines of what would happen/how would we cope if something happened to either me or my partner, think that’s just prob cos me and my partner don’t really have any family support, partners mum is elderly and sick, my mum works full time and isn’t the most reliable anyway, we don’t have any other family to help us out, that was part of the reason we delayed having children until our mid thirties even though we’ve been together for an age, we were always undecided about whether it would be a good idea for us, so I think now that we are actually bringing a child into our world wveb though we are happy and excited we have fully realised the responsibility of it and it’s making me worry a bit! I might mention it to the midwife too, antenatal depression is a real thing apparently xx
I totally understand what you mean about not feeling as happy as you thought you would too RF, I have days were I just feel a bit mentally exhausted about the whole thing and feel guilty for it, I think hormones honestly play a big part in this as I will suddenly have a moment where I realise how lucky i am and feel overjoyed, also I think once the baby is born and we hold them for the first time everything will just fall into place, at least that’s what everyone says anyway!
I'm also feeling like crying today, at the slightest thing.

A bit of a rant about tonight...

Family dinner at my parents for new years day. As soon as I arrive, my mum exclaims "you're so big!", with a shocked look on her face. Why does everyone have to comment? Or be surprised? Of course my bump is going to get bigger! I'm self conscious enough about it without others commenting on it. She then proceeded to serve pate... And then my grandmother gave me my Christmas present, prosecco (and my dad helped her with her Christmas shopping!) . .. Eh thanks guys!

I know I'm super hormonal, but hubby didn't understand at all and made me feel worse, so I had to get it out somewhere! Haha
I’ve bulk bought water wipes too, and those pampers pure nappies just for the first few months until their skin isn’t as delicate, my friend used water wipes and just a bit of Vaseline as a barrier cream and said her baby never got nappy rash once, she’s recommended a few bath and body products to me aswell which are super gentle on their skin

I’ve been lucky in the number 2 department really, not much has changed for me but what I am finding is when I need to go I really need to go! Not as in it’s gonna come out anyway but more like it’s uncomfortable and there’s just no space for it to stay in there! Maybe I’m only not struggling in that department cos it’s still coming out the other end and I’m still only eating bland beige crap :rotfl:

Oh really? thats good to know. I dont want to wrap him in cotton wool, but like you say their new born skin is so sensitive that if i can avoid nappy rash in the first few weeks, then i dont mind parting with a bit more money on some things that will be gentler on him.

I still feel like your stuck in the first trimester stage :lol: thankfully was only up once last night, thank god, but back to work today, so dreading it....thankfully i sit next to our HR lady and can tell her anything, so she knows if i am MIA, she knows why :lol:
I'm also feeling like crying today, at the slightest thing.

A bit of a rant about tonight...

Family dinner at my parents for new years day. As soon as I arrive, my mum exclaims "you're so big!", with a shocked look on her face. Why does everyone have to comment? Or be surprised? Of course my bump is going to get bigger! I'm self conscious enough about it without others commenting on it. She then proceeded to serve pate... And then my grandmother gave me my Christmas present, prosecco (and my dad helped her with her Christmas shopping!) . .. Eh thanks guys!

I know I'm super hormonal, but hubby didn't understand at all and made me feel worse, so I had to get it out somewhere! Haha

Urgh I would be annoyed too at getting prosecco for a present, it’s a present you can’t actually use or enjoy! Re-gift it back to them next year :rotfl: that’ll give them the hint, lol, or keep it for once you’ve had the baby,
oh I wish people wouldn’t comment on the size of pregnant women’s bumps, whether they think they are particularly big or particularly small they should just keep their opinions on it to themselves or just say something nice instead like you look lovely! X
Urgh I would be annoyed too at getting prosecco for a present, it’s a present you can’t actually use or enjoy! Re-gift it back to them next year :rotfl: that’ll give them the hint, lol, or keep it for once you’ve had the baby,
oh I wish people wouldn’t comment on the size of pregnant women’s bumps, whether they think they are particularly big or particularly small they should just keep their opinions on it to themselves or just say something nice instead like you look lovely! X

I totally agree, but i have to put my hands up and say before pregnancy in my head i would have maybe made a comment on how big or small someones bump is, but like not asking the question as to whether people are trying for a baby, i now also wont comment on bumps. I know how i felt and would feel when people ask / comment, so i am keeping quiet now, easier said than done :lol: x
I think I’m sorted for most things, got a snuzpod 3 for his crib so he can be next to us for the first 6 months and have got his pram and car seat etc. Just need to get him a chest of drawers now for all his wee clothes! :D
Currently on a 6 hour train journey down to visit my OH’s famoly in Norwich, will be lovely to see them before the birth but it’s certainly the last time I’m travelling for a long time!!
Also, stupid question but when does the third trimester start? Is it 27 or 28 weeks? Every website I look at is different. Trying to figure out if I’m in it yet haha. Sleeping is becoming a nightmare - so uncomfortable! Have made my oh carry my pregnancy pillow all the way down south to Norwich as I refuse to sleep without it haha. Hope you all have a fab Xmas and new year ladies xx

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