****April 2019 Mummies****

Same here too! There’s no way we can afford for me to be on 145 a week! I’m the main earner out of the two of us, luckily I get 6 months full pay, then I will take 1 month smp so 7 months in total, would not be able to afford to be on smp for any longer then that x
Is anyone else getting constant comments on their bump??

I'm 4'11" so I'm a midget. I'm usually a size 8 but have enormous 32G boobs!! haha so I'm naturally curvy, but because I'm so short I guess my bump has no option but to just go straight out!! I am getting so many comments on how big I am.. people ask how far along I am and when I say almost 5 months, they look shocked and say something like 'Wow, how much bigger are you going to get??' or 'I thought you were much further on that that!!'

Now I don't have many body hang-ups, other than my wobbly tummy which I still blame on my daughter even though she's now 11!! And I do enjoy having a big bump and looking 'obviously pregnant', but some comments can just come across as rude! No one comments on how nice/healthy/radiant/goddess-like I look, just how big my bloody tummy is!!!
Is anyone else getting constant comments on their bump??

I'm 4'11" so I'm a midget. I'm usually a size 8 but have enormous 32G boobs!! haha so I'm naturally curvy, but because I'm so short I guess my bump has no option but to just go straight out!! I am getting so many comments on how big I am.. people ask how far along I am and when I say almost 5 months, they look shocked and say something like 'Wow, how much bigger are you going to get??' or 'I thought you were much further on that that!!'

Now I don't have many body hang-ups, other than my wobbly tummy which I still blame on my daughter even though she's now 11!! And I do enjoy having a big bump and looking 'obviously pregnant', but some comments can just come across as rude! No one comments on how nice/healthy/radiant/goddess-like I look, just how big my bloody tummy is!!!

Oh I’m getting constant comments... things like “I look more pregnant then you” and “aw where is the baby hiding” even though I have a pretty normal sized bump, all of my jeans are a size 10 and now far too tight so was buying maternity jeans and had the cashier questioning whether they were for me, wish people would just keep their opinions to themselves I wouldn’t dream of commenting on a pregnant woman’s body!

Another thing aswell is people asking me personal questions, like was it planned, and how long was I trying for, happy to tell my friends all about that but not the randomn lady who sits on the other side of the office who I’ve never even spoke to before!

It’s like it’s open season on you once you become pregnant :rotfl:
Everyone at works keeps commenting on how good I look. Although my manager has mentioned a few times that I look tired, but I think she's just genuinely concerned incase I'm doing too much. I don't actually think my bump is very big. It certainly doesn't measure 21cm from belly button to public bone (which is apparently what it should measure as it should match your weeks). But maybe that's why they don't measure it until your 25 weeks now... Who knows!
I’m going to take the full year off including the unpaid time, it’s going to be incredibly tight money wise but I’m fortunate enough to have some savings behind me to fall back on, but really the savings are meant to be for a new house so I don’t want to dip into them that much!!! £145 a week is incredibly tight, I don’t know how they think anyone can survive off that! Plus £20 odd quid a week child benefit... I’ll probably have about £3 left to my name at the end of each month haha XD
I'm hoping to take the year off. Hubby is at uni so it's going to be tight but I've got a crazy spreadsheet that has everything budgeted for!
I'm looking to take the 9 months then going to go back 3 days per week. We r moving house in 2 weeks and doubling our mortgage so can't really afford to take months 10,11 and 12 off where I would get no pay! My mum doesn't work so childcare isn't an issue for us either!
I took a year off last time, but taking 9 months plus 2 months leave this go.
I'm really lucky I get 6 months full pay then 3 months stat. Can't afford 3 months unpaid though plus I have to be working again in Jan 2020 for DD to get her free hours
Childcare is going to be the big issue for us when I go back to work, as my mum’s a full time student and the OH’s family live all the way down in Norwich (if we lived closer it would have been perfect because his mum is retired!!) and all my other family have jobs and not much spare time. Does anyone know if there’s grants for childcare even if both parents are working? X
I think it's more about family income than whether it's one or two of you who are working? I'm not sure though!
Childcare is going to be the big issue for us when I go back to work, as my mum’s a full time student and the OH’s family live all the way down in Norwich (if we lived closer it would have been perfect because his mum is retired!!) and all my other family have jobs and not much spare time. Does anyone know if there’s grants for childcare even if both parents are working? X

Same here, my mum works full time and OHs mum is disabled, we have no one who can even do half a day for us, we will need to use full time childcare! We don’t qualify for help from child tax credits as income over the threshold even though we are nowhere near well off, I think there is something from the government called tax free childcare where for every pound you pay for childcare the government pay 20p, up to a certain amount I think around 600 quid a month, both partners have to be working full time earning at least minimum wage, so I think you qualify for that if your joint income is above the limit for the childcare element of child tax credits x
Just looked into the tax free childcare abit more...government pay £2 for every £8 you spend on childcare... there is a calculator you can do online where it checks your eligibility and tells you what you are entitled too if you google tax free childcare x
Hi everyone, I had my scan today. All is absolutely fine and the stomach was visualised. I got a peek in 4D it was fab! Just been trying to upload a picture I don't know why my phone won't let me. But 4D pics were great. Very relieved there's no problems and he's growing well xxx
Yayyy!!! I can't believe I actually managed to upload a pic haha! The forum shut off on me a couple of nights ago and it's updated has it done the same for everyone? But I have been able to do more with it now. Thank you night owl, I knew deep down it would be fine but there's always that niggle that gets you questioning things Xxx
Yayyy!!! I can't believe I actually managed to upload a pic haha! The forum shut off on me a couple of nights ago and it's updated has it done the same for everyone? But I have been able to do more with it now. Thank you night owl, I knew deep down it would be fine but there's always that niggle that gets you questioning things Xxx

Yep I think we are all on the new format now, I’m still trying to get used to it!

Hope everyone is ok x
I'm exactly the same IVW.. I would love to take longer off but we just can't afford it! It's stressing me out just thinking of living off SMP for 9 months!!! We will be over £1,000 down and we don't have £1,000 a month spare at the moment so I just don't know how it's going to work!! How they think anyone can live on £145 p/w is just beyond me!!
I am finishing at the end of March and will have 7 days annual leave to take which takes me to the 10th April, 2 days before my due date. I just hope the little man isn't late as I want as much time with him as possible!!! xx

My poor oh will be footing the bill :lol: we are also saving for a mortgage atm as well :roll: but I have been putting extra away as my wages for when it completely drops, but when you have to pay your car bill of £322 it just makes you want to cry even more than usual. You already have another child don't you? I mean it just makes you wonder how all mums do it, but we find a way, even if its those horrid things called credit cards :shock:
Is anyone else getting constant comments on their bump??

I'm 4'11" so I'm a midget. I'm usually a size 8 but have enormous 32G boobs!! haha so I'm naturally curvy, but because I'm so short I guess my bump has no option but to just go straight out!! I am getting so many comments on how big I am.. people ask how far along I am and when I say almost 5 months, they look shocked and say something like 'Wow, how much bigger are you going to get??' or 'I thought you were much further on that that!!'

Now I don't have many body hang-ups, other than my wobbly tummy which I still blame on my daughter even though she's now 11!! And I do enjoy having a big bump and looking 'obviously pregnant', but some comments can just come across as rude! No one comments on how nice/healthy/radiant/goddess-like I look, just how big my bloody tummy is!!!

People just don't think before they talk :roll: if someone is small generally, of course they will look bigger - its not rocket science. Put your bump on me and I bet they wouldn't even question the size of it.x

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