Is anyone else getting constant comments on their bump??
I'm 4'11" so I'm a midget. I'm usually a size 8 but have enormous 32G boobs!! haha so I'm naturally curvy, but because I'm so short I guess my bump has no option but to just go straight out!! I am getting so many comments on how big I am.. people ask how far along I am and when I say almost 5 months, they look shocked and say something like 'Wow, how much bigger are you going to get??' or 'I thought you were much further on that that!!'
Now I don't have many body hang-ups, other than my wobbly tummy which I still blame on my daughter even though she's now 11!! And I do enjoy having a big bump and looking 'obviously pregnant', but some comments can just come across as rude! No one comments on how nice/healthy/radiant/goddess-like I look, just how big my bloody tummy is!!!