****April 2019 Mummies****

Thanks night owl I know this has definitely been a rollercoaster this time for me. But I'm sure it's just a case like you said that baby hadn't swallowed for a while and apparently their tummies can fill and empty pretty quickly. Nice that I get another peek next week though xxx
Eek! So lovely to hear about everyone’s scans!!
MM I’m sure you’ve got nothing to worry about.. just take the positive from it - you get to see the baby again next week!!
We had our extra 20 week anomaly and detailed heart scan at Birmingham yesterday and they were so pleased they said they don’t want to see us again!! So that was amazing news.. the consultant said we will need growth scans every 4 weeks just to keep an eye in case the placenta stops functioning properly, but those will be back at Warwick and that just means we get to see the little man another 4-5 times before we meet him! :)
The scan was lovely.. he was sucking his thumb and did a huge yawn!! Xx
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Stupid question but can you eat ricotta cheese? I’ve got some stuffed pasta (so I will be cooking it anyway) but it doesn’t say on the pack if it’s pasturised or not. I’m guessing it should be alright seeing as I’m cooking the cheese in the pasta? The internet basically says most ricotta’s are fine but doesn’t really give a definitive answer. This is just supermarket stuff so nothing fancy, I’m guessing it’s okay to eat!! Haha x
Stupid question but can you eat ricotta cheese? I’ve got some stuffed pasta (so I will be cooking it anyway) but it doesn’t say on the pack if it’s pasturised or not. I’m guessing it should be alright seeing as I’m cooking the cheese in the pasta? The internet basically says most ricotta’s are fine but doesn’t really give a definitive answer. This is just supermarket stuff so nothing fancy, I’m guessing it’s okay to eat!! Haha x

Me personally would go for it - unless you are eating masses of it, i am sure it will be absolutely fine x
Stupid question but can you eat ricotta cheese? I’ve got some stuffed pasta (so I will be cooking it anyway) but it doesn’t say on the pack if it’s pasturised or not. I’m guessing it should be alright seeing as I’m cooking the cheese in the pasta? The internet basically says most ricotta’s are fine but doesn’t really give a definitive answer. This is just supermarket stuff so nothing fancy, I’m guessing it’s okay to eat!! Haha x

I think it's fine, mist of it is pasteurised. All soft cheeses are fine when cooked even the banned ones. I think the same applies to unpasteurised but not totally 100%
I tucked into some gruyere the other day before realising it was unpasteurised but it was hard so it was fine!
Thanks ladies!
Our pram, car seat and isofix base just arrived.... eek! So exciting :D Scared to take them out of the box incase it’s bad luck or something haha xx
Thanks ladies!
Our pram, car seat and isofix base just arrived.... eek! So exciting :D Scared to take them out of the box incase it’s bad luck or something haha xx

Oh how exciting! I haven’t even properly looked at prams yet eek need to get a move on! think I have a mental block on it cos it’s so bloody expensive and complicated!

If anyone strongly recommends a certain pram or finds a really good deal I would be incredibly grateful to you to let me know, basically I’m too lazy to do the research myself 🤣🤣 xx
I have to find a double pram for a toddler and a new born and my god they are expensive :(

I also have my glucose test tomorrow (I’ll be 19 weeks) as I had glucose in my urine at two appointments and I’m actually really upset I have to do it because I’m awful to get blood from. I get sweaty and sick and almost faint, and they have to use a vein in my upper arm instead of the crease/ hand. It’s just a nightmare.
I’m also really worried it’ll come back positive for diabetes :( oh and it’s at 8:15am, a half hour drive or an hour public transport away, and I have to go on my own!

Boo to tomorrow, basically hah
I have to find a double pram for a toddler and a new born and my god they are expensive :(

I also have my glucose test tomorrow (I’ll be 19 weeks) as I had glucose in my urine at two appointments and I’m actually really upset I have to do it because I’m awful to get blood from. I get sweaty and sick and almost faint, and they have to use a vein in my upper arm instead of the crease/ hand. It’s just a nightmare.
I’m also really worried it’ll come back positive for diabetes :( oh and it’s at 8:15am, a half hour drive or an hour public transport away, and I have to go on my own!

Boo to tomorrow, basically hah

How ols your toddler? I'm hoping not to get a double and either use my pram and a buggy board or sling the baby and push DD in the stroller
I have to find a double pram for a toddler and a new born and my god they are expensive :(

I also have my glucose test tomorrow (I’ll be 19 weeks) as I had glucose in my urine at two appointments and I’m actually really upset I have to do it because I’m awful to get blood from. I get sweaty and sick and almost faint, and they have to use a vein in my upper arm instead of the crease/ hand. It’s just a nightmare.
I’m also really worried it’ll come back positive for diabetes :( oh and it’s at 8:15am, a half hour drive or an hour public transport away, and I have to go on my own!

Boo to tomorrow, basically hah

How ols your toddler? I'm hoping not to get a double and either use my pram and a buggy board or sling the baby and push DD in the stroller

He’s alsmosf 15 months but he’s not yet walking so I’m reluctant to bank on him being a capable walker / have the stamina to stand on a buggy board. I also have sciatica issues and he was born at 8.8lbs so I’d rather not baby wear for a period of time lol

If he was already walking I’d consider the buggy board idea but kid is just too lazy and happy crawling!
My toddler has just turned 2 I think I am going to get a double. I will get the use out of it and with it being my 5th not sure I can cope running round after him haha! I did toy with the idea of buggy boards etc but I am lazy I want an easy life. The donkey looks amazing but is so expensive!!! I have been looking at cosatto doubles xxx
Thanks ladies!
Our pram, car seat and isofix base just arrived.... eek! So exciting :D Scared to take them out of the box incase it’s bad luck or something haha xx

Oh how exciting! I haven’t even properly looked at prams yet eek need to get a move on! think I have a mental block on it cos it’s so bloody expensive and complicated!

If anyone strongly recommends a certain pram or finds a really good deal I would be incredibly grateful to you to let me know, basically I’m too lazy to do the research myself ���� xx

This was exactly me, kind of looked every now and then but almost got overwhelmed with it all so just didnt bother looking into anymore than just looking.

There is too much choice and varying prices.

I would suggest going to somewhere like mothercare where you can have a look and push about and then have a look online for that particular model as they are always cheaper on line.

We have a 'baby barn' down near us and almost got sucked in to the sale of ours, but i am grateful for it, for once :lol: as i would never had made a decision otherwise x
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That sugar drink tasted horrific. Yikes.

I have heard its pretty grim. They have put me down for needing it, but i really dont need to - its my half brother who has diabetes, no one in my immediate family :roll: so i am telling them i want it.
Ah OK. Mine will be 2. 5 when babs is born so am hoping it won't be an issue! I still carried her until I got pregnant (just being over cautious probably!) but hope I can tandem carry sometimes 😍
I have a cossato pram, they are funky.
Hi there everyone, hope everyone is well !

I am brand new to this forum and i saw this thread and i felt obliged to post!

This is my first pregnancy and i am due on april 10th 2019 !

anyone got any tips on how to stop this constant itching :wall2: on the tummy !?
Welcome cj, have added you to the due date list. :) As for itching I can’t really give any advice as I haven’t had any itching! But maybe massaging in a moisturiser might be a nice way of relieving the itch - even for just a little bit. A bit less intense than just scratching :) x
Hi there everyone, hope everyone is well !

I am brand new to this forum and i saw this thread and i felt obliged to post!

This is my first pregnancy and i am due on april 10th 2019 !

anyone got any tips on how to stop this constant itching :wall2: on the tummy !?

Welcome CJ :)

I would suggest using a really good moisturiser and avoiding tight clothes which might irritate it further like tights etc, you could always speak to the midwife too and see what they suggest

Do you know what you are having yet? X
Welcome CJ <3 I feel your frustrating with the itchy tummy, mine is more apparent at work, which is never ideal :lol:
I currently use bio oil on mine, purely to prevent stretch marks, so that might also help.x
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