**** April 2015 Mummies ****

I've been getting them in my feet but I put that down to me sitting funny, although will bring it up with midwife at next appointment.

On another note, has anyone else noticed the October mummies now have a thread in tri 1?? It's just mad how quickly the time is going!!
Tri hopping here, CDx, carpal tunnel syndrome can occur in pregnancy which causes pins & needles in your hands. I've been suffering with it for the last few months and it has got worse lately, my grip doesn't work properly sometimes now!
Thanks Baby_C ill have a look into that. It seems to ease as the days go on.

That is crazy Cossie. I can't believe I only have 11 weeks left and that some of you are already in single figures of weeks time really is going too quickly.
Sorry to hear Prettypee xx

I'm defo in the ok sleep club terrible night again even after DTD!!

Agree with getting out of breath to simply out socks on. I'm going to have to remove toe varnish tonight so they don't look a state and I can't reach them!

Heartburn is creeping back, but milk soothes and satisfies a craving so it's not all bad I suppose!! Lol.

My back has eased so much, I'm glad I didn't bother my Dr. I'm thinking it's sciatica because it's eased, but my pelvis does feel odd when walking down the stairs xxx
Sorry to hear Prettypee xx

Agree with getting out of breath to simply out socks on. I'm going to have to remove toe varnish tonight so they don't look a state and I can't reach them!

I think with regards to toes looking pretty I'm going to get myself a pedicure once I go on maternity a) to relieve achy feet and b) to pretty up my toes a bit as like you Chazabell I can no longer do them myself!!! (I got OH to paint them last time = disaster! :lol:) Really glad to hear your back has eased up! :D
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Hello lovely mummies to be :)

Been off here for quite some time now, I stopped commenting when I was about 9weeks. I just couldn't cope with morning sickness and concentrating at the same time, then life took over and now I have found I am completely slowing down and spending many nights wide awake. With husband back at sea I'm feeling a little lonely and remembered how silly I have been not chatting to you supportive ladies. So I am back :)

Looking forward to catching up with you all and the countdown for the last trimester and due date is ON,!!! Scary.
Hi Guys as an update from earlier the pain has now gone but when using the hot water bottle she got very active and kept punching and kicking where I had the ache bless her...it did eventually go and could walk again lol... On another note had a coffee morning today with other mums and mums-to-be and saw a 4month old and a 4 week old baby there - soo adorable! The funny thing is the lady with the four month old asked me to hold her son for a bit and it was a bit of a reality check but a very pleasant one. One minute I was stroking my bump as she was kicking (likes noisy environments lol) and the next was carrying a 13Ib 4 month old baby. I instinctively knew how to hold him and also started bouncing my knee and must have had a cheshire grin on my face lol. She soon saw I was OK with him and let me hold him a little longer (she was sorting her bags out or something) and he was gurgling, drivvling and smiling. Now I know I was lucky to not get an upset baby or one that was sick all down me but I just suddenly thought 'this feels natural' (after thinking boy is he heavy lol) and realised that this would be be in August with our baby girl. I wasn't filled with shock or scared but excited and comfortable with the idea and can't get the feeling and the memory out of my head. It surprised me I guess as being a first time Mum and not having held a baby in a very long time felt strange how natural it was for me...Also further reinstates the fact that Omigosh I'm gonna have one of those in less than 10 weeks time lol...She seems to like the way it made me feel as she has been non stop rolling and kicking all day lol....
Hello lovely mummies to be :)

Been off here for quite some time now, I stopped commenting when I was about 9weeks. I just couldn't cope with morning sickness and concentrating at the same time, then life took over and now I have found I am completely slowing down and spending many nights wide awake. With husband back at sea I'm feeling a little lonely and remembered how silly I have been not chatting to you supportive ladies. So I am back :)

Looking forward to catching up with you all and the countdown for the last trimester and due date is ON,!!! Scary.

Welcome back! Let me know your due date and whether you are Team Yellow/Pink/Blue so I can add you to the front page. I'm sorry you are feeling so lonely, it must be really tough with your husband being away :-(
Welcome back Kelly! :-)

Glad to hear your aches have cleared kitten :-D other people's babies make me teary! I think it's the reality that I'm going to be a mummy in a couple of months and the thought excites me and yet petrifies me at the same time!!!
Hey Rooster, it's 25th April and team BLUE...didn't want to know the sex, but I had to check if the tackle was what I was seeing haha. Him being away has been difficult, but on the plus side, I am used to it and was the same story with my first son, I think it's harder for him this time round as he won't be here for the birth this time round and I'm possibly having a c section and he struggled to accept these two big bits of news. Heyho!!

I really don't know how you do it. One night with my OH away and I am on edge.
Aww Rooster, trust me when I say, you could do it!! If you can carry, give birth and raise a child, you can do ANYTHING. But....the other way round? Nope...men couldn't cope without us :D hehe.
Three days in.a row I have woken up at 5:10 exactly needed A wee. How strange! I'm so glad It's Friday but boy do I need more sleep :(
All the joys of pregnancy :( I wake up at 3am on the dot also...and end up watching TV by 4am when I finally give in to the fact I won't be sleeping again. I just have to keep reminding myself that as soon as this bump is born...I will be thinking back to this 'lack' of sleep as commical. Ugh. My toddler hasn't got a clue what is going to be hitting us soon haha...
I wish it were peeing that was keeping me up, but nope - I get severe heartburn :( I really hope I'm not about to pop out a gorilla!!! :lol:
Bless... I second the 4-5am toilet visit...always happens when turnover n then she starts kicking bladder! Have to be quick to avoid accidents. She then keeps me up for 20mins settling n then fall asleep again...heartburn has kept its distance reclined pillows have solved it for me. Get neck ache instead when lying on side but prefer that to heartburn. With aches n pains find u always have to decide on one u can handle as if its not one thing its another lol...I.e. lying on side on sofa - gives back a rest but hurts shoulder n neck...lying flat on bak in bed for short while - sorts out aching hips or legs but gives u backache - cant win lol...
I get into bed after using bathroom only to get out 2 mins later and have the tiniest wee, my boy thinks it's funny up push on mummies bladder!!

Slept much better last night with the V pillow behind me instead of through my legs. Even managed to get snuggles from Hubby like 'old' times ha ha!

Only 7 more shifts in work. I finish for maternity leave 2 weeks today!! xxx
This is a bit embarrassing but does anyone else get a sore fanjo in the night?

It's usually after I've woken up to go wee, I feel like it needs a good airing! I didn't know whether it was normal or get some cream for it (god imagine asking for that in boots!)

This week has been a nightmare though, my son has come down with chicken pox and is suffering sooooo badly! He keeps waking up feeling sick or sore and I can't even rub him to comfort him :-(

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