**** April 2015 Mummies ****

So is 31 weeks officially the week during which pregnancy becomes extremely uncomfortable? I can't seem to get comfy at all. I'm going to bed aching and waking up feeling like utter crap.

Sorry for the downer ladies, I'm really struggling at the moment and I feel awful for it because of course I wouldn't be without my baby I just wish pregnancy was a little bit easier. Emotionally I'm not really having the best time, hormones are really messing me around lately that all I seem to be doing is crying. Yesterday morning I cried because I struggled putting my own socks on!! Once again, I'm sorry for putting a dampner on your days, I just needed to sort of get it of my chest xx
Oh dear :-( Do you have a pregnancy pillow? That might help you get comfy? Comfort more or less goes out if the window after a certain stage as the baby gets bigger to carry. It isn't fun.

My hormones have always been bonkers but I too am definitely getting more upset more easily. I was almost in tears yesterday because my 7 month old nephew ate the same meal that my 2 year old refused. I had a bitter 'whyyyyy me' moment! I hate pregnancy hormones :lol: They make me so irrational!

I have a persistent cough that luckily hasn't graduated to anything worse, but I am wondering if I have a mild chest infection or something. It's a stubborn cough with phlegm that's been going on for a few weeks and I have a bit of a runny nose that I've had for equally as long and I am a bit wheezy this morning. No temperature though, and generally okay n myself. Not sure what to do really, I might leave it another week and see what the cough situation is like then. I hate going to doctors to feel like I'm wasting their time.
:hugs: guys, I'm with you on the bonkers hormones, am soo teary at the moment its not true. I think for me a lot of it is pain based, I'm struggling to sleep because of it, and so that has an impact as well.

Hope your day goes ok guys and isn't too hard xx
Thanks for understanding :hugs:

I have a pregnancy pillow but I'm still trying to find the positioning that is right for me. The standard 'under bump and in between legs' doesn't seem to work for me as I then end up waking several times with seizures in my knees. I'm sure one day it will come and it'll be right when i don't need the pillow any more! :lol:

Hormones really are pants as I just want to spend my time crying at the moment. I'm with you on the lack of sleep emma which I don't think helps the tearyness at all!!

I hope everyone else is having a better day so far than I am! :)
Ive been finding myself stressing at anything and everything the last couple of days. My oh seems to find it funny as well but most the things he does lately annoy the utter crap outta me just simple things lol. He kept picking his nails last night and I could hear the clicking noise so I threw a pillow at him lol.

Anyone else having weird dreams? I had one last night where id had the baby and they was all like oh you've got a boy scan was wrong. And then handed me the baby and walked out and left us :/
I nearly cried watching something on TV the other night I cant remember what it was I was watching but I know it was something daft to cry at x
Crying at a tv program isn't daft. When you find yourself crying at the compare the market advert where they leave the baby meerkat behind then it's daft!
I really cant remember what it was that made me cry lol. It'll come to later today when im not even thinking about it.
Ive gotta get ready now to go back out in the cold to pick Lilly up from nursery. Far too cold to go out even though the school is only a 10 min walk or 15 min walk if ive got Ollie with me or if Lilly decides its a go slow day and decides thay every step she takes she has to stop and take a breather lol.
Shes gotten rather excited at the idea of the chicken egga hatching at school while shes there. Not looking forward to picking my eldest up from school at 10 past 3 as thats when I've gotta go food shopping :( xx
I've been uncomfortable for a good 2 weeks. Constantly in pain somewhere, can't sleep / lay or sit comfortably even with my pillows. Can't put socks or shoes on, can't bend down to pick things up ( i actually have to get on my knees then try and get back up after!)

My moods are all over the place and I'm constantly complaining.... I honestly want to cry every time I think about how long I have left :(
Oh dear, it seems this is the time to get emotional/hormonal for most of us... I am getting more mood swings, some tearful moments as well! Also have pain in my knees and hips at night, heartburn is becoming nearly everyday thing. Finding comfortable sitting position is becoming a challenge.
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had my growth scan, all ok, measuring along the 10th centile which is fine apparently! still 100% breech though :( my vbac plans seem to be slipping away, so scared of another section! xxx
Sounds like we are all in this together with the hormones ladies! At least it's all of us together :) 8 weeks isn't too bad prettypee! At least it's single figures now! I've got 9 weeks left til DD and 6 weeks til maternity leave (which I really can't wait for!!)

Glad everything went ok rebecca - did they mention anything about ways to try to turn baby? xx
nope :( just said still time to move but shes been like this for weeks now :( im going to have a read tonight and get bouncing on my ball! have a consultant birthing appointment in 2 weeks so will see what the situation is then! also noticed in my notes that today placenta is anterior, yet notes for 20 weeks says posterior, that seems weird to me! how can it move back to front! strange xxx
Well that's pants. You would have thought they'd be a bit more helpful!

Is anyone else's movements starting to get a bit more painful? It's almost like baby has decided he's going to somersault and roly-poly even though there is not enough room to do so! And it honestly hurts! I used to love him moving because it tickled but boy have they become painful now! I feel like a right whinger at the moment - really sorry ladies! I don't want or mean to bring anyone down!
Yes movements are becoming painful. The rolls and turns feel so tight and uncomfortable and I have to stop what im doing just to take a deep breath until it passes. The joys hey ( I'm 29+5) xx
Hi cossie our girl is the same especially when lie on my side I sometimes get simultaneous kicks/punches both sides same time n yes have gone oomph a few times more from shock than pain but she hasnt found my ribs yet lol...having more jabs on cervix too no fun lol. I always smile though every movement I feel...she is definitely complaining bout lack of space lol...
Thanks guys. I think it must be babies getting annoyed at the lack of room! I can't wait for 9 weeks time and hopefully he'll arrive when he should at the beginning of April!
Ditto, getting tired of having to change position so frequently, spend time on birthing ball, on all fours, sitting, standing, lying on side...have to keep it varied as she is really heavy on my coxxyx (not sure how to spell...) now....she was 3.4Ibs at 28wk scan so expect by have scan at 32 she'll be 4.5/5Ibs! Ouch...
Glad I'm not the only one getting uncomfortable and struggling with sleeping as I can't get comfy. Sitting gets uncomfortable too now. Baby kicking ribs is not too pleasant and feels very strange and looks even stranger when the baby's bum or head pops out the side of my belly. It seems to prefer my right hand side so my bump looks very odd and lopsided. less than 10 weeks to go, 8 weeks of work and counting :-)

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