**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Snavenator my three had chicken pox over Xmas my eldest was the worst. You can give him antihistamines to help with the itching it worked a treat with my son. He done nothing but sleep and moan that he was really itchy.
Have you thought you might have thrush? Sometimes to worse of a night for being sore and itchy? Have you had any other symptoms?
I hate talking about thursh symptoms with my doc cuz its a bloke and its like he doesn't seem to understand.
I havent felt right for a few days tired achy and headaches :( dunno what's goin on :/

Hi snave its certainly tender in the morning like the muscles I use to pee ache a little...but thats it.

Chazabell she does the same to me in evening. I recognise its her kicking bladder n cervix but still sends a msg to brain saying time to wee lol.
Hey, how we all doing?

Not much happening with me at the moment, for which I am grateful. I've gone a bit bonkers with online shopping though. I've bought a gorgeous lambskin liner for the carseat/buggy. Since this baby is having all of its brother's hand-me-downs (Cot, buggy, car seat, bedding, furniture, old toys etc), I wanted to treat it to a little luxury. I've also bought an Aden & Anais Easy Snuggle, a mirror for the car, some fresh cheeky wipes, water wipes for hospital and topped up on some bottles.

I'm also looking at getting the buggy/carrycot/footmuff/car seat professionally cleaned and serviced too - I've been quoted £135 for the lot including having them picked up from my house and returning them when they've been cleaned. What do we reckon? Is it a good price?

Also my new changing bag is arriving soon, hopefully Saturday or Monday - can't wait! Once I receive it I'll probably start packing it immediately, I have NO patience :lol:
Whoa...£135??? Gosh...I won't tell my husband about that, he will charge me as I made him take it apart and clean it, scrub it and put it back together before he left...took him a while, but so beautiful again. My son hasn't used it for nearly a year as I bought a cheap buggy. Buts a tandem so he can go back in it when this one is born on those days he doesn't want to walk anymore. I'm guessing it's a good price if you are happy to pay for the convenience. I never even knew their was such a service.

Like you rooster, this one is having hand me downs on the LOT, clothes, toys etc...so I'm going to go in a spree next week with my mum, I want a new bag, which one have you gone for? I have just bought some new bottles and new parts for my breast pump...but that's it so far.

Has anyone done their labour bag?? I have been soooo slack about it this time round...can't even remember what to pack.
If I had £135 I'd pay it but we've still got so much to buy and not that much left to buy it with! Luckily our parents are helping out a bit. OH's parents are contributing to furniture and potentially a new washing machine as ours doesn't sound overly healthy! My mum and dad have bought us a travel cot and are going to be decorating nursery for us when the room is empty :) we're very lucky!!!

I'm not too bad. Exhausted. I had to fall asleep sat bolt upright last night as it was the only position in which heartburn did not affect me!

We are off to Birmingham tonight to see Spamalot! Should be fun and It'll be good to have a laugh again as I don't feel I've done much of that lately!
Cossie13 sooooo jealous, really want to see spamalot :) I really hope it does make you belly laugh...not too much though haha, my bladder isn't up for much giggling at the moment haha. You slept sitting up???
Oh Cossie thats no fun and believe me I've tried...I can nap perched up right but not sleep...have you tried gaviscon? One night when I couldnt shift it tried it and fell asleep within minutes, took it away completely but there we go...everyone is different.
when we moved a few months ago we found that the car seat and pushchair had gone a bit mouldy in the attic, grrrr, although it has meant i get to pick new ones which has been quite nice. The one i wanted was reduced on mothercare to £160 http://www.mothercare.com/Cosatto-Y...ssories--Fable/599063,default,pd.html#q=fable

i feel completely unprepared at the moment, the builders only left at the weekend and they had been here for 4 months, every single room need decorating, new carpets, new curtains etc and i feel like it's getting a bit tight.

Has anyone started packing for hospital yet?or started antenatal? our classes start in about 2 weeks i think, but again, i really have no idea :/
Hi Lepus, bless ya we have almost finished a 3year house decoration so know how you feel, On final bits of painting now and OH has promised no major jobs after week 36/37. I have hospital bag packed although for me its two holdalls; one for me and one for baby...I am one of these that need to put in everything can think of even if dont need it all...plus planning a homebirth so will have them accessible in the room I labour in in case dont need to go to hospital. Think only thing havent packed is snacks etc...they will be lastminute additions... We start NCT classes next Tuesday so will feel very close then...
I have a labour bag and baby bag packed.

Also have everything sorted, just waiting to pick up car seat and pram next week and that's everything. Only thing I don't have is playmat but not in a rush for that just yet.

Nct classes start tomorrow and baby shower is on Sunday :)

All go here - it going to feel very real by the end of the weekend...
Gosh...I really am the most unprepared mother here :D typical me.

Ok must do hospital bags.

No antenatal classes for me, never did them with my son, won't do them this time round, not my cup of tea at all.
I'm a planning freak haha I don't like being unprepared which is reason we wanted to know sex :) xx
Whoa...£135??? Gosh...I won't tell my husband about that, he will charge me as I made him take it apart and clean it, scrub it and put it back together before he left...took him a while, but so beautiful again. My son hasn't used it for nearly a year as I bought a cheap buggy. Buts a tandem so he can go back in it when this one is born on those days he doesn't want to walk anymore. I'm guessing it's a good price if you are happy to pay for the convenience. I never even knew their was such a service.

Like you rooster, this one is having hand me downs on the LOT, clothes, toys etc...so I'm going to go in a spree next week with my mum, I want a new bag, which one have you gone for? I have just bought some new bottles and new parts for my breast pump...but that's it so far.

Has anyone done their labour bag?? I have been soooo slack about it this time round...can't even remember what to pack.

I've gone for a Pacapod Mirano this time... thank fully my mum has kindly bought it for us.

How did your OH clean everything down? What products did he use? This would be a cheaper route to go down!

Luckily we have £135 purely because we have hardly had to buy anything at all! I really did want to get a new buggy but there is seriously no justification for such expenditure when my sons buggy works perfectly well and all it needs is a really good scrub down!

I started packing my labour bag today... but then my son decided to help - so in my bag I have, two nighties, and old night shirt, breast pads, maternity pads, nursing bras, sleep bras, a boat, a monkey and a truck :lol: Think i'm sorted!
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I haven't even started properly to pack our bags yet for hospital ive put a few bits in like Lil miss babygrows hats and vests gonna start tomorrow I think and make a list what we need.
Feel like im starting to be a Lil panicked Cuz my palms of my hands are itchy and my soles of my feet are starting to itch but not too badly but I know the itch is there even though I can ignore it most of the time it only started this morning after taking my eldest to school xx
Have you spoken to your MW about it? I think you need to rule out OC?
Hi guys our little girl has been head down n either back to back or sidelying. Researched it n spent 20mins in birthing pool on all fours n after a lot of kicks think she has turned as now have more of an outie n pressure at belly button n kicks feel like on the sides more. Fx it worked!
Hahaha ROOSTER, I'm sure my son will add an 'essential' for him too :)

I never realised you could take the covers off (oyster max) but you can unscrew them and the canopy/hood is a zipper etc...he washed them in the washing machine and used dettol mould remover which I begged him not to use as our pram is red and scared it would bleach it a lighter colour and become mottled, but he used a nail brush and scrubbed away the mould and dirt and then put them back into the washing machine....it was pretty bad to start with (mould from leaving damp in the garage etc) and it came out like new...no mottling. So he cleaned our buggy and the car seat in the same way and everything is really clean.

BREAST PADS....yes....you just reminded me of something missing off my list, I'm writing one now and these totally went out of my memory...
i havent spoken to her yet, i didnt have time to phone her earlier as was so busy with the kids and making sure they put their clothes away and cleaned their room.

its weird how it has suddenly come on i wouldnt think anything of it any other time but me being me i googled it and thought i would ask on here as well and google as always is the stuff of nightmares and i hated the stuff that was written on there and it all sounded horrible.
So if i've still got this tomorrow i'll give my midwife a ring and see what she says i just dont want to be told that i'll have to monitored even more closely than what i already am.
I'm kinda paranoid its all in my head and that i'm making it up and its not actually there if you know what i mean.
i know its there and i can feel the itch my oh thinks i'm being daft and that i may have had an allergic reaction to something but i've not changed anything i've used or have been using.

I'm not too sure if baby has moved to head down or shes lying across just had a good few kicks/prods to my right side and then felt something down low so not too sure if its her head or not :/ xx
Even if you are just being paranoid a simple blood test will clear it up. Then you'll know whether or not the itching is pregnancy itching or OC.
I had crazy itching a few weeks ago and the blood test came back clear, so it's just down to pregnancy changes in my system xx

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