**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Welcome to Tri 3! Do you know your babies gender?

Thanks, I can't wait to meet our new little bubba. I'm feeling very unorganised though. I really do need the next 11 weeks :lol:

Sorry it's taken ages to reply, I don't seem to get on here much these days and miss loads of what's going on with you ladies!
No, I'm team yellow, although I have my suspicions it's a boy...guess I'll find out soon enough, although I also suspect being due on the 27th I'm more likely going to be a May mummy than an April mummy, unless this one wants to meet me as I much as I want to meet him/her!
Hahaha ROOSTER, I'm sure my son will add an 'essential' for him too :)

I never realised you could take the covers off (oyster max) but you can unscrew them and the canopy/hood is a zipper etc...he washed them in the washing machine and used dettol mould remover which I begged him not to use as our pram is red and scared it would bleach it a lighter colour and become mottled, but he used a nail brush and scrubbed away the mould and dirt and then put them back into the washing machine....it was pretty bad to start with (mould from leaving damp in the garage etc) and it came out like new...no mottling. So he cleaned our buggy and the car seat in the same way and everything is really clean.

BREAST PADS....yes....you just reminded me of something missing off my list, I'm writing one now and these totally went out of my memory...

See, I'm not sure if I can take the covers off mine so it makes it more tricky. However, my mum has a steam cleaner and I might go out and buy some Vanish, Disinfectant and some good scrubbing brushes/sponges and see what we can do. Another company quoted me £175 to have it all done professionally :shock: So, yeah, might try and do it myself instead.

No problems Dodsy, I've added your little Team Yellow bundle to the front page..I too, suspect I'll have a boy. I suspect most of us Team Yellow mummies will have boys as there are lots of little girls due at the moment!
My Lil boy woke up at quarter to 8 this morning so that was a lovely little lie in an extra 2 and half hours sleep :)
Palms and soles and feet are still itchy can ignore it a bit but still annoying.

Woke up with headache as well hope it will pass as the day goes by. Gotta go into town later to get my eldest boy some new school shoes and pick up a few more bits for baby hopefully I can manage round town without my headache getting worse or coming back if ir goes xx
Hi guys didnt sleep too well as after an hr on left side foubd my left hip n thigh cramping up something chronic n so turned to right n ditto so been turning right to left every hr pretty much. ..as a result very achy muscles in lower bak n bum. Wondering if its my body adjusting to her now being posterior...movements r different too just jabs right n left whereas before felt lots to n bottom...im pleased she's in correct position but boy does it ache lol.
Cannot recommend a pregnancy spa treatment enough ladies! Had one yesterday a treatment to improve circulation in your legs, moisture mask for bump and an amazing facial, neck and shoulder massage. Feel so much better just what I needed.

Hi CDx I have a pregnancy massage every two weeks which generally eases things, got to wait until Wednesday for the night one but did some research and the sidelying pelvic stretch seemed to help (check out spinningbabies for the info) as well as time on the ball and general arm, leg and hip stretches, feel better now but boy did it hurt, felt like she had suddenly put on 2Ibs overnight! Good news is she is still lying with her back to my belly button (anterior I think that is not posterior) but feel her movements less so have to be mindful of that and not get worried lol, hard to do when you've been used to 3 or 4 frantic kicking and punching sessions daily, she now is doing that on the other side lol...
How's everyone today?

I'm rather annoyed at the OH today. Due to uni he's having to stay up in Derby in April while I'm down in Bucks preparing for the baby. His parents are lending him a car so he can reach me if I go into Labour early. He's now turned around to me and said that he may have to stay at uni until May which is not very helpful. So I've gotta spend over a month by myself and looks like he's just going to come down for the birth and then leave me with a new born. I just don't want to be left with a new born by myself and I think he'll miss out on important bonding time. I just wish that he wasn't so lazy and would get his work done earlier! I swear men are so inconsiderate!
Oh no :-( I'd find that really frustrating too lizziii, in fact I'd be ruddy well p*ssed off, to be honest.

How's everyone doing today. We've finally decided on our boys middle name (we think :lol: ) so both names are fully sorted - can't wait to find out which name we use! Definitely feeling curious as to the gender now!
That sounds amazing CDx! I might be able to guilt the OH into letting me have a bit of pampering soon, given that he left me to do everything yesterday and disappeared off to get drunk with his mates and looks like he'll be in bed most of the day nursing a hangover lol

Lizzii, that sounds awful, I would be more than a bit peed off, i would be absolutely furious!!

I haven't even thought about packing yet, I'm not sure if it's because it's second time i'm a bit more blase, or if it's that the house is a total tip and finding anything is a nightmare. I still need to wash all the clothes and nappies...if i can find them, joys of moving!? we just did antenatal classes at out children's centre last time and doing the same this time just as a bit of a refresher. They're not really my cup of tea either, i found them a bit boring last time.

Any second/third etc time mummies finding themselves thinking about previous labour a lot at the moment? i keep going through the whole thing in my head and remembering bits i'd forgotten!
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Ugh....it's ALL I'm thinking about is my previous labour haha. But...I'm being advised to have a c section as I had a 3rd degree tear and my healing of the (ahem) sphincter isn't satisfactory :( I know I will go down this route as it's the professional advice and I really don't want future complications and being told this baby will be larger than my first (9lb13) but I am petrified of an epidural/needle and the healing process...I'll have my mum around me to help so there are positives.

I actually started to pack yesterday...and gave up.
Lizzimay I would be more than annoyed too I think I would have a full blown meltdown!

I need a bit of a rant probably being over the top but so annoyed! MIL is down this weekend and she brought loads of baby stuff which is lovely bit she's bought a pink and a blue outfit even through we don't know what baby is...I hope she's not presuming that because it's the first gender specific outfit baby has that it means it will be their first outfit because we already have that picked out depending on babies weight. When talking about nappies I said I didn't want to stock up I would rather try a brand see how baby reacts and stay with the same ones instead of changing between nappies and wipes and if baby ends up with any reactions not knowing where it's come from. Well she's bought nappies and 5 different brands of wipes, saying I know you said but...but nothing that's what me and OH had agreed on so she shouldn't be questioning it or just doing whatever she likes anyway! Then she kept going on about once baby is here the dog won't be allowed upstairs anymore and how we should put safety gates up already to stop her...not once did we mention this and shes just assumed this is the right thing to do I was fuming! luckily OH told her that while the dog won't be allowed in babies room it's still her house and we are going to try keep things as normal as possible for her. The subject of breastfeeding came up again and i think shes really not happy I've decided to bottle feed but again it's not her choice what we do

Then the thing that really pissed me off she asked to see pictures of babies room on my phone which I happily handed my phone over to show her, now any normal person would get to a picture that wasn't what they were meant to be looking at and hand the phone back, in this case my 29 week bump picture. No not her she kept going. At the spa I had taken a few bump pics of me in my bikini but obviously not feeling too body confident at the moment they were only intended for my and my OH to see. She then showed her partner going oh look how big bump looks here. Who even does that?? she didn't even apologise or understand why it was out of order when OH told her to stop.

They have just came to see babies room and thankfully are on their way back home. So glad they don't live closer I don't think I could cope!!
Ugh CDx she sounds like a nightmare! Although at least your other half seems to have been supportive!
My ex MIL told me when I was pregnant first time round that I was incredibly naive and that baby couldn't go straight into his cot for bedtime sleeping (she said he would die) and that I should probably invest in an AngelCare monitor as their is a history of cot death in their family.
Now, whilst these were probably fair warnings (baby didn't die and slept in his cot overnight as soon as we got home!) when you're 21, and away from home for the weekend, that is NOT what you need to hear.
I just had to tell her that I had my Mum at home to tell me if I was doing it wrong, and that while her advice was appreciated I would be doing it my way. Xx
It's amazing how everyone becomes an expert when you are pregnant even when it's been 20+ years since they experienced it themself. That's awful your anxious enough bringing a new baby home especially your first so while it's nice to be be aware of family history there's better ways to put it.
My MIL is a nightmare!

She caused nothing but hassle for our wedding so had nothing to do with my until 28 weeks. Then she thinks I'm wrong for not wanting to bring my child up in a diet of wotsits and chocolate buttons. And regardless of what I think I'll end up in jar food and convenience.....I bloody well won't. I've wanted this for 5 years. Hubby and I have discussed our thoughts and plans in great detail!!

She hasn't realised yet that the baby will not be visiting her house. Now.....this is because she is a chain smoker and smokes in the house with her grandchildren around, even when I'm there she smokes and I have no option but to leave....it makes me gag and feel suffocated! My child is not inhaling that nor is he coming home smelling like an ash tray!!!

People just don't think before they pass their opinion on your life and your child!! xxxx
Smoking is a real issue for us too luckily our mums don't smoke and most relatives have now given up but our little one won't be visiting one of OHs aunt's house because of this - even if she smokes outside while we are there she will smoke inside any other time so baby will still be at risk of inhaling fumes.

Why would someone think it would be so hard to bulk prepare healthy meals for baby? I know someone who thought it was hilarious their 2 year old ate a whole box of malteasers in one sitting and their favourite food was deep fried onion rings. I don't always have the best diet myself but I know my child will eat better than that.
Hey all. Starting to feel huge. Am 29 weeks tomorrow. Last shift at work tonight. Be glad when it's over lol.
Baby will eat what we eat, I'll cook without salt etc and purée and batch freeze for him. I don't see this being difficult at all. It's an extra what.....10 mins?

All of my hubby's family smoke and drink coffee like tar or buckets of tea....my hubby is complete opposite!!!

Just had a major nesting afternoon, cleared my wardrobe, scrubbed our room. Next stop bathroom....woohoo xxx
Got to say, It entirely depends on how your child reacts. I had real trouble weaning and despite our best intentions our child had to have the package stuff as it was that or he eat nothing - we always gave him what we ate, spent mornings batch cooking meals and pureeing them just to be greeted with shorts, cries and hits. Weaning is stressful and certainly lovely to have all these ideas which are great, but the baby had other plans. I found it so so so hard to deal with.
But, MILs are awful - full sympathies ther. I don't know how they all give everyone grief all the time! There must be some good ones out there?!
Oh cdx, mil are out here on earth to test us...(we will all be one one day!!!) mine means well, but annoys the life out of me sometimes, but we are worlds apart...she is Eco, hippy, save the world, never raise your voice to your child let them get away with murder sort and I'm a little bit more...normal!

I completely sympathise with you and the flicking through the photos is a HUGE invasion of privacy and misuse of trust. That would have enfuriated me beyond reasoning I'm afraid. And good on your oh for telling his mum that it is the digs home too...all you can do is wait until your baby is home and just see how you ALL react to the changes. There is no point in trying to plan anything without having that baby home. She should know that...

Weening is a nightmare, many a night my son went to bed on just a few spoonfuls of food and the tears/tantrums sent me through the roof at times. He ate what we ate, and that was that!!! End of...when we were out and about I did use bottled jars and he ate them cold, this always worked and the backlash I received from my mil and sil was amusing to say the least....especially when my sil started weening her son a few months later...then she realised you will struggle. Her son is nearly 2 and because she over fusses and caves in to his every tantrum, he is the worst and fussiest eater you can imagine. But I don't put my pennies worth in because I didn't appreciate it from her, so I won't do it to her...but hard to resist the sniggers sometimes.

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