**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Joining the club in uncomfortable! Everything is such an effort!!
Had our growth scan est weight atm is 3lb 3ozs. But they are wildly innacurate! We were told DD was 6lb 5ozs at our 34 week scan... 4 weeks later she was born 6lb 2!! So i take it with a pinch of salt. Main thing is considering once again my bump is measuring big baby is measuring perfect!
We attached our crib to the bed last night do everything is ready and we swapped sides of the bed to get used to it before baby arrives. Horrendous nights sleep. My legs were everywhere! Couldn't get comfortable, cannot wait to lie on my front. Will be even better lying on my front watching my baby....imagine :) xxx
Hi Aimee, cant believe we're almost the same due date Aimee and yet she's not hitting my ribs yet, haven't seen any limbs or bum sticking out either but mayb cos I have anterior placenta? Ditto on the getting comfortable lol, I think 6 pillows almost covers it lol...
Sorry to read yous are all having a rough time with hormones I've still only had my 1 meltdown at new year but like I said then my hormones are all over the place normally so pregnancy seems to be agreeing with me and settling them. Totally preparing for crazy baby blues.

Last night I felt a knee or elbow move right across my hand almost as if I was holding it was so strange but lovely too then the did a little flip that OH felt.

Sleep wise I am struggling with sleep guaranteed I'm Waking 2-3 times a night and struggling to get comfortable. People are commenting on how I've seemed to balloon these past few weeks and I can feel a difference when trying to do things. Today in work I was back and forth between the training room and my desk and had to take 10 minutes to try reduce my heart rate I felt it was pumping out my chest - guess that cant be helping the high blood pressure.

OH is currently laying the floor in baby's room. The past few days he has been fab getting the house organised and making sure I rest. I can't wait to see him with our baby I just know he is going to be amazing.
This baby is way low down so I'm not feeling anything on my ribs, and I did last time. I think baby knows the exit point already, it just needs to flip over!

I keep needing to pee in the night, it's so frustrating as I hate getting up to go to the loo in the night, I often try and go back to sleep but after half an hour realise I really should just get up and go :lol:
I'm waking up every couple of hours during the night due to sore hips and needing to roll over - which is a mission and a half at the moment! seriously feel like a hoist would be a good idea! lol Add in needing to get up to go to the loo, and I'm fighting a loosing battle! Thank god I'm able to nap during the day (signed off because of PGP)

What have you ladies decided to take to actually give birth in? I know I don't want anything special (as I know it may get ruined), but no idea what I should wear! (such a daft question, but has been rolling over in my mind for a few days)

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I got a cheap bikini for pool ( will probably just stay naked) and a cheap tesco nightdress which can get ruined, after birth I have a nicer black nursing one with matching nightdress.
I have two nightgowns that survived labour no.1 so will be dragging them back out for labour no. 2.
I went to the hospital in leggings and a vest top and ended up naked :) xx
I'll be in a support vest for labour or bikini top if we get a pool. Afterwards I have a button up night shirt to put with leggings so I'm comfortable and covered xxx
Morning guys, woke up with really bad stabbing/stitch pain on right side of bump today...hurt to lie on side so had to spend 30mins on back while it subsided. Now im up it aches a lot when try n stand straight or try n bend down...im guessing its a major stretching phase but what can u do to easr it? Don't really want to apply heat other than my hand as dont want her to get too hot but in the past that's exactly wat wud have done to ease it...any ideas/solutions for it? Cheers...
I pulled a muscle in the side of my bump a couple of weeks back. I spoke to midwife as it was excruciating and she told me to use a hot water bottle, so I did. It was advised to me not to put it directly on skin though. I guess if you are getting one off pains like that a hot water bottle won't hurt at all but if the pain continues it might be worth speaking to midwife/GP? Hope it eases for you hun

How's everyone doing today? xx
I'm feeling okay, had the worst nights sleep though! I felt like I haven't slept. Now to face a full day at uni with lectures and a presentation :(
Still sore (standard for me!) and annoyed with oh today. He got in a really foul mood last night (things weren't working with the computer and he broke his tablet) and was still in a bad mood when he came to bed. I figured he would be over it this morning, but nope! He was stomping around etc, and he left without saying anything to me, no goodbye kiss, nothing! It feels like really childish behaviour, and makes me wonder what it will be like when baby is here and he gets in a bad mood... Bloody men.

How are you feeling Nicki?

I don't think Tri 3 is agreeing with us April Mummies at all :lol: At least the end is in sight! Whilst I hate feeling rubbish, it is comforting knowing that it'll be over within the next 13 weeks (max).
Worth a shot kitten, I think I've hit a point that with regards to aches and pains I just want them to go so I can have an easy life! :lol:

Will you get 'maternity leave' from uni lizziimayy?

I don't think any man will change when baby arrives emmajaine! My OH has been incredible through the pregnancy but when he get in a bad mood he's like a toddler and I don't see that changing just because there's an actual child in the house!

I'm not too bad today thank you :), tired and I think exhaustion is catching up with me. I'm starting to struggle with sleeping through now though so that's not helping. Baby is moving so much this morning! Feels like he hasn't stopped since I woke up!

I totally agree rooster! The next 8-13 weeks can't go quick enough for us all - Partly because we all seem to be suffering in one way or another and mainly because I can't wait to meet my little one and become a mummy!!! The only problem then is that the rest of this year is just going to disappear! xx
Haha- it does feel nice though to know it's not just me - it is unusual that so many of us are fed up but we have eachother to vent and support with :)

My week is better than it started for me personally, i.e. yesterday my pic worked and I had no more car trouble. But today is a bit pants as my manager who went of sick suddenly at Christmas passed away last night. I haven't worked long with her but others have worked with her over 10 years. Unfortunately as it's accounting month end we are all too busy so it's very solemn in the office today :(

I'm on the not sleeping waggon too and my skins getting very dry regardless of the excessive moisturising. NCT this Saturday then it will feel scarily real...
It is really nice having all you ladies there for support :)

Oh no prettypee :( really sorry to hear about your manager. Sounds like it was very sudden and unexpected

My skin is all over the place - one minute it's dry and the next it really greasy! It's also getting very difficult to wash my hair now as we don't have a shower so I have to lean over the bath which is proving to be a challenge! I've resorted to using dry shampoo some days, I feel really gross! I really do look forward to being able to wash my hair without a bump being in the way and also to be able to put my socks on without getting out of breath!! :lol:
That's such a shame about your manager Prettypee, so sad.

Baby M is so active this morning, I had a strong kick to the ribs right in the middle of meeting with a client.

Is anyone getting pins and needles? I've had some in my hands this morning, no swelling though but slightly concerned because of my blood pressure being up a bit at my midwife appointment on Tuesday. I've got a spa day tomorrow so hoping that will reduce it a bit.

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