**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Hi Ladies, could I join you? I'm due on the 21st April with our first - a little girl xx

Of course! I've added you too the first page :-)

My scan went really well ta. Perfect little human, growing absolutely perfectly. On the 50th centile weighing 2lb 6oz approximately! Baby is breech at the moment, but obviously far too early to worry about that as loads of time for bubba to move. Can't wait to see baby again in a months time.

Hope all is well with Prettypee?
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Still in the waiting room... 2 and a half hours and counting
Hope youve been seen now Prettypee. & hope all is ok.
Just got home (got there at 2:30!) they couldn't see any other labour signs and determined that my cramps and plug loss must be the result of an infection. After an internal examination, they said I have a little bit of thrush, so I have to take a pessary ( I'm not convinced about thrush as I'm not remotely itchy or having any other symptoms of it) anyway I'll use the pessary and I'll try and rest up for the rest of this week I think just to be safe!
Glad all is well. Get plenty of rest and chill out for the rest of the week :-)
Glad all is ok prettypee, make sure you take it easy for the next few days x
Glad to hear baby is still happy cooking away in there prettypee! Enjoy taking things easy :-)
Great to see you back Lepus. Are you Team Yellow?

hello :) yes, still team yellow. i've had my 4d scan but baby was being a pain as usual so only managed a few pictures. i can't believe how fast April is coming around now, we still have an entire house to decorate and the builders are still here! I've been sorting through all the cloth nappies and baby clothes and didn't realise how much we had lol

how is everyone else?

glad she's staying put, prettypee, hopefully a bit of rest will help.
Hey is it normal that midwife only checked heartbeat and wee sample and BP and that was it? Im just over 27 weeks and I thought it was the norm for midwives to check the fundal Height? She didnt seem too concerned considering my blood pressure is actually creeping up again like it did in my last two pregnancies xx
You should have had blood tests done afaik, and fundal height checked too. Maybe it works different in your area though?
Yay for Team Yellow! We seem to have a lot of Team Pinks on our list! Odds are we're having boys!
I have a very active baby today, a few times their kicks have taken my breath away and I've had to stop what I've been doing.

At my last appointment my MW measured my bump (guessing that's fundal height?) BP and tested a urine sample that was at 23 weeks. I have my 28 week on Tuesday and expecting the same and a blood test x
Hey is it normal that midwife only checked heartbeat and wee sample and BP and that was it? Im just over 27 weeks and I thought it was the norm for midwives to check the fundal Height? She didnt seem too concerned considering my blood pressure is actually creeping up again like it did in my last two pregnancies xx

That's all my midwife did at my appointment too, although I had some blood taken at antenatal clinic appointment the week previously. Mine said something about guidelines changing and them not having to measure fundal height until 30-32 weeks (I think)

Nonabean I had my bloods done last week after I saw my consultant. I didnt think ask her about it I just remembered and thought as I walked out that she should of done it. But got a scan Monday so will ask my consultant then if its changed at all. X
Is any of you really starting to struggle with sleeping?
I get so uncomfortable, try to go between sleeping on my left and right but I can only manage about an hour lying on each side before I get hip pain. The only way I feel comfortable is on my back but know that's not safe it's so frustrating!

CDx I really struggle getting to sleep but that's about it. Once I am asleep I have no problems staying asleep! This is really bizarre for me as I have never in my life struggled getting to sleep!
Hi Cdx im exactly the same. ive always been a right side or back sleeper but now tryin to not sleep on back although the 'what to expect when expecting' book keeps saying its not end of world if you do but bigger u get harder to sleep on side it gets. I now have 3 reclining pillows, one bolster pillow that I put between my legs n it curls up to lower back to prevent turning n one v flat pillow under bump. Suffice to say with all these pillows OH is now sleeping in nursery lol...no space. I struggle most with turning over as the weight on belly is now a lot n cant do it in one fell swoop anymore. Has to b a gradual process allowing both baby n myself to adjust...despite now sleeping ok I still get a very achy back so have to do back stretches on all fours n on birthing ball every morning to ease it. Its only gonna get harder but at least sleeping now. Oh n middle of night toilet visits have returned with a vengeance lol...on another note is anyone doing perineal massage? Sorry if tmi but ive started n think ive got the action worked out but hard to reach now with bump in the way...may have to train OH but as its a little uncomfortable not sure if can handle him doing it lol...

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