**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Girls, when I wiped this morning I had bloody colours discharge. Like old blood, colour you get when AF is on her way. I've put a liner on to monitor it. Feel fine, just waiting for baby to wake up. Should I ring midwife or rekon it's normal? My 24 week blood was red xxx
Tmi question chazabell, have you Dtd recently? Could be irritation cos of that? I think monitoring it is the best plan and if it continues or there is any pain etc, then call midwife.

That's fair, just thought it could have been that. Fx it is nothing and just one of those random pregnancy things xx
Was there much discharge? It could be your plug starting to shift? If you get much more then might be worth checking with midwife x
If it is ur plug chick it can regenerate itself so it reforms. But best thing ur doing is keeping an eye on it. If ur worried give ur midwife a quick call and see what she says. If theres nothing else then you should be fine.
I lost some of my plug at 26 weeks with my youngest and then at 39 weeks I lost it again I did phone midwife and she said that if I haven't had any pains or tightenings then ill be fine.

Fx for you chick x
I get weird gushes if discharge every time I go to the loo. Have done for weeks. I go, wipe. Get dressed and feel wet so have to wipe again and it's always been creamy white. Today it's browny tinged.

Had a couple of small movements off him this morning, nothing major as he doesn't get active until evening. I've worn a bump band for last 2 days in work which has helped my back. I just hope it's had no Ill effects on baby. I'll keep monitoring, if it continues all day I'll call midwife. My last bleed was a 1 off wipe but was red so I don't want to fret or worry of I don't need too xxxx
any news chazabell?

lovely picture, Rooster, I think it might be a boy :)

how are you feeling now prettypee?

This was our scan pic from 28 weeks, i still have no idea if it's a boy or girl?!

Let's drop the 'D' word it's gross....the Cervical Mucus seems to have slowed this afternoon, baby has been wiggling around but no big kicks. I've started feeling a little panicky with mild heart palpitations (had them at 16 weeks) so been trying to rest with a brew and not think about it. Had no tummy pains or aches, and no Braxton hicks. Just a shock when it's been creamy white for weeks & weeks

Rooster & Lepus....scan photos are amazing!!!

How are you Prettypee? xxxx
Jealous of the gorgeous photos!

I'm feeling ok- still "off"- I rested for two days doing nothing. Cramps had gone. But today I've moved around more, baby is low it's making it tough to walk and although I need a poo I just can't (guess she's blocking theexit!) I'm getting stabby period pains on my left side which I suppose is uterus stretching as there's no regularity / trend to it!

This trimester is turning out to be really tough! I still have 6 weeks left at work but I think I'm going to take a week off of that and make it 5 weeks.

Haha honestly I'm a big fat slow waddling woman who is constantly complaining about everything right now! Please tell me I'm not alone? I'm only 31 weeks!
Right there with you prettypee 30 weeks and baby is wedged head down into my hip! Am in agony!
We had our free 4d rescan today because baby was playing up last week & wouldn't show his face & we didnt do much better today! Monkey! This is the best we got from both scans! Which is a shame because we got fab pics with DD Oh and the boy bits shot!!


Have got my first growth scan weds!

5 more working weeks! (half term makes it 6 till i finish on march 13th!)
Lovely pictures ladies! Not long until we meet our babies for real. Now that February is pretty here feels like we really don't have long to wait now.

Lepus - I suspect boy too! Though sometimes I find myself saying 'she' or 'her' :lol: Can't wait to find out for sure!
I wonder who will be first! Do you think somebody might go down as a February baby?!
I very much doubt I'll be a February or March Mummy - I reckon I could end up being a May mummy though.

Your family have a history of premature babies so maybe you'll go early? Hopefully not too early though :-)
Well being due on "4th April" I'm currently convinced I'll be some point in march.. If I get to April with no baby I'll be in shock haha. End of Feb would be 5 weeks early for me which would be too horrific providing she is healthy :)

Oh my we are really getting there now it's literally a matter of weeks before our lives change forever - especially for those having big baby number 1!
I'm due 4th but suspect I'll be end of March. Don't know why, just a feeling!

Brown CM has stopped, and baby wiggling. In bed for an early night as I've had 2 late nights and 2 eay starts. I did manage to buy his snow suit today and make a start in my things for hospital bag.

My friend from school had her little boy on Monday, 5 weeks early and both are home today....he's bloomin gorgeous!!!

Glad your feeling a little better Prettypee. I understand what you say about waddling & moaning....that was me last week. I've been much better after wearing a bump band to work. Baby us still breech (midwife said he was on Tuesday) felt flutters down below from him...little toes I suspect xxxx
With my son I was due 3rd Nov so he could've easily been an October baby but noooooooo, 16 days later he came out, and even then it was through brute force! This is why I'm half expecting a May baby!
Im due the 12th so imagine it'll be an April baby. DD was meant to be August 4th but decided she didn't want to miss out on the Olympics so came the day before they started on July 26th! Hoping this baby wants to come during the easter holidays (which end on his due date) as it would make my childcare for DD much easier xx
Yup, I'd like mine born during Easter holidays too as my mum is a teacher, however she'll drop everything no matter when the labour starts. I think my baby will be born on Due Date or after though. I'll be surprised if I have an early arrival.
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I'm hoping one of you will have baby on my birthday the 2nd...just not me! Got a nice relaxing overnight stay and spa planned. Baby M can arrive anytime after that! I think I will go late and possibly be a May mummy too Rooster just because we are so desperate to meet this little one and I want them to be early as we need to leave them on 24th May so don't want them just being 2 weeks old.

When my OHs best mate(they are more like brothers) son arrived I jokingly said I would have a baby the same age gap as they 2 which is just over 2 years. We counted it out there's only 13 days difference if LO arrives on time so would be completely freaked out if I go early and have baby on the 12th of April.

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