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**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Not got much to report to be honest!

No signs of baby coming and not got much to do. Rather bored with OH being away and waiting for baby to come!
Just been making sure ive got everything ready for tomorrow and my family have arrived to look after DD :) feeling surprisingly calm at the moment which feels odd lol xx
Nothing happening here. Just been a busy day with my son and running around town picking up various things I have ordered. Absolutely knackered now. Aside from waking up aching in my back, it has been another symptom-less day :-(
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wow two more April mummies soon to be with their bundles of joy!

Had a scan today and she is now measuring approx weight of 8lb 14oz! OMG! I know they can be wrong but in one week she has grown enough to predict an extra pound! must have been those easter eggs...gulp...

Still getting lots of braxton hicks (all through the day now and often 3/4 times per hr) not painful really just awkward. Keep getting stabbing pains down below but she still hasn't engaged...I know she will during labour but guessing her skull dimensions r too big now for her to engage and that only suring labour with the contractions will make her skull overlap and engage...not overly worried but would be nice if she would. On the plus side she is LOA which is perfect and discovered the mound near my ribs which thought was knees is actually her bum lol...I can tell as well as when press on it feel movement really low down as if Im pushing her down lol...

OH and I are now starting the 'come on baby, time to make your entrance' chant as we dont really want to go over and feel that saying it out loud convinces ourselves that we are ready for her arrival - physically we are but emotionally I know Im still clinging to the 'I know what being pregnant is all about but being ftm havent the first idea what being a parent is gonna be like or what birth is gonna be like' and as have shown plenty of times in past that I have great mind over matter (once pretended I had lost my voice for a day when was a teenager to get out of a family event, was scribbling on paper by nighttime, could not talk - completely created by me!) , dont want me to be wishing her to stay in however unknowingly...

the only symptom I potentially have had is a little bit of pink discharge on loo paper, which ive read could be the start of the plug coming away but nothing since...
Aww bless ya all! Hopefully you'll be having babies soon.

Hope all goes well tomorrow fpr you want2bamum x
Oh and CDx congrats on baby turning, pity its combined with less growth as bet you've been hoping baby would move...I cant imagine how you feel being induced 2 weeks before due date as already past that point myself but on the plus side you will see your baby soon....
Thank you everyone for the nice messages :)

Starting to feel nervous now. Just hoping I get at least some sleep tonight lol xx
Just read my notes baby is measuring in the 5th centile whatever that means - started to Google then thought against it. MW did a membrane sweep and ive had some period pains ever since. She also said something about my Cervix being forward and she was able to get a finger in which she seemed pleased about. I was just too much in a daze to take anything in.

Try relax and focus on baby cuddles tomorrow want2bamum.

Totally think I'm going to be on my own in this thread :lol:

Good luck with your c-section want2beamum and with your induction on Saturday CDx :-)
Lol kitten-with such a fast growth I'd guess the scan must be a bit off. I'm sure you'll be fine anyway. As for birth and afterwards don't worry you will be fine. I was the same and to be honest you somehow get through it and its so worth it. You forget it all very quickly:)

Good luck for tomorrow want2bamum.

Hope everything goes well CDx.
Good luck today want2bamum! Fx for a speedy induction.

I'm back up to the hospital again today, am going to ask for a sweep again, but not sure if the midwife will agree as it's not been ordered by the consultant... Keep your fx for me!

Have been having loads of tightening over the past few days, and lots of pressure down there, almost like a need to poo (sorry tmi) but its not been painful, just uncomfortable...I'm guessing these aren't real contractions? Just wish I knew what to expect!

Thank you emmajaine :) I'm at the hospital, gowned up, consented and waiting to find out where I am on the list for this morning! I'm desperate for a drink but cant have anything boohoo lol xx
Good luck for today want2bamum! :-D

I've got the midwife today, think it will be my last appointment at the GP surgery as after today it'll be sweeps etc and I believe those are done at the MLU rather than GP.

I actually screamed in agony last night! I really needed to poop (really sorry for tmi) and everytime I tried to go the pain down below was so bad I actually started to think that I was going to be giving birth on the toilet! Pain eventually disappeared and I was able to go. I'm just getting fed up of all these pains leading to nothing. That and the amount of messages and phone calls I'm already getting asking if there are any signs of baby yet! They're really starting to wind me up! Anyone else getting people asking every day? Xx
Oh cossie. I'm sorry sorry :-( I haven't experienced phone calls or texts yet but had plenty of them first time around and they really wound me up.

I have to admit I had hoped you'd have had your baby by now :-(

I'm still not getting much of anything. I get cramps in the morning and evening but nothing during the day. I'm not holding out much hope for an on-time baby. Ah well.
Awww cossie, that sounds awful :( really hope baby doesn't keep you waiting much longer! Xx
Good luck today wanttobeamum...cossie/rooster ive had one txt so far from stepmother (who hasnt had kids n least likely to b most interested so surprised...) sent one bak basically saying cud b wks yet n I will let them know any developments. ..hoping they can read between lines. Luckily with mum n dad have set days n times we speak each wk so dont get bothered in between...also get random cramps n sit there n think cud this b a contraction but then it goes n doesnt return...aside from pink discharge two days ago no signs...she is pressjng a lot down below so hopefully between her n evening primrose tablets my cervix is well on its way to softening etc...but now keep waking up each day thinking - could today b my day lol...we will probably all laugh at this eager waiting afterwards but hey thats how we feel...

On another topic who's having bbqs today? Forecast great, tesco delivered all the grub roll on this avo!
It does get annoying. I get that people are excited just like me and my OH are but it would be nice if they understood that the constant asking is like reminding me every second "oh look you're still pregnant and no signs of baby yet!" and it makes me feel crappier when I'm trying to do a bit of relaxing before baby comes!

I had hoped that too rooster!! I've got midwife at 12:15 so hopefully she an give me an idea as to what's going to happen now with regards helping speed things up! I'll be glad to ditch the heartburn that's for sure!! :lol:

How's everyone else doing? xx
I haven't seen anyone since 36 weeks and not booked in with midwife until 39+5!!! Which seems like a big gap to me!

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