**** April 2015 Mummies ****

ditto Rooster, trying not to symptom watch as nothing definite yet - 8 days til DDay - tho knowing my luck more likely 15-20 days lol...
If I go 9+ days over then i'll be a May Mummy.... I had hoped this baby would make an appearance sooner, and it still could but I just don't think this baby is in a hurry!
Thread hijack!!
Rooster we will not accept you in to May mummies for trying to terrorise us a few days ago :p
Your options are April or June, I know which I'd go for haha!!
Sorry il get out your thread now!
I only let the May mummies know that we've had a whole load of April babies born in March :lol:
Ugh, backache, stomach cramps but nothing regular :( feeling really fed up now. Really hope that now one baby has made an April appearance the rest of us will follow very shortly!!!
Quick update... After a.traumatic and crazy day, Ashley Jennifer Mcsharry born 19:06 07/04/2015 8lbs 8oz...

I m. Doing.ok although need to.be.monitored closely.overnight... Got.Ashley to stare at in the meantime.... I will create a thread to go through my birthing experience once I.have my.head around it
Awww, congrats prettypee!

Sufferring with hot flushes tonight and cannot get comfy in bed cos of hip\pelvis pain, hoping I'll be able to doze off on the sofa.

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Congrats prettypee very cute n probably same weight as our lil girl gonna b. Enjoy the cuddles...

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