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**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Good luck today CDx.

I got nausea and loads of tightenings today, accompanied with plenty of cramps but nothing I can time so don't think anything is happening really. I'd love for baby to arrive tomorrow though.
CDx I haven't been in your position either but sounds like what you are feeling is totally normal. We all wonder how we will cope I think it's probably more for you because you have been booked in. For me I knew I was due any day but was trying to prepare myself for going over-meant I probably wasn't as ready for labour as I could have been but you get through it. Just remember the end prize- it's so worth it. I'm only 1week on and already forgetting what happened and can't remember the pain. Mother Nature for you.

Good luck!!!
Kitten sounds like it. I googled when I thought I had mine. Think it was the start of it for me- tmi I know but pinkish when I was at the toilet. Later and next day I knew it definitely was because it was two thick jelly like lumps maybe 10p size?! Hope this helps.
Not to go in until 2 and do far this morning I've been unable to eat, had the shakes, tears and even been sick with nerves. The only time I felt relaxed was lying in a bubble bath for an hour...wish I could take that in with me.

I'll try keep yous updated with how things are going.
Good luck CDx I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine. Look forward to having cuddles with your little one! :-) xx
Thanks babbybo, my doula and midwife think so too although no prediction on when but gonna leave epi-no now as have achieved what I wanted to with it and so just need to focus on relaxing...

Good luck CDx, try and keep that image/feeling of that bubble bath with you when you are in the throes of it, could help you relax...
Hi guys just been on phone to my dad who lives 45mins away n despite saying all along need a week or so to ourselves before having visitors he's trying to put his foot down with seein me a few days after for a few mins to check im ok. I understand y as im his only daughter but was trying to explain may need recovery time/try to sleep afterwards n may not want him over so soon...what do u guys reckon..I put this q also to those who've had their first babies were you happy to see visitors so soon even just for few mins?
Kitten, we've told our families that we'll let them know when we are ready for visitors as I have no idea how I'm going to be afterwards. It's a lot to adjust to having a new baby and being a mum for the first time. I'd be telling your dad that you understand where he's coming from but you'll let him know when you've had you little one how you're feeling as to how soon you want him there. It could be that a few days after baby is born you might feel that seeing your dad would be the best thing in the world! I think as long as I'm in hospital ill want our parents and my sister to come visit but I don't really want friends in hospital and me and OH have agreed that once we arrive home for the first day at least we want to be left to it and after that if anyone wants to come over they are to text first. It might sound harsh but if we don't put our foot down on things like that our families and friends have a habit of outstay in their welcome. And when we are trying to establish a routine that's the last thing we need!!!

(Sorry for the rant there)
I completely agree n have tried to say things like 'we'll play it by ear' etc but have a feelin they will bug us til their visit...can c both phones bein switched off at this rate lol
I don't know how I feel about visitors - I'm pretty open-minded. My son screamed and cried all the time and welcomed family members as they were always willing to take him off me to let my ears stop bleeding :lol:

Also, this time around i'll have a toddler too, it would be nice to have people over to entertain him :lol:
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I think you'll be surprised. I thought I'd want a few days without visitors after I had my first but I felt surprisingly fine and on a high and wanted to show him off at any given opportunity so loved having the visitors.

This time though, as I've got my older son and a potentially well too overbearing MIL I think im going to want a few days for us to adjust as a new family, I'll let our parents visit but not for long and just see how it goes!
Sorry posted too soon as had to adjust something on 'sky landers' for the little one.

Try not to commit to anything until after baby is born... You may be desperate to see your dad or you may not. I'm sure if you phoned him up and said 'dad I genuinely am not up for seeing anyone, we need to leave it for a few days' he would understand
Yhanks snaveanator I tried to keep it open but he wants me to think about it which means he wants a decision...we speak every wknd n really cud do without the agro when tryin to chill for what could b our last few days or wks as a couple...
Well ladies just to announce Baby Arran made his dramatic arrival at 19:46 on 11th April weighing 5lb 11 oz.

Induction started as normal after 1st examination I started to get cramps, my bloods came back abnormal and I was dehydrated - now you all know I've been complaining of my thirst and constant drinking so they think there might be.an issue with my liver. They fitted me with a catheter and took a lot of blood and put me on a trace. Baby became distressed and I was whisked down to labour suite at only 1-2cm dilated was In there for around 15 minutes They broke my water and before I knew it I was on my way to surgery for a section under GA. Woke up when my son was 2 hours old and it was another hour before he was brought down to me in HDU.

He is perfect though and has been such a good boy just gutted I can't care.for him yet and they sent OH home so MW is doing his feeds for me. He seems to be doing well.

Very scary experience and glad It's all over with, just want to get to the bottom of what's going on with me and get home.as.a.famil.

Huge congrats CDX,sounds like labour probably didn't go as planned and I'm not surprised you were scared it will probably take you a while to get your head round everything.
Hope you're both send home happy and healthy very soon :) xx
Congratulations CDx. I hope they sort you out soon so you can enjoy cuddles with Arran :-)
Huge congratulations CDx! Sorry you had such a tough time and hope you have a speedy recovery xxxx
Congrats CDx!! :-D

Quick update ladies - I've been having contractions that are just over a minute long and 8-10 minutes apart. Rang delivery suite in Telford and they told me to go in. Currently sat waiting for a midwife to come and see me. Will endeavour to keep you all updated xx
Congrats CDx, can only imagine how scary that must have been for you, but I'm pleased baby Arran is here safe and well, hope they work out the issues and that you and Arran get home soon.

Oooh exciting Nicki! Good luck xx

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