**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Congratulations prettypee!!!
Emmajaine - I am the same started being hot at nights and constant hip pains so need to turn very often and every time I turn I am awake. Even when I get up in the morning I can barely walk because of the hip pain. Legs feel restless....oh well not long to go :)
Congratulations Preetypee. I thought you were maybe busy as you hadn't posted in a while.

Emmajane- just saw you were in pain- my contractions were in my hip and pelvis the whole time. Could be the same for you, especially with plug gone. Good luck!
The pain was just my SPD unfortunately!

Just had the most frustrating meeting with the consultant, who basically contradicted everything the previous consultant said, and was perfectly happy to just leave me on meds and regular monitoring. We asked about being induced and she didn't "see the need to induce" (her words!). She didn't ask about any symptoms I was having, she didn't ask about whether the sweep had done anything (and in all honesty I forgot to say about loosing some of my plug). It felt like she had no idea what had happened over the last 2 weeks, I felt like a number rather than a person.

Was soo frustrated with it all that I burst into tears, thank god for OH, who was able to get across how we were feeling and asked for a date for being induced and a plan for monitoring before then. So we have appointments on Friday and Sunday for checks, and then will be induced on Tuesday if nothing happens before then.

OH has now gone out for ice cream and I'm sat with my feet up, thinking dilating type thoughts!! Lol

Hope you are all having a better day than me! Xx
Hope you ladies are good.

Ive had a lovely spa day and afternoon tea with my best friend today, probably our last girls day before we need to worry about room for a buggy at our table! I'm so excited for my scan tomorrow but also anxious - we could find out our baby's birthday!

I'm feeling very achey this afternoon like period cramps and jelly legs. Also sorry if tmi but being an IBS sufferer prone to constipation my bowels are working overtime like after every meal the past few days wondering if this is a sign of things starting to happen.
Hope you ladies are good.

Ive had a lovely spa day and afternoon tea with my best friend today, probably our last girls day before we need to worry about room for a buggy at our table! I'm so excited for my scan tomorrow but also anxious - we could find out our baby's birthday!

I'm feeling very achey this afternoon like period cramps and jelly legs. Also sorry if tmi but being an IBS sufferer prone to constipation my bowels are working overtime like after every meal the past few days wondering if this is a sign of things starting to happen.
Congratulations prettypea, what a beaut!

Hope everyone else is doing ok. 37+ 2 today and finishing work on Friday, which I can't wait for cos I'm shattered.
Hoping to have a week to me but then baby D can arrive any time from 39 weeks cos I'm done with being unable to move from anywhere without a struggle lol as well as all the other fun things! X
I'm feeling a little too good. Zero symptoms again. No aches or pains. I guess I'm lucky to be relatively comfortable in late pregnancy however I worry it'll mean going 14+ over and having to be induced again :-s
had my scan today, measuring along the 10th centile according to the results so all seems
ok, estimated weight of about 6lb, max was 7lb 8oz at 41+1 so seems
fine to me!!
they want me back to see a consultant next thursday and it was mentioned that they might want to put a plan in place so that i wouldnt be able to go overdue but then on my way home a different midwife called me and said i could refuse the app as the consultant will try insist i only use the labour ward but the midwives fully support me going to the birth centre so now im abit confused!! im ready for this baby now, im knackered, uncomfy, worst heart burn :-( think I have a long wait yet though xxx
I do hate it when different professionals give conflicting information. It happens even more once baby is born - GP, MW and HVs all give you different advice. So confusing.

I've got some back ache today. It's not debilitating but it is very much there! Just want this sprog out! Preferably before The Masters tonight :lol:
Yeah I hate professionals changing everything too! As if being pregnant and having to make important decisions isn't hard enough!

Well, today is my last day of being pregnant. Tomorrow is my ELCS. I'm feeling really weird about it all. Ive had an awful pregnancy so looking forward to it being over in a way, but I know I wont be doing this again and that's quite a big thing to deal with. When I had DD I knew we wanted another one day so wasn't sad that her pregnancy ended. Argh, emotions!

I had my first lot of braxton hicks on Saturday but nothing since then. I think baby is very comfy!
Good luck for tomorrow want2bamum!
You would think doctors and midwives would discuss things first instead of having the patient stuck in the middle that's awful and very unprofessional.

Just getting ready to head off to my presentation scan and really not sure what I want the outcome to be! Definitely getting more cramps and period type pains in my lower back but nothing regular, heartburn is awful just now was up sick through the night with it again and getting very breathless when I'm walking so thinking baby's head isn't engaged and they are still putting lots or pressure on my lungs.
Well baby has turned but is measuring on the small side and my blood pressure is high so I'm booked in to be induced on Saturday...feeling totally overwhelmed and unprepared!
They didn't give us a size will need to look through my notes when I get home, at the scan it looked like they are measuring at 35 weeks.


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