**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Sorry that you're disappointed Cossie! Hopefully it'll start again soon :) My SIL gave birth a week a go and holding a newborn so is lovely I just can't wait to hold my own! It's so lovely seeing the OH holding the baby and he even gave nappy changing a go!
I really hope they do start again. I'll start timing straight from the beginning so at least I can call the midwife with details and hopefully if I tell them that the pains are having me in tears and leaving me unable to walk or do anything they'll be able to do something.

lizziimayy I know what you mean! My cousin and his GF had a little girl about 6 weeks ago, me and my mum went to see them the other week and I had a cuddle and it just made me want to cuddle my little boy even more! I can't wait!

It's looking set to be a lovely day again here in Shrewsbury! Hope the weather is looking good for everyone else too!!

Just discovered that carrying 8 pints of milk up a hill when 38 weeks pregnant probably isn't the best idea :lol: Absolutely shattered now!

Off to get some wall stickers for the baby's room this lunchtime, otherwise going to have a relaxed day... as relaxed as a two year old will allow anyway!
Aw no Cossie hopefully it'll be soon.

It's my first proper day of mat leave on my own and I don't know what to do with myself. Hoping the sun comes out and I can maybe try taking the dog a nice walk.
Bless ya Rooster, wall stickers are ace! Have you got a B&M homestores near you? they do a really good selection of them

nice weather here also, time for my walk around the garden lol (OH busy on last minute jobs and he doesnt like me going out on my own) so 5 or 6 laps of the garden is my usual plus playing with the cats...was out sunbathing yesterday, second time put suncream on my belly!
Hi, sorry I'm only updating now. I haven't had a chance to and haven't caught up on how you have all been doing since late on Thursday night. My waters broke shortly after 2am on Good Friday and our Easter baby was born at 7lb 9oz at 14.25 Friday afternoon. Can't say it was easy but he is here and thankfully safe and sound so we are so delighted.

Good luck to all of you still waiting and Ill look forward to catching up with all of your stories xx
congrats Babbybo, our first April baby born in April! Hope you're enjoying lots of cuddles....
Congrats babbybo!

I need someone to calm me down... Been getting more concentrated BH contractions at my lower bump and the last few nights they've been strong and travelling to my hips and back before dying off.

Anyway, today I'm at the same gestation that I had my son (37+3) and I've lost my mucus plug... Which was my first sign with him, contractions started shortly after!

I know I'm probably setting myself up for disappointment but can't help but be excited!
Congrats babbybo! Glad we finally have an actually April baby, let's hope the rest of them follow suit soon! Xx
just been to midwife and had static growth,measuring 32 weeks at 37 :-( got a scan tomorrow and need to see consultant! really hoping its just because i saw a different midwife! xxx
Yay! Our first April baby!!! Hopefully this'll kick start the rest of us!! Congratulations on the delivery of your baby boy babbybo! :D
Congratulations babbybo! Hope you are both doing well.

Fx it is just because it's someone who hasn't tracked your pregnancy being a bit over cautious Rebecca89 but at least you will get a good check over and get to see LO again.

Am I the only one who still can't quiet get their head around having a baby? It still feels so surreal.
Think my plug has gone! Had loads of jelly like discharge on wiping, wasn't bloody at all,which is why I'm not sure but from looking on google (which btw, I don't recommend! Bleurgh!) It looks like it might have been.

Now I know its not a definite sign that things are starting,but its a move in the right direction.

Rebecca, try not to worry, lots of things can affect fundal measurements, hopefully the scan will show baby is growing well, and it means you get to see bubs again!

CDx I've been saying that all week to OH, still can't quite imagine baby being here, even tho I know its going to happen sooner rather than later, I can't quite believe it!

Congratulations babbybo!!

Sounds like a few promising signs for you ladies. Looking forward to seeing some more April baby announcements xx
Thanks everyone. Surprised to see there aren't anyother babies yet but few girls been quiet so maybe it's a sign they're busy. Fx crossed. It's great having baby here and like some of you I didn't know what to expect (still don't really) but its lovely:)

You will all have yours soon too.

Rebecca89-I was told by numerous midwifes while in hospital that they don't agree with the growth chart and scans because they are so unreliable. Try not to worry in the meantime.

Emmajane- that's how I started and like you I was prowling on google. On the second day I got a bigger brownish lump and went prowling to see how much longer before labour but there are no real answers as people say between immediate to 2weeks. My waters broke about 12hrs later (make sure you's have protective sheets on the bed girls-luckily I did or I'd've needed a new mattress). I was nearly 3cm dilated about an hr later. Good luck!
Congratulations Babbybo! First April baby!

Hope its a good sign for you emmajaine! :)

Well, hospital have just rung and bought my section forward to Friday. I'm now very scared haha xx
I had to have repeat growth scans due to pre-eclampsia in my previous pregnancy then at my 36week scan it came up that she had stopped growing and was showing static growth. Babbybo is right though 9 times outta 10 the fundal height measurements are pretty much inaccurate and many midwives don't agree with them.
As for growth scans they are only estimated from the sizes they get from the measurements.
But with me my dd had stopped growing at week 34 and hadn't even out an oz on in those 2 weeks leading upto week 36.
Doesn't help that I had and still suffering from high blood pressure x

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