**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Fingers crossed for you all that something happens soon.
Got the all clear from bloods yesterday from the hospital. So they defo dont think its pre-eclampsia they're not too sure whats causing the high BP.

Hppe you've all been having a great easter weekend xx
Good news emmalouise, hopefully they will let you focus on your new bundle of joy now...

Prettypee, sounds promising but like you say not a definite sign...

Ive been having fairly constant braxton hicks, during the night, morning, daytime and evening now whereas was just the evening and I know im drinking enough so hoping its a good sign...only occasional period pain and generally thats after toilet visits middle of the night as everything moves back into place I guess......no plug or waters yet altho I dunno bout you ladies but every morning when stand up I wonder and every erm trickle (sorry tmi) makes me question but according to last Thur scan still plenty of fluid so unlikely...her movements have become more insistent and at the same time feeling lots of stabbing and headbutting against bladder sensations so hopefully she is engaging further...again not a definite sign but all good just the same,

have a tens machine to test out on loan from midwife as having homebirth so may give that a go later...gonna try and go with just gas and air but felt it better to be prepared even if dont use it....

Having a chillout day today, lots of tv and taking naps etc, banking it up for her arrival lol....
Ooh exciting about the cramps guys,fx its the start of something!

I'm certain the sweep has done nothing for me, had some BH and period type pains but no more than before, no show etc. I currently have a really gurgly tummy, which I think is my IBS, so pain down there is most likely linked into that.

Roll on Wednesday!

Oh and despite my best intentions of saving easter egg til after she's here, I lost the battle yesterday and ate half lol...I figured Ive been good with chocolate til now, a little wont hurt lol...
Hi ladies

Loving the weather today, sat in the garden watching hubby paint the fence haha.

So, unless he arrives before, I meet my little man next Monday! Keep going over things in my head paranoid that ive forgotten to do something important! Lol.

Heartburn is awful! I begged for something other than Gaviscon at the hospital the other day and they gave me a prescription for ranitidine which is a-maz-ing! I actually managed to have a whole night without heartburn last night! I did however have one quite tough BH/contraction in the middle of the night! Very random! My daughters labour started at 38+2 which is what I was yesterday so almost thought the same was gonna happen again lol.

Someone on my street is BBQing and now I want BBQ lol

Aaaww prettypee you sound really fed up, I really hope something happens soon for you.

In fact that goes for all us April mummies. I'm still 3 days away from due date and I'm really fed up. I can't help but feel ill sleep better and get more sleep once baby is here! :-)

Has everyone had a good easter weekend? I don't know about all of you but it has been a glorious couple of days here in Shrewsbury! Really warm and sunny! :-D

Things sounding positive that more April babies are on the way! Prettypee my waters broke two daays after losing my plug so fingers crossed things start happening soon for you, so exciting for you all x
Hope you are all well! Can't believe we don't have an actual April baby in April yet but it sounds like things are starting to move in the right direction for some of you.

I'm still struggling with extreme thirst - about 4 litres of fluid a day, I think I'm lucky baby isn't engaged or I'd never be away from the loo!

Have any of you been for a presentation scan at 37 weeks? I've got one on Thurs but it seems me and my mum who was with me at my last MW appointment because needles were involved have taken different things from the midwife. I thought if baby was still breech another appointment would be arranged for me to go back and talk about my options another day but my mum has taken it as it will be discussed there and then. I'm pretty set on not wanting an EVC because I don't think the success rate justifies the risks or upset to baby.

Just looking to see if any of you ladies have experienced similar with this or previous pregnancies.
No presentation scan for us. Baby has been head down at every appointment.

Really suffering with BH tonight. They are excruciating and I've been in tears several times with them. I've taken paracetamol and they've done nothing :-( I feel like such a wimp! If I can't deal with braxton hicks how the hell am I going to deal with real labour??? :-(
Are you sure they are BH Nicki? My understanding is that BH aren't painful, just uncomfortable. Do they go if you change position? Might be worth timing them and thinking about giving the midwives a call....

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I had a presentation scan with DD and if she had been breech I would have seen the midwife the same day to discuss options. Luckily she had turned head down do I didn't find out what the options would have been.

Cossie hun if you are really struggling then contact labour ward and ask for advice. Everyone says theyre not contractions til theyre a certain length and time apart.....mine never became regular at all with DD and I was in labour.

I hope you're okay Cossie.

I can't believe we're still waiting for an April baby from an April mummy either!
I've not really questioned it tbh. They've been going on since around 5pm. I've not timed them or anything. I think OH doesn't want to think about it being labour so as not to get our hopes up! I've taken another couple of paracetamol and got into bed, I'll start timing them from now and hopefully they'll either die down and I can sleep or it'll develop into something more! I'll keep you posted if it develops :-) thanks ladies xx
Eek, very exciting Nicki, hope they develop. We need a April baby to be born in April! Xx
Not going to lie, I really hope it's my turn very very soon! Tonight would be great! But I don't want to get my hopes up. I've had painful BH before that I've described as excruciating but they've not been as bad as this. And baby has not stopped moving either! He's having a right old squirm in there everytime I'm in pain! Xx
How you doing Nicki? Any more progress? Let me know if you want me to start a labour thread for you...

Hope you are doing ok Cossie and things are starting to progress.

I've woken up with some hip/back pain - nothing a relaxing bath won't sort I hope. My body/baby seem to be in a routine of waking at 12, 3 and 7 wonder if that's a sign when the night feeds will be.
Sorry ladies, nothing more from me. They died off enough for me to get some sleep. Woke up up with a couple through the night but nothing regular. I said to OH if they start again today or tonight I'll ring midwife and see what she says. As tired as I was last night I really hoped it was the start of something, I'm a little disappointed now!

Hope everyone else is doing ok? Come on babies we need some in April now especially as so many were so keen to put in an appearance in March!!


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