Good news emmalouise, hopefully they will let you focus on your new bundle of joy now...
Prettypee, sounds promising but like you say not a definite sign...
Ive been having fairly constant braxton hicks, during the night, morning, daytime and evening now whereas was just the evening and I know im drinking enough so hoping its a good sign...only occasional period pain and generally thats after toilet visits middle of the night as everything moves back into place I plug or waters yet altho I dunno bout you ladies but every morning when stand up I wonder and every erm trickle (sorry tmi) makes me question but according to last Thur scan still plenty of fluid so unlikely...her movements have become more insistent and at the same time feeling lots of stabbing and headbutting against bladder sensations so hopefully she is engaging further...again not a definite sign but all good just the same,
have a tens machine to test out on loan from midwife as having homebirth so may give that a go later...gonna try and go with just gas and air but felt it better to be prepared even if dont use it....
Having a chillout day today, lots of tv and taking naps etc, banking it up for her arrival lol....