**** April 2015 Mummies ****

That's the same meds as me, they do work really quickly to lower bp, so fx they do the job for you. Strange that they didn't fill you prescription at the hospital, as they should have it in.
Glad you managed to get home too xx
Hope all you ladies are well :)

I think I had my first lot on Braxton hicks last night. Period pains with tightenings, was quite uncomfortable. OH thought that I was going into labour!
Urgh i've woken with loads of aches and pains, no contractions or anything, just back and tummy ache. I'm putting it down to anxiety because the MIL is visiting today.
Hope you're feeling better soon Rooster!

I finally moved from my student house yesterday to my OH's parents house and was quite ill. Can't decide whether that's coincidence or not! OH is returning back to Uni to finish his work on Tuesday so I'm going to be quite upset to see him go.
Oh said that emmajaine ive got my other BP tablets that the ward doc gave me after I had Mia so will take those for today and tomorrow and will get the other tablets from the chemist tomorrow.
Hope you feel better soon rooster :) and lizziimay hope it goes quick for you for the time your oh will be away at uni.
Happy Easter everyone!! It would be lovely to have some easter arrivals! No pressure ;-)

I really thought something was starting for me last night. The pain was excruciating and was coming every 10-15 mins lasting around 45 - 60 seconds. After 6 hours of this with no change in strength or length of time they were coming they just stopped! I've never been so disappointed in my life!

Hope you all have a lovely easter Sunday!! Xx
Bless ya cossie, sounds frustrating, ive not had this but daresay I will at some point, I just get regular braxton hicks but theyre mildly uncomfortable and so just keep busy until they become something more...anyone else had texts/emails from family saying things like 'any twinges yet?' - tried my best to say dont worry will let you know and hope they read between the lines and dont keep asking - nothing more infuriating esp if I go over...

Been playing footsie with our lil girl this morning as feel her push out then put my fingers there maybe stroke or nudge and she moves again and follow her around the right side of my belly, it is quite amusing but also kinda wierd at same time lol...
Oh and Happy easter too - my Dad brought me round an easter egg last week and I was like 'whens easter then?' completely forgot lol
Hope all of you struggling feel better soon.
I'm just exhausted, all I want to do is sleep. Had a lovely night out with the girls last night for my birthday at the casino and won £85, added to the new wardrobe fund for once bump is gone.

MIL is down visiting this weekend and has been an amazing help around the house but still frustrates me. She's had to sleep in the living room because we don't have a spare room anymore, my Pregnancy journal was sitting on a side table and she read it when we were in bed the other night - I think something that personal she should at least ask if she can look at it. I just feel like there's no personal boundaries with her sometimes. Last time she was down she asked to see a picture on my phone then proceeded to go through all my pictures including ones of me in a bikini that nobody else was meant to see it was just for me keeping track of bump.
Bless ya CDx, sounds like she needs some boundaries but its not easy when its inlaws, fortunately I dont have that issue with mine but my Mum I wouldnt put it past lol, I keep all those things hidden lol...
I've had a very achy day so far! Don't think labour is imminent or anything but things must be warming up in there!

Happy Easter all :-)
Heartburn. Ouch. :-(

Really suffering tonight. Nothing works. I can't take gaviscon as it makes me sick and I've just had a couple of rennie and they've done nothing :-( for me it's one of the biggest reasons this baby needs to arrive sharpish!
Luckily for me, I slept really well last night, but I've woken up with cramps again. I'm just one big cramp bomb at the moment.
Bless ya cossie heartburn sucks! Ive been lucky ive not had it for past month unless im really silly ie eating late/large qty but think it's cos she's starting to engage n have longer torso than a lot of women cos tall...I also woke up at 3am with insomnia just took ages to fall bak asleep plus even sleeping positions r taking their toll now...wats comfortable for me isnt for her vice versa. I believe she kept me up lol all her wiggling n kicking...feelin alright now but may b havin nap later lol.
Single digits on dday countdown- argh exciting but scary! No doubt she'll b late tho...
I'm joining the constant cramp wagon....

Lost my plug last night, been losing bit at a time for the past week but woke up in the morning with most definitely the remainder of it. (sorry tmi) it's annoying that it's not an imminent sign. Do feel a bit rough this morning though, just a bit weird down there...perhaps it won't be that long off... Hopefully!

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