**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Hope your all doing well ladies :)
Where are all these April babies hiding??
Cant believe that they are leaving you again emmajaine and they should be looking ar inducing you especially when you've had repeated hospital stays due to your high blood pressure.
Me and Mia had to stay in hospital again last night. Her body temp dropped through the night. But now its back up again.
My blood pressure medication had to be changed to a slower release dose and they wanted to make sure it was working fine before we go home. Was gutted though as they were saying all day that we would be home by yesterday tea time and then i got upset cuz we couldnt go home to the kids and Alex.

Fingers crossed we are home
Today x
Part of me is glad that they left it, as it has meant I've managed to get a really good nights sleep - went to bed at 10 and only got up at 6 (OK had about 5 loo trips, but managed to get straight back to sleep after!)

I'll def be asking to be induced on Wednesday if we haven't gone by then, am just keeping my fingers crossed that my cervix opens enough for the sweep to work on Saturday.

Sorry to hear you didn't get home yesterday hun, fx you can go today xx
Got my fingers crossed for you chick :) its horrible having to wait around aint it.
These hospital beds are crap they dont half kill ya back.

What upset me the most was seeing the look on Alexs face when the new midwife (swapped shifts) said she wont let us go home even though the one before her said we could then when another one came on later she explained it all better to me.

Its killed me not being able to go home to see the kids. Its amazing the tiniest things they do thay you miss lol x
Yeah its not the most fun, but have few bits to keep me busy today, so hopefully it will fly by.

Hospital bed are awful! Has been horrendous with my SPD, couldn't sleep for more than an hour at a time, before waking up in pain.

Oh bless ya, I can only imagine how upsetting that must of been. It must be soo hard being away from your little ones, I don't know how I would manage.

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I hope things get sorted soon emmajaine.

I'm not sure, but think i've been getting braxton hicks... i've never had them before but I have noticed my tummy tightening every now and again. I've had no accompanying cramps though. I do get the odd bit of back ache cramp but nothing to time.

I am done with being an incubator now!
Morning ladies.

38 weeks today! Surely baby can come out now?! Lol.
Doctor checked us over yesterday and said ive still got protein in my wee but my blood pressure was better than it had been and to keep an eye on how I feel and movements over the weekend. I'm at my pre op appointment on Tuesday and then midwife again on Wednesday.

Glad you got home emmajaine but rubbish that you were forgotten about!

Emmalouise, hope Mia is doing ok today and that you both get to go home.

Rooster, I keep getting what I imagine is Braxton hicks too (I never had them last time). Sometimes they are alright and sometimes they are quite uncomfortable. Ive had lower back pain too but that seems to come and go too.

Shes doing good today her temp is back up and we're going home just waiting to be discharged and then phone oh to come get us then can finally go home. Cant wait to get back x
good to hear emmalouise, bet you cant wait to get her settled in nursery etc...

rooster, Ive had braxton hicks since week 20 something I think, often brought on by her movements but now get them far more regular and notice them when doing everyday tasks such as swimming, when go to toilet etc, can be awkward at night if you're turning over as your once squishy bump is now rigid like a boulder and so can be hard to navigate and get comfy lol....

had wk 38 checkup with midwife everything checking out fine, she's still only partially engaged but thats alright there's still time...

Just sat on sofa with sun coming in from window and with belly on view and could clearly see a foot moving across belly, still feels wierd and looks wierd lol even tho used to her movements now...
My baby wasn't engaged at 36 weeks but apparently second children don't engage until right before labour.

Got a bit of back ache at the moment. Just uncomfortable, nothing major.
My midwife told me that baby is 2/5 engaged but I've heard that I doesn't really make much difference as baby can move around.

Has anyone tried expressing yet? My midwife stuggested that I tired expressing to help milk flow when the baby is born. However, it is really hard! I've only managed to express half an oz and it's so tiring!
Hi Lizzimay, I wouldnt touch your milk production til baby is here, your body will produce it when you have skin to skin etc etc so personally wouldnt try anything now...if your midwife reckons its a good idea then go for it.

Yeah first time babies head in and out and being engaged or not doesnt determine arrival date in the slightest so not worried.
This is very late but baby Felix arrived at 5.50pm on Monday 31st of March :D yet another April baby born in March! This is literally the first time I've sat at my laptop since we came home it's been so hectic! xox
Congrats notherngirl!

Thanks for the birthday wishes had a very chilled few days. MIL is down to visit I went for a nap and when I woke up downstairs was gleaming - I feel bad ranting about her sometimes her heart is in the right place.

Hope you are all well.
My midwife told me that baby is 2/5 engaged but I've heard that I doesn't really make much difference as baby can move around.

Has anyone tried expressing yet? My midwife stuggested that I tired expressing to help milk flow when the baby is born. However, it is really hard! I've only managed to express half an oz and it's so tiring!
1/2 ounce is fab! i expressed colostrum into 1ml syringes on consultants advice as he was going to be low birth weight. It meant when he was super sleepy we could give him a few ml to wake him for feeds, it was great!
37 weeks today...where has the time gone!!
Although I am getting close to the stage of get this baby out of me now. My thirst isn't letting up which means I'm either drinking or peeing. My legs are getting achey but that's a good excuse for a long soak in the bath.
I planned a night out with the girls tonight but have woke up with the feeling it's a pj and watching crap tv kind of day.

I had a dream the other night that a friend of ours was pregnant it was very vivid that I woke up and told OH all about it, he text them to say is there something you aren't telling us and explained about the dream. Well turns out because of that she did a test and they came over last night to tell us it was positive! I am soooo excited for them but extremely creeped out at the same time lol.

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