**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Welcome ttc and skr! Sounds like we are good omens though!! Fingers crossed something happens for you!!! (Just no playing April fools with us ok? ;-) )

Finally got back to sleep last night after eventually finding my earplugs to block out OHs snoring and had a packet of plain crisps which helped with the heartburn. Really hoping things happen soon. Can't believe I can say I will have a baby this month!!! Eeeek!!!
Oooo hope it amounts to something TTC!

Welcome over SKR! Hope you have your baba soon :)

I'm bored today lol. 12 days to go til eviction date, and irs dragging sooo much!

We had a good night she was golden. Shes finally opening her eyes properly.
Can only hold her when I give her a bottle or change her bum cuz of her having to be constantly on the heated mattress. Hoping we'll be home this time tomorrow.
Couldn't sleep properly last night either kept waking up checking on her. Im constantly on edge checking shes okay and shes warm enough lol x
I had quite a shock today when going to my midwife appointment to find that instead of my normal midwife I had a male midwife! Didn't expect that at all!

Good news is that baby is really low and 2/5 engaged. Head is right on my bladder so that explains some of the period like pains I've been getting.

Really hope that baby being in a good position means that she be an April baby and not a May baby!
My birth pool has arrived! I'm so excited!

As long as the baby hangs in until tomorrow (36+5) the midwives are happy for me to deliver at home! Ideally it comes on Saturday though as my son will be back from his dad's!

I'm so excited! Had reflexology yesterday to try to start getting things moving, not sure if I believe in it all but would be great if this baby gets a move on (once I've had my nails and waxings done!)
Hi Ladies,

Congrats emmalouise, she's a cutie, can't believe she's 5lb 6oz tho as our lil girl already estimates at 7lb 6oz so knowing my luck she'll look 2months old at birth lol...glad you got your car seat organised finally - phew!

welcome TTC no 2 and SKR - FX somethings starting TTCno2 as cant imagine how you're feeling but daresay our lil girl will be late also...just trying to keep busy to take mind off it lol...

Sounds like things are moving for some of you, still for 15 days to go and feeling every one as getting new aches n pains daily...it was nice to see my apps saying weight gain for both me and lil girl should slow down now as not sure can carry much more lol...gained 21.5lbs (9.75kgs) since booking which I thought was low as not quite 2stone and im told generally its 2-3stone gain throughout pregnancy (not sure if that helps CDx) ...I'll be happy if I stay as I am, I have had a few naughty treats recently though, guessing as she's 1/5 engaged and have more space appetite increasing lol...plus with aches n pains cant be bothered to cook much lol...

still getting frequent Braxton hicks but definately more uncomfortable at night time and have also been getting lots of movement and stabbing pains down below so hoping its good sign...

snaveanator - Im opting for home waterbirth too, Ive had my pool a while and have tested it a few times, its a good idea as know whats too hot for me and whats too cold...also good to test how long it takes to fill/emprty etc...plus tried lots of water outfits and eventually decided on halter bikini top and bikini bottoms with strings - enough for modesty early on but easy to remove if need to lol...plus testing is a good excuse for some much needed muscle relaxation!

Lizzimay - male midwife - yikes that would surprise me too!

Cossies - agreed - it makes it seem so much more real esp when had haircuts today and said would book after her arrival yikes! Knowing my luck my OH will have a hippy haircut and I will have hair down to my bum (currently shoulder length) by the time she arrives lol!

Come on April babies, we are all eagerly awaiting your arrivals!!
Omg! We have a name! Andddddd so happy that her bloos sugars have stabilised :) and shes had her heated mattress turned down Twice! She's doing so well!! Xx
What name did you agree on emmalouise? Bet thats the best part afterwards is looking at your daughter and testing names out loud as opposed to testing them out in utero lol...we're fairly certain of our name but will wait n see til we see her to finalise it...
We settled on Mia Joy :) her middle name is after my nans middle name :) its so weird having her here lol xx
Hi all. I think everyone is updated on the front page with the lazy March babies obviously knowing April is the better month and with little baby Mia :-)
Congratulations emmalouise!

Just catching up on how you're all doing, I can't believe Esmae is 6 days old (decided to change the spelling of her name as people were mis pronouncing it!)

I've been reading everyone's possible signs of labour so thought I'd just tell you about mine. I had back ache for a couple of days and just felt 'different' then I started with period like pain and over the course of a few hours the pain got stronger until eventually contractions were coming and there was no mistaking that Esmae was on her way!

My labour wasn't great, I won't give you the details but it was all worth it when they put her on me. I just stared at her after a bit of a cry and just couldn't believe she was here (I still can't really!)

I hope your babies don't keep you waiting too much longer for those of you that are almost due/overdue!

Congratulations to all who have had their babies!!!!

I'll keep checking back ���� xx
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Aww that's a lovely name emmalouise :)

Glad you and Esmae are doing well Michelle :)

Another day down ladies! Another day closer to meeting our babies! Eek!

I know...can't believe now saying 14 days as opposed to 14 weeks yikes! Will be scary when single digits too...getting loads of braxton hicks again but no cramps with them...yet....
Guess what ladies... I'm having to stay in hospital again!!!!!!!!!! Grrrr!

So sick of this bloody merry go round of a high reading on my BP, stay in for monitoring, home the next day, 3 days later we do it all again. However I'm now pretty convinced this will be the pattern until I have baby.

BP was super high at consultant appointment, but I was due my meds within the hour, so they gave me a dose and it brought it down, so now being monitored until tomorrow to see if they need to up my dose.

Aw no Emmajaine hopefully they get it stabilised soon x
Ladies I had a baby boy today 7lb 9oz... so happy all is over with. .

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