Thanks Nicki and CDx, appreciate it. Its super frustrating as I feel like I'm in limbo, no one will (or can) give a straight answer as to what the next step is, its all "if this happens then ...but if not then ...".
Am honestly ready for this to be over now, I'm fed up of being pregnant. But then I feel really bad for saying that, like I'm already being a bad mum by not wanting baby to have as much time as they need inside.
Don't be silly. Pregnancy is hard enough, let alone when it's dragging you in and out of hospital all the time. I hope they make a decision on whether to induce you. Surely enough is enough.
Oh how lovely I'm hugely swollen down below (can't actually see it but feels intense!), I'm guessing the lower the baby goes the more swollen it'll get?! It's starting to feel uncomfortable!
Congratulations TTC! I might go join the May mummies post if it works that quickly lol.
Your not a bad mum at all Emmajaine your body is just being stretched to its limits at this point, and then with all the added stress of being in and out of hospital can't be easy. Hopefully they have a plan for you and LO soon.
Aw no Prettypee, looks a good excuse to keep them up and get everyone running around after you.
Baby gave me the best birthday present ever...A decent sleep!! Feel 100 times better this morning and that I'll actually enjoy my day. If any of you want to add to the birthday gifts with a new addition to the front page please feel free lol.
Bless you prettypee, I know how you feel, I no longer have ankles, just massive canckles!
Happy birthday CDx, hope you have a fab day
Crappy nights sleep all things considered, but to be expected really I guess. Just hoping the consultant is round at a decent time so we can work out a plan.
Does anyone keep getting a dodgy tummy? I haven't had diarohhea but my belly is constantly growling and sore!
I'm officially at the date the midwives said I can deliver at home from! So happy! Had my gels done last night and I'm getting the last of my waxings done today and tonight and then I'm labor ready, bring it on!
Hope everything goes okay with the doctors want2bamum
Argh. My poor bits are so so swollen! I want to pop this sprog nowwwwwww. I want to meet my child, have comfortable lady bits and sleep on my back. Moany moan moan!
Very tired today from a morning of cleaning and having an old colleague over so I'm spending the rest of the day lying in bed. Getting the OH to do things for me which is a nice change!
Was told last night that they were admitting me but that I would see my consultant in the morning (this morning) as she was on ward rounds, and that we would sort out a plan. As OH doesn't drive he stayed overnight in a hotel so he could definitely be here for this mornings rounds.
We are STILL f#£%&ng waiting to see a bloody consultant!!!!!!!!!!! I have no symptoms, my BP is stable so I should not be in f#£%&ng hospital but until there is a monitoring plan in place I can't leave. The midwife is very apologetic and says she is trying to get someone to see me, but seriously unimpressed by this treatment at the moment.
Love the photo snaveanator! My OH hasnt been in mine yet but give it time!
Rooster - I agree, soo many aches now and no relief, cant believe could have another 2-3 weeks of this! On the plus side our sonographer has told me that he can tell my babys head will fit in my pelvis (some manoevure whereby they hold babies head and then ask you to sit up using tummy muscles and he could tell there is space! She is just being reluctant to engage...predicted weight of just under 8lbs already! I can feel every ounce!
Hope you get sorted soon emma, sounds like no fun at all esp as OH paying hotel fees to be there with you!
Am finally home! The on call consultant came to see me at about 6, we have decided to give it another week to see if I can go into labour naturally. Will be back at hospital on Saturday for a check up and to see if they can do a sweep, then again on Wednesday to see the consultant again.
My OH and I discussed it in the car, and we are both of the opinion that if things haven't started naturally by Wednesday we will ask to be induced.
Feel very let down by my named consultant, as the on call doctor admitted that I had basically been forgotten about!!
Good morning ladies how are you all today?.
I finally reached 37 weeks Today. Getting Very excited knowing that i will meet my baby in 2 weeks and 3 days I'm in such a nesting mood for the last month That we reorganised the whole our place. And still can't stop thinking that there must be something else I must do. This time round I left most of the things for the end and keep thinking what if I've forgotten something important?
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