**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Aww emmajaine!!! Ill be stalking and keeping an eye out for when you ladies will have ur babies! Wonder who will be the first one to have an April baby?? Xx
Me please me please me please!! :lol: I'm up with ruddy heartburn again! And OH is snoring away so I'm really struggling to get back to sleep :-( xx
Another one in the wide awake club with heartburn!
Can't believe it's our month ladies August only seems like 5 minutes ago when I told my OH I was pregnant then burst into tears because he had bought stuff for sausage and mash for dinner telling him it wasn't an appropriate dinner that night lol.

Please feel free to have the first April baby tomorrow, the best people are born on the 2nd of April! It's crazy to think exactly 26 years ago my mum was having all the same complaints I've got now.
Hey ladies.. looks like I'm joining ur club and will be a April mummy.. :)
Welcome TTC no2, I hope baby comes soon! I have a feeling I'll be in your position in May
It's awful when u go over.. lol .
well I knew the chances were pretty high so I did expect it but not this long to be honest.. feeling pressure and losing alot of plug at the min (sorry TMI)
Got my consultant app later so will be given an induction date but really hoping he will me a sweep as I Def think the next one will help me go myself. I'm trying for a VBAC and I want to avoid induction if I can
Good morning April mummies.

Hope you had a good night emmalouise. Its our month this month ladies! Its hubbys last day at work today til after baby is born now. Cant wait!

Welcome TTC, hope your wait isn't not too long :)

Going over is awful. My son took me all the way over last time, born at 40+16!! So you have my sympathies TTC, though hopefully losing your plug is a good sign that things will happen soon!

My baby is already beyond the birth weight if my son so I really hope this one doesn't hang around!
I've added you to the front page TTC - it might help speed the baby along since we've had 7 very impatient April babies!
Ahh god 40+16.... u deserve a medal for that.. I'm complaining and I'm only 7days over..
This baby is much bigger than my little girl she was 6lb 15oz at 40+3 this baby at 38 weeks was 7lbs 7oz I think. I dread to think how big baby is. I know they can be wrong and I'm hoping so lol.. I'm crapping myself about tears and all that malarky..

Thanks rooster :)
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Welcome over TTC! Fx you lil one doesn't keep you waiting too much longer.

Hope baby makes an appearance soon Ttc.

I think I'm def going to be late now, done a few cruel April fools texts this morning so karma will prob be out to get me! x
Hi TTC. Good luck at appointment later-hope things start moving for you.

I forgot about April Fools Day CDx.

TMI-sorry! But am getting a bit of blood now- hoping its my show but will keep an eye on it. Had reflexology yesterday so who knows-maybe it worked. Problem is I also had physio for pelvis which has left me in pain and I haven't slept all night and now can't be sure if I'm actually getting period like pains or not. One minute I think I am and the next I know it's from physio.
Hi ladies, happy April!! Like TTC I'm officially gate crashing this thread as my baby wants to be an April one! I have a sweep later today at 3pm so will let you know how I get on.

TTC hope things are still progressing for you x
Welcome over SKR! Hope the sweep gets things moving for you.

I'm off to the chiropractor in a bit, then back to the hospital for growth scan and consultant appointment, hopefully I'll get some answers about what they are planning because of my pre eclampsia.

Hope you all have a lovely morning! Xx
shes gorgeous emma, congratulations, you were due the day before me seems crazy that you have already had her, all getting very real :D xxx
Thank you Rebecca :) It all seems so surreal tbh oh has now ordered the pushchair and carseat now being delivered tomorrow :)
We wont be going home til
Tomorrow. She's gotta stay on the heated mattress and gradually have it reduced until she's completely off of it. She's having trouble keeping her body temperature at 36.5 and above x
Welcome SKR hopefully baby arrives for you soon.
We must be lucky charms TTC lol fx this is the start of something.

Just out my midwife appointment and have been booked for a presentation scan next week as she is really unsure of baby's position but apart from that all is well. So excited we will get to see LO again.

She weighed me and I've gained 7.5 kilos since my booking appointment not sure if that's good or bad!

Hope you had a good first night EmmaLouise and her temp levels off soon.

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