**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Yep tired and achey here too! I am soo in awe of those of you who have little ones already and are running round and doing stuff with them. I'm spending most of my time with my feet up and I'm still struggling!

Back up to the hospital tomorrow for scan and consultant appointment. Am hoping to get a plan of action together regarding my pre eclampsia and when this little one is gonna make an appearance (if they are going to want to induce me early, or go for due date, as from my research they don't like letting people with pre eclampsia go over). Will also be asking about monitoring and if I can arrange it with community midwife rather than having to go to the hospital each time, as its a half hour drive each way and £2 parking for a 5 minute appointment to check bp and urine.

So that's me finished work...what do I do now? It feels so strange!

Another one who is tired and achey, especially my ribs I just wish I could breath easy! Got the midwife tomorrow.

Hopefully you can be more midwife led Emmajaine that sounds ridiculous and so much effort when it's checks your midwife would normally do.
When I got home from work after my last day it felt so weird! I soon got into the swing of chilling out and bouncing on my exercise ball whilst playing games on the PS3! Aww, it was lovely being that relaxed!

I've lost my temper quite a bit today. Too much tiredness and hormones!
When I went on mat leave with DD I spent far too much time playing tropico on the laptop haha. Enjoy the time to rest and do anything else you fancy doing :)
Today has been a really long tiring day. Lots of pressure down below and pains in bottom of back. Very hard to stand up from the sofa lol

Hi guys have noticed braxton hicks ramping up today and even sat down and timed then, have counted 6 in one hour with 2 of them reasonably uncomfortable with period like pain...anyone else notice this? 38 weeks tomoz so guess its just practise but never had more than 3 in an hour before...doesnt help that she's active too so guess she could be bringing on a couple of them...
Hey ladies :)
Shes here all 5lb6oz of her :)
10/15 mins of established labour :) irregular contractions from half 9 then checked at half 3 to be told only 2cm then midwife had to come back cuz I pressrf buzzer cuz contractions were really intense and felt like I needed to push. Senior midwife checked and was 4cm dilated.
She wad born nearly with her still in the waters
Congratulations emmalouise!! She's gorgeous!! She looks like a little doll!!!
Aww what a little doll she is gorgeous!
Congratulations! Hope your OH has a car seat at the ready lol x
Lol cdx yeah he does but doubt she will be home tomorrow if she doesnr regain her core body heat
Shes gone down to 35.4 shes supposed to be 36.4 so they've given her a heated mattress x
Hope you are both doing well and she is home for her big brothers and sister to spoil her with cuddles soon x
I hope so too I cant cuddle her properly yet either she has to stay on the heated mattress. I just wanna pick her up and take her home lol.
My hips are in bits though :( especially my right one its aching so bad :( ive gotta have blood pressure medication for a month and have needles for 7 days to do at home looks like ill be gettin oh to do the needles for me.
Aww congratulations! She's beautiful! This has really made me smile after today :) xxx
7 April babies born in March! Wow! There's still 1 1/2 hours left if any more babies wanted to arrive in March :lol:

Congratulations to you all :-) Time for some April babies :-)
Thank you girls. I still can't believe that she is here! It just doesnt seem real! Her blood sugar is fine. Im just hoping shes regained all the heat shes lost x

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