**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Aww girls hope you sleep better soon!
Ive had such crap sleep just cant sleep properly. Hospital beds are crap! Finally nodded off at half 1 or just after but kept waking up. My backs in bits cuz of how uncomfortable these beds are. Ive had to sleep with the bed raised up a bit cuz of heartburn. And its not helped at all with my back.

Plus side a few hours and I can finally be induced and see our second princess :)
Oh told me last night that Lilly got a bit back chatty with him last night cuz she wanted to go down her grandads cuz I'm in hospital alex told her no and she started crying 5 mins after she was having a cuddle with her dad sayin she wanted me and the baby home lol x

Ah nless emma, cant b easy without them with you. I understand sleeping issues perfectly - im now struggling in my own bed which used to cure all aches. Plus had really bad thunderstorm n gailforce winds o/n so have slept lightly anyway 3 toilet visits n now wide awake at 7am! Typical!

CDx I get the period like cramps esp after toilet visits which I guess is due to stretching bak into space that full bladder was taking up. Not cinstant or more than once a day tho.
It really isnt. Im missing them like crazy.
The weathers been crazy here through the night as well. Winds have been really strong no thunderstorms though.
Went back to sleep for an hour at half 6.
Just waiting for midwife and doctor to come round now with what they will be doing.
I aint half missed my morning wake up call off of Ollie :( im so used to him waking up shouting mom :( I actually felt like crying cuz I didnt hear him shouting me.
Hoping that they actually come round in a bit and tell me when they will start to induce me and what they will use. X
Good luck Emma, I hope things get started soon.

Today is the last day of March, so tomorrow it is officially our month! I hit the magical 37 week mark where I can officially say 'anytime now...', and then have myself a May baby :lol:

The wind kept me up last night too!
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Awww, hugs Emmalouise. I'm dreading being away from.my daughter. Ive never been away from her overnight before. Hopefully the midwife n doctor wont be too long. Going to be stalking for news today haha, need happy news after yesterday lol.

Ive got awful back pain this morning that keeps coming in waves. TMI but it feels like when your constipated, but I'm not lol.

It was maybe 2 every half hour, gone now though and I did manage go get another 2 hours before my alarm went off which was fab.

Last day at work - it's still all surreal! I hope they aren't nice to me and just let me leave quietly. I've only been in this team for 6 months. If I was with my team I was with for 6 years I would be a wreck! I started when I was 19 and was the baby of the team so they sometimes feel like family.
Thanks rooster :) said im gonna be on blood pressure tablets throughout labour and more than likely will have to take them after shes born for a few weeks maybe upto a month.

Oh said he will make his way up in bout and hour or so when we know more with what's going on x
Good luck emmalouise!! Eeeek!!! So exciting!

I'm so jealous of all of you who already have your LOs and those who will be meeting them sooner than expected!!! I'm so uncomfortable now and have definitely hit the point of "get this baby out of me!" :lol:

How is everyone today? I'm suffering with heartburn, period cramps, backache and (apologies for tmi) peeing and pooping far too often for my liking! Other thn that I'm all good, very excited now the nursery has the furniture in and we were able to start putting clothes in drawers and making up the cot :) I can't wait to meet my little boy!!! :D
Good luck EmmaLouise! So exciting!

I'm at that point too cossie. Dont think my body can cope much more. Back ache, heart burn, spd and sickness - lovely combination lol. I just want to sleep lol.

Oh no! So many ladies seem to be suffering with spd, I feel so lucky to have gotten away with not having it. I really wish all us April mummies could have it just a little easier!!
Gel was given at 20 past 9. Contractions pretty started 5/10 mins after not painful just mildly uncomfortable. Just waiting for oh to get here now x
Arghhhhh, anyone else just feeling SO tired?! Struggling with my very active toddler and don't have any help. I just want to snooze for the next 3-5 weeks.
Not so much tired as achy rooster, no matter what position I sit/stand/lie in something aches lol, the only relief I get is when I eventually fall fast asleep and when in water be it bath or swimming pool, buy hey 38weeks tomoz! Felt very heavy when climbed out of pool today and thinking she's dropped a lil more but will know for sure Thur as we see our lil girl again...

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