**** April 2015 Mummies ****

I'm glad you have a plan sorted now emmalouise, it has to be said I'm not surprised they are inducing you, with the length of time you've had symptoms and with 3+ protein. About bloody time he sorted the car seat!!!! Lol

Take care of yourself hun, and please do keep us updated. Will be thinking of you xxx
Good luck emmalouise! Hope all goes well for you!! Will thinking of you and awaiting updates!! :D

Rebecca there's nothing on the Facebook page to accept you, unless someone else has already done it?
Are any of you getting sore legs with pins and needles?
It just seems to be down the right side.
Sore legs - I'm with you, achey hips - both sides- feel like I can't walk easily as there's pressure on my pelvic bone, feels like I'm trying to walk with something squished between my thighs!

I'm ignoring "signs" now as I've driven myself nuts over it and end up disappointed and even more impaitient!

I just joined on fb.
No signs/symptons at all for me! Boohoo :-( On the positive, I must be relatively comfortable compared to the rest of you.
Im still waiting for doctor for a decision. Hes in theatre as had an emergency.
Her weight is only 5lb 8oz or there abouts they said shes stopped growing completely and she wont put anymore weight on.
Bloods come back normal again :/ x
Midwife just done blood pressure again its gone back up. Still waiting for doctor and consultant to come round to see me x
Aww hope you aren't waiting too much longer emmalouise. It must be so hard waiting. Your bloods are like mine, dont show anything but other symptoms say otherwise! They wont scan me though so hoping littlun is alright.

Just want today to be over now. Had some bad news in the family, been massively sick and in lots of pain in my hips. Hope tomorrow is better xx
Hope you feel better soon want2bamum.

Its a pain waiting others have been seen doctors and consultants but not me yet. Surely they should be more concerned and be on the ball more especially when the scan came up that shes stopped growing x
Yep, id be starting to be a pain by now haha but I'm not the most patient person haha. Hope they dont keep u waiting much longer xx
Its so frustrating isn't it emmalouise? I had that both times I was in, everyone else in the 6 bed ward had been seen, and the doc just walked past me! Thankfully they did head back about half an hour later, so fx its the same for you.

Hope you feel better soon want2bamum, sending :hugs:

Hope everyone else is having an OK evening, and is as comfortable as it is possible to be at this point in pregnancy!

Arghhhhh they're starting me tomorrow morning defo pre-eclampsia protein in urine test sent off went from 900 Saturday to 1400 today. Cackin myself aint gonna sleep well at all tonight xxx
How exciting yet terrifying all at once. Good luck for tomorrow x
One last monitoring at half 11 then sleep til bout 7/8 then off to be induced. Really cant see myself going to sleep any time soon. Been texting oh all afternoon/night and he told me to an hours kip before they come and put the monitor on but doubt I will be able too. X
Still nowhere near going to sleep. These beds are so uncomfortable. Lower backache as well its a nightmare. Xx
Awake with heartburn...again! Anytime I turn in bed I get a wave of nausea. I don't think I can cope with another 3-5 weeks of this.
I'm having what I assume us an IBS flare up and period type cramping. Apparently all signs of early labour. Hopefully not OH is working away this week.

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