**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Hugs emmalouise, can imagine how you must be feeling. Fx you see the consultant soon.

Thankfully my bp was OK at the check up today, so no need to stay in hospital tonight. Next appointment is Wednesday for a scan and to see the consultant, where hopefully we will come up with a plan.

What a cutie chazabell!! :-)

All approved rooster! I'm administration but anyone can approve new members. I know something was done when the group first opened about introducing yourself as which PF member you were so I might do something like that again.

Furniture is in and looks amazing :-) makes it feel so real! The only thing missing now is a baby!! Xx
Midwives are half Soaked in this hospital they do the urine samples and BP checks and she said ive got protein +3 and some other stuff in it. And when I told her bout whats been happening the last few weeks with being in and out of the fau with +3 protein and high BP she was pretty much dismissed it.
Roll on when consultant comes in to see me least I have a better chance of him listening x
Ahh its lovely when the nursery is complete! Keep looking at ours and thinking about him being here.

I'm struggling with moving around this afternoon so lying in bed watching escape to the country for an hour or so lol.

Do you know when you are seeing consultant emmalouise?

Glad your bp is good today emmajaine xx
Just waiting in the room now. Hopefully a few minutes more of waiting.
Glad ur BP is good today emmajaine :)
I just wanna get everything sorted and a plan put together so I know whats gonna happen x
Our nursery has taken shape! We have a room that has a cot in it! Phew. Just want to decorate it a bit more - we have pictures to put up and want to get some wall stickers, just to spruce it all up :-)
Rooster do you have a b&m homestores near you? They do ace wall stickers which r like decoupage (multilayered) with plastic. Stick v well n huge range to choose from. Weve got birds, butterflies, fliwers n fairies...used 5 sheets for three walls n only cost £10. They do a load of boy choices as well as generic so worth checking out. Was the most enjoyable hr ive spent preparing nursery lol.
I've tried posting pictures of the nursery but I think the files are too big. I'm just glad it's pretty much done now and we can put all his stuff in there and gain our bedroom back!
we finally put our winnie the pooh clock up today in nursery - funny how the tiny things are the most enjoyable! Similar to how I felt putting car seat in car, only took 5mins but was exciting and very real lol...doing final dust rounds in some of the rooms also, nesting has well and truly kicked in lol...
Im staying in girls! My BP is 144/98 said they will more than likely induce me tonight im
36 +1 im cackin my pants! Im so worried about leaving jay Lilly and Ollie :(
Babys growth has stopped completely she hasnt put any weight on in 2 weeks and my placenta seems to be normal but its stopping slowly
Sorry to hear that emma but at least they now have a plan! Whilst im sure you're worried at least you now know that things will be happening soon...have you got someone who can take care of your kids? oh and be sure to demand your OH trawl the shops for a car seat...it is now essential...
I think Ive found the facebook group if anyone could accept me :-) xxx
At least they are taking some action now EmmaLouise instead of just monitoring you. I'm sure baby will be fine and your other 3 will be so excited to meet their little sister so try not stress.

Hoping you are having baby cuddles soon and everything goes smoothly.
So pleased they have a plan for you emmalouise, even if its quite scary at the mo. Everything will be fine. Is hubby coming to be there with you?

Try not to worry honey, easier said than done I know xx
Aha I think he has ordered it from very with next say delivery aha he has no choice now that made me giggle.
He is taking kids to his dads I think. He phoned me back at 4 and when I explained he said oh for fucks sake you and your crappy pregnancy body blood pressure and protein riddled crap when I laughed at what he said he said least that made you laugh and he asked if I need anything else putting in the hospital bag. More than anything Lilly will be the most excited lol xx
Im nervous and scared more than anything I just wanna know what they are defo gonna be doing now then just wait about etc. Once I know im gonna have a walk down to the spar to see if i need anything else lol x
Thank you rooster :) ill keep you all updated. You all should know by now that I talk far too much and update on here a lot lol xx
Good luck Emma.
I had my consultant appointment today at 2pm as well ( just had a long wait as they were running late approx 45min) and got booked in for c-section on 20th. Exactly 3 weeks from today eeeek... now it's becoming more real. Just my emotions are a bit all over the place. I think I need to get used to the idea that now I know the date of when the baby will be born.

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