morning ladies, sounds like a few of you are not having much fun, hopefully you all get the answers you are looking for lol...I also am anxiously waiting for her arrival, its wierd cos as soon as you hit 37 you turn into this cooking timer and even tho you try to keep busy there is a voice inside your head saying a mantra like 'could be today, tomorrow, next week...' I am all prepared thankfully (i'd be really annoyed about the carseat thing emmalouise, that was one of the first things we bought, if your OH wants to save money then try a nearly new sale or carboot as we got ours from there for £5, then just stick all the material in the wash....) and feel the nesting coming on again, trying to do a bit, rest then go back to it later to ensure dont over exert myself...
Had midwife appt yesterday and she reckons 4/5 palpable (1/5 engaged basically) but lying on right side, just recently she has been left side which is clearly the better side and no amount of lying and sleeping on left is helping...I kept thinking that feeling nudges at belly button and kicks on right meant left side but midwife reckons she's bent her legs back under her bum which makes it confusing to know which side she is lol...oh well I have to trust that whatever position she is in when labour starts is meant to be and there are ways of encouraging them to turn during labour that arent too uncomfortable...
Like you guys just getting impatient now, can't believe 1st April on Wednesday! For those of us with non impatient babies, we will be able to say we're having our babies 'this month'...unless they are so laid back they become May lol...