**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Aww, fingers crossed that her growth is fine and that she's just hiding away lol. Itll be nice for you to see her again though :) ive just looked at my notes and my liver function results are out of normal range yet hospital told me they were fine. Think I'm going to make a GP appointment tomorrow just to make sure. I wasn't even seen by a doctor today, just the midwife. Very confused! Lol xx
What a horrible couple of hours I couldnt stop long at my aunties funeral it just got too much so I left after the service and paid my respects. There were loads that came to say their goodbyes. She was a very much loved lady glad she got the send off she deserved.

Trying to take my mind off of it all now and watching films with the kids x
I was measuring at 32 at my 34 week appointment so I was sent for a growth scan. Baby was measuring perfectly on the 50th centile, so I'm sure everything will be okay Emma!
They have to do the growth scan as routine as well cuz of my blood pressure cuz of pre-eclampsia it can stop the placenta from working and preventing it from giving the nutrients to the baby.
So two birds with one stone they are checking. Just hope it dont come that it stopped working last week or the week before. I always think of the negative before the positive xx
Absolutely fed up tonight. Ollies refusing to settle down for bed :( and I really wanna go get in the bath but he has other ideas.
My oh has decided that he will be staying up til god knows what time watching wrestlemainia -.-
Plus side kids have done nothing but help out all day and been golden :)

Hope im not waiting ages tomorrow to see consultant and for scan. Feeling sick tonight as well got slight headache which has come out of nowhere. X

Even more fucked off with oh Now! I just reminded him we need to get carseat defo sorted asap and he said well after you've had baby ill go out and get One! Ffs! How he doesnt see that that isnt wrong in anyway I dont know!
Im fed up of everything tonight I just cant be arsed with tryin to even talk bout it. He'll soon realise that he has gone about it all wrong etc when it comes to going home with the baby and he realises that we wont be able to cuz he aint bothered to get the carseat! I dont need the added stress off him being a pleb tonight
Hope things improve EmmaLouise.
My mum went to get a car seat for her car when baby arrives and I expected we could take it straight home from the shop there and then but they said they don't hold a lot of them in stock so it might not be as simple as him going to the shop then straight to hospital to collect you.

My thirst is getting ridiculous nothing is quenching it. Had ice drinks, sorbets and feel constantly thirsty no matter how much fluid I've had. any hints or tips?
Sorry cdx im not too sure what to suggest.
Ive just gotten into bed. My hips are hurting like mad especially my right one. It normally hurts like this when im due my period :/ so dunno why its hurting now.

Im gonna try and have another word with oh tomorrow. He is far tok engrossed with watching wrestlemainia at the minute and I wanna get comfy in bed and get some sleep. Headache kicked off again earlier bout 5/6 and its still there. Hopefully going to sleep will help dull it down or get rid of it.

Ive drank loads of water today to try help but its not done a damn thing. Gettin anxious for tomorrow now with seeing consultant x
Im sure everything will be fine EmmaLouise, if anything it might just mean you have your gorgeous girl in your arms sooner. My left hip plays up but I think it's because I'm sleeping on it more than my right.

Awake again with heartburn, im getting fed up with it now. I really can't sleep sitting up but lying down I feel like I am going to be sick. Work will be fun in the morning - at least it's my 2nd last day!
Morning all! How is everyone today? Not much happening with me except the odd period pain here and there - nothing regular, no tightenings or any of that business, just aches and pains - fun!
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Good luck for today emmalouise, I'm sure everything will be fine :) and your oh is being a douche lol, we had to order our car seat and go back and get it. Most hospitals wont let you leave without seeing baby is safe in their car seat.

Ive had period type pains all night, pain killers did nothing so feel like a zombie this morning. Having a pj day as my maternity jeans aren't comfortable anymore. Two weeks today I'm booked for section, dont know how I'm going to last that long lol.

A pj day sounds bliss want2bamum!
How's the nursery coming along Rooster? Still stressful?

I was saying this morning I forgot what it's like to breath without so much pressure on my lungs. Baby is still breech with head and bum crammed up in between my ribs. My bump is the oddest shape particularly in the mornings. Technically got another 4-6 weeks to go.

I'm getting the odd period pain but really not much, could this be because of babies position my body just doesn't want to or feel it needs to prepare as baby is engaged?

This week should be a good week for me finish up work tomorrow, midwife on Wed (hopefully get referred for a scan and get to see LO again she was going go refer me at my last appointment but decided baby still had some time to turn) it's my birthday on Thurs and OH is taking me to a spa hotel for some last minute quality time just the 2 of us.
Aha my eldest regularly calls his dad a douche when they are playing lol.
Ive not long woke up Ollie slept in :) so feeling a little more refreshed but kept waking up cuz I kept going really hot and kept throwing the quilt off of me.
Im hoping I get the news I want today :) and that they say yea to being induced like the other doctor said Saturday when I got admitted to the delivery suite.
I dont think I can carry on being on edge about my blood pressure and the other symptoms ive been experiencing x
Good luck for today emmalouise, fx they agreed about the induction.

I'm off to the hospital again today, really hoping not to be admitted again, so keep your fingers crossed for me!

In so much pain with my back :( its right at the bottom. God knows how or what ive done :/
I should really get dressed and have a walk down the road to get some cereal for breakfast but I dont wanna go gey changed yet lol x
Ouch my hips hurt so bad! Kept me up a lot, i guess it's the "relaxin" loosening my joints... With a name like that you'd think it would be less painful! I'm getting period pains / lower back pain on and off but no regularity.

Yesterday had a call from my friend 2 hours away, she had her baby 6 weeks early! She was due 5 weeks after me- mum and baby doing OK but need the stay in for a while. I'm glad all is ok but the monster in.me is super jealous she had her baby already!
Im the same prettypee my
A few of my friends have had their babies early and the Green eyed monster keeps rearing its head and im there thinking why cant that be me i want my baby now lol.
My hips aren't too bad this morning but now ive said they'll probably hurt later on today. Ive been told by oh and doctors this morning (they phoned) saying to take a set of pjs and clean clothes in just incase they wanna keep in for monitoring if they wanna induce me
Sometime this week x
I think I'm just done with being pregnant now! 37 weeks preggo on Wednesday so it's free to just slide on out from then.
Lol Rooster. I felt like that on Friday when I reached 37 weeks.

My hips are killing me this morning and my headache is back. Rang mau and was told to see how I go lol. I just want this all to be over now. I'm not normally an impatient person but my god I'm learning very quickly lol

I hate how us April mummies seem to be having the worst pregnancies!! I'm sure people who go on to have 10+ kids out of choice must have the easiest pregnancies ever!!

I think I'm just feeling excited today. Furniture is due to be delivered and that's the last thing for the nursery! So that room will be 100% complete once that's in. And on top of that I can say that I'm due next week!!! Scary considering it only feels like yesterday that we found out we were having a baby and were about 5 weeks along!!!
Ive got a slight headache but nowhere near as bad as it has been over the last couple of days.
Starting to get stupidly anxious/excited about what the consultant will say this afternoon ive gotta be at hospital for 2oclock so will have to leave my house just after half 12 as gotta get two buses -_- xx

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