**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Blood pressure has come down. Waiting to be put on monitoring at 5 and bloods to come back. I'm gettin the shakes n that like I did when I was goin into labour with Jay plus the pains in my back :/
Sorry to see some of you are still struggling. I think by the looks of it we may have a few more March babies.

I've had a total lazy day, keep trying to do housework but my back won't let me do much. Having cuddles on the couch with Mia our dog, I feel really sorry for her pretty soon her whole world will be turned upside down and shes a wee old lady.
We all really aren't having the best time are we? I'm sure this thing with my heart feeling like it's going to beat out of my chest paired with lightheaded and heavy feeling limbs. Midwife yesterday said it was to be expected as my body will be struggling with everything now but it just doesn't feel right. I'm feeling very miserable now.

I hope everyone else is either having a better time or their days have picked up xx
I don't think my baby will come on its own at all! I've had no signs like most people have seemed to have had. No Braxton Hicks yet at all. All I've had is leaky boobs!
No BH for me either lizzii :-) All i've had is period pain in my lower back, but that was only a handful of times a few days ago.
I've had a couple of mild period like pains but I think that's baby's head putting pressure on my bladder! All these babies is starting to make me feel impatient. I can't wait to hold baby and see what she looks like :)
I was feeling hopeful that ours would be here within the next few days but hopes are starting to fade as the pains and pressure are subsiding :(
I'm sooo impatient so trying to focus on enjoying all the things that will change when baby's here, admittedly that's not much but am trying to enjoy just having me to focus on and noone else, just relaxing and spoiling myself before someone more important is here!
Give it a try and ladies who're struggling and feeling impatient, might make you enjoy that last few days/weeks more :) xox
Been unable to post ladies, but good news, baby is still inside me :) I'm desperate to meet him and have this pregnancy finished, but not as early as 35 weeks if it can be helped, and it was.

Long story short, two days in hospital and contractions have stopped. Going in next week as I might have to have my elective section sooner rather than later as my liver is playing silly buggers and this might be reasons for stressed baby, but so far all calmed down. But....I can still go back into labour any minute, eek. 36 weeks today and just want to reach 37 then I'll be happier for an earlier baby.

But either way not long.

Haven't been able to check on here lately, how many babies do we have so far?
So glad you are okay Kelly! We have 6 babies so far - 3 boys and 3 girls! These April babies are in a hurry :-)
Glad things have calmed down for you Kelly, fx bubba stays nice and snug for another couple of weeks.

I've had a couple of BH's, but no leaky boobs! Guess it goes to show how different each pregnancy really is.

Quick update! I got admitted to the delivery suite as a precaution. Bloods have actually came back normal :/ they dont know whats causing the high blood pressure or the protein +3 but they've said if ive still got it tomorrow and Monday and growth has defo slowed down ill be having her Friday!!!! Im not going to be able to go into the fau tomorrow as its my aunties funeral :( and I completely got frazzled in the hospital and said id go in tomorrow but will phone first thing in the morning and explaining it all.

They said something about my kidneys and white blood cells and protein I cant remember the rest lol x
Sounds the same as my results emmalouise, my bloods were normal too. I'm back in today to have everything checked again and they said they will check everything every 3 days til he's born. I'm hoping I'm not there all day again as petrol n car parking are going to cost a bomb before he even gets here! Lol. And ive got my DD with me today and she will be bored xx
Been trying all morning to phone and its not ringing out.
Feeling so much better this morning though I had a good nights sleep and Ollie slept through the night for the first time in weeks :)
Babys is moving great and can feel her hiccups and no headache this morning at all. Just hope inaint jinxed myself and I end up getting an headache later on today. But so far so good :)

Im going to tell my consultant everything that has happened at my appointment tomorrow and what the doctors told me yesterday. Hopefully will be a definitive answer and plan of action :)
I keep freakin out and checking if I can see any fuzzy spots or anything like that just to make sure its not there. X
So many April babies desperate to make an appearance!!

Off to Birmingham shopping today. Hoping that lots of walking might trigger something off!! :lol: That and I get to go to the disney store and ut lots of Disney stuff!! Haha :P
Still no headache but starting to feel a Lil sluggish.
Just cant wait for this pregnancy to be over now. Im ready to be back to normal. Just doing a beef dinner and the smell is putting me off though :/
Had my midwife appointment today, baby is 3/5 engaged and she think that it will be making an appearance very soon! Said if I can make it to 36+5 on Thursday then I can have the home birth so legs crossed it stays in until then! X
Well ive been sent home again even though results are still the same as Friday. No one has given any idea of what is going on so bit unimpressed tbh. Been told to see my midwife as normal in 10 days time but that's it. No mention of anything else. Feel a bit fobbed off tbh, everyone on Friday was really concerned that something was wrong (I'm obviously really pleased that it isn't!) but now nothing! Xx
i know how you feel want2bamum i felt like that when i was having Lilly i had to keep asking what ws going on and what the plan would be if you still feel no different then keep going back til they listen to you.

I've got scan and consultant tomorrow at 2 oclock :) so looking forward to seein lil miss not the fact that she may of stopped growing :( doctor last night seems to think that she has stopped growing or has really slowed down, they've said that from fundal height measurement shes only measuring 34 weeks when i'm 36 weeks today.
so hoping its just the way that she is lying and thats it but if she has stopped growing i'll get a definite date as to when she will be coming :)


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