**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Congratulations Michelle!

This baby just doesn't like me sleeping these days, not in too much discomfort but haven't attempted to get up yet. Last night I had so much pain in my lower back at the left side. I could only take a few baby steps then stop, hoping the joint in my pelvis hasn't slipped out of place again.

I'm the same EmmaLouise we will be 8 years in September and no ring, I was the opposite last night though saying I def wouldn't want the stress of a wedding.

Congrats Michelle! Wow many babies now! X

I haven't slept. I've had severe lower back pain since 8 pm last night. I gave up attempting to sleep at 5 am and had a bath. I'm now sitting on sofa with dogs to let oh get some sleep. Sigh. So much back pain but contractions are so bloody irregular - I want to scream! I'm hoping things either progress soon or the back pain stops.

If I'm.still I'm.pain by 8 I'll probably ring mau for their opinion.
Congrats michellek!

Rooster & emmalouise- leg cramps frequent now two in past wk. Worst part is have numb or achy hands during night n so cant use them very well to get sat up in time to flex my leg. It is agony n takes me bak to growing pains as a teenager. Hoping the extra magnesium n calcium ive beeb taking will start helping it...also cant sleep afterwards so end up shattered!
Wow prettypee sounds like ur havin a bad time of it, hang in there im sure it wont b long now...gud idea to ring tho they may b able to suggest something...
Congrats Michelle!

Hope you ladies have managed to get some more sleep! I slept surprisingly well seeing as tho I'm in hospital. Think having my own pillows helped enormously, so definitely take you own when you go in!

How are you feeling now prettypee? Hope things have either progressed into something more regular or stopped and let you get some sleep.

I doubt we will ever get marries tbh we're happy the way things are at the moment. Dont need the added stress :)

Kept waking up with lower back pain and slight headache. Wish I could get a good nights sleep. I didnt have a problem sleeping in my previous pregnancies but this one is the worst with trying to sleep :(
So wish Lil miss would make an appearance now so I can get my body back and a decent nights sleep x
Did you say a decent nights sleep? :lol: Babies don't provide their parents with decent nights sleep do they?!
Lol youd be surprised Ollie was great for the first few weeks with sleeping only waking once and oh took care of him for me while I caught up on missed sleep :)
Lilly was the worst she had colic and was screaming/crying from 7/8 at night til bout 1/2 in the morning.

Hardly ate anything last night and with the Lil sugar I put in my tea this morning baby has had am increase of movement from the Lil sugar high lol x
My son had colic and didn't sleep in his basket until 5am and then only for a couple of hours. The first two weeks I ran on empty!
Horrible aint it chick. Im hoping this Lil madam will be as good as her brothers lol.
Feeling in a better mood this morning :) not grumpy or moody yet lol give it time and my headache will get to me and put me in a mood lol.

You all upto much today? Xx
We're FINALLY starting on the nursery today. At 36+3 it is about ruddy time, even though my OH is still reluctant about losing his office for two weeks. On the positive for him though the next two weeks are four day weeks and once the two weeks have passed he's going to have a stunning new garden office and maybe a baby too!
Bet thays exciting rooster :)
We're off to the town today to get easter eggs and a few bits and pieces.
Just gotta wait for ohs sister to turn up first with some stuff shes gotta drop off and also gotta wait for Lilly to wake up again. Shes fell back to sleep on the settee next to her dad Watching the f1.

Plus side the the weekend being here only two days til we see princess on the scan again x
OH is away out on his last boys day out before the baby, golf show, football and some beers then he has said he won't be drinking again incase he needs to do hospital runs. He has been really good throughout this pregnancy and kept double checking last night that it was ok for him to have a few drinks...I'm just jealous! This time last year I was away on a girls weekend for my 25th birthday and a picture came up on Timehop of our shopping can't decide what I want more a strawberry daiquiri, French martini or ice cold can of Koppaberg And it's 9am on a Saturday morning lol.

I was hoping you would all say babies sleep perfectly through the night haha, to be honest I think I'll cope better when its a cry I need to deal with rather than a head in my ribs and foot in my bum.

Exciting you can finally get the nursery organised Rooster.
Backs eased enough for me to walk but now the front is hurting. Nothing regular though. Got an hour and a half sleep so better than nothing. Keeping an eye on things today but I think things must be on the horizon.... I can't imagine feeling like this could be anything other than the start of labour! I will keep you posted though girls xx
Going home in a bit!! Really hope this is the last hospital stay before baby arrives! Xx
This is taking longer than I thought. We have so much filing and paperwork to sort that we're no where near emptying it yet. Argh! I just want a room with a cot in it!
Im in hospital headache got unbearable :( was crying with it pretty much and had visual disturbances so they asked me to go in. Just waiting to see what doctor says and what will happen gonna tell them the only way ill stop in is if they induce me x
Congrats Michelle! :)

Glad you are coming home today EmmaJaine, hopefully thatll be it now until baba arrives :)

Ive still got my headache from yesterday and keep seeing little white spots still - dont really know what to do as if I go back in theyll just do the same tests and they were all clear yesterday. Got to go back tomorrow anyway so might just leave it til then?

Oh no Emmalouise, hopefully it wont be long before a doctor sees you and gives you a plan!

If the headaches are really bad want2bamum get urself checked out. Mine has gotten that bad I couldn't even make sense of pretty much anything it's starting wear off a bit but still painful. X

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