**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Fell asleep on the settee at 10 woke up at 11. Headache is still there but not as bad as it was still painful. Doesn't help that the kids decided to argue that one wanted to watch nickelodeon and the other wanted to watch cartoon network. Soon stopped when I turned it off and put this morning on instead to stop the arguments between them.

Might have a walk to the shop to get some fresh air and some lucozade to try and boost my energy x
Spoke with the midwife this morning re pains etc. She said that they are likely pains that are preparing body for labour & birth and even sound like signs of early labour if they were that painful (and they were excruciating!). She said with early labour it could last a few hours, a few days or a few weeks and that I might have baby by this weekend or I may end up being induced at 40+10/12 like normal. She said if they continue and I'm not coping they are likely to induce a bit earlier.

Hope everyone is doing ok?
Feeling better now. Headache isnt as bad but still feel it. Been sleeping on and off all morning and its helped. Baby is having a very active half hour or so. Keeps headbutting my cervix and sticking her bum out :)
Been having pains all day as well so hopefully wont be long til baby decides to make an appearance hopefully before Monday but not getting my hopes up lol x
Congrats lepus- these baby's are all starting to make an appearance! So exciting :)

I walked to the local co-op to get some bread and energy drinks in an effort to get things going, not.quite generating labour rather tonnes of sweat (ew)

Everyone's having their babies now I'm getting so agitated!!
Been readmitted to the hospital :-( BP was high again, so they have started me on meds and also found out I have a urine infection so on anti biotics for that. Really disappointed that I am back here.
aww no way emmajaine! hope you start to feel better soon I've phoned midwife and she cant get out til Sunday to check my bp so gotta wait til then.
looks like they may induce you soon then fingers crossed if they do everything goes smoothly for you.
i've had the shakes/shivers on and off all day as well i dont even feel cold which is weird :/
Dunno, gonna speak to consultant when they come round this evening and see what their plan is, so far no-one has said anything about inducing me...

Just frustrated that I don't know what's going on! I know this is the best place for me, but I bloody hate being here.

i know what you mean i hate hospitals, with ollie when they found out i had pre-eclampsia they told me they would induce me the next day so had OH come up with the hospital bag etc
really the consultant should come and see you now and tell you what the plan is instead of leaving it til tonight.
really not looking forward to Sunday lunch :( got ohs dad coming round and he wants to stop for dinner :( and i really aint in the mood to cook for more people sounds horrible i know but i'm seriously feeling crappy and run down. We have to go town tomorrow as well gotta get last bits for hospital bag i'm just taking a pair of old black joggers and a pj top instead of buying new i thought about it the other day and thought why would i need new pjs when i have loads of black bottoms in the house as it is lol.
gotta get my wash bag sorted and debating weather to get a small travel pack of nappies instead of taking about 10 or more out of the box of nappies i've got already.
Feel like going to sleep again but know if i do i wont sleep tonight. x
Aww sorry your back in hospital Emmajaine. I am on maternity assessment today after showing signs of pre eclampsia this morning so waiting to see if they are keeping me in :( xx
Oh dear want2bamum! Hope ur okay?
Its horrible aint it. Im gonna go in tomorrow if this headache is still here. I just dont wanna be induced yet as I aint even got a carseat or pushchair yet as oh is dragging his feet about it.
If he dont order it by Monday think I'll order it myself.
Keeps saying he wants to wait for the sales but its doing my head in knowing ive not got a carseat ready as im at risk of being induced early due to pre-eclampsia.

Hope everyone is feeling okay tonight xx
Seen the consultant and I actually feel like I kinda know what the plan is now. She said they want me in til tomorrow pm to monitor bp and check I'm on the right dose. Assuming that's OK and the protein in my urine drops they'll let me go home, but I'll be coming back twice a week for checks.

I asked about induction etc and got told that (again assuming all stays stable) they want to keep baby in as long as possible. Because its my first baby any attempt at induction done now isn't gonna stand a great chance of working, so they wanna leave me. However I'll probably not be allowed to go overdue, but that will be discussed at a later date.

How did it go want2bamum? Did they admit you in the end?

Emmalouise not having the car seat would do my head in, I'd definitely order it yourself, just use his card to pay for it! Lol

Anyone got any fun plans for the weekend? Xx
Ive been sent him but have to go back Sunday to be monitored and they will monitor me twice a week til my elective date in two weeks. They've said if anything changes they will deliver him before then so now just got to wait and see. Hope your overnight stay isn't too bad and that you can go home tomorrow xx
Oh dear :-( April mummies aren't doing great. So sorry to hear about all these high BP issues that so many have had resulting in numerous hospital stays/visits :-(

Just been googling about leg cramps and apparently third trimester pregnant women are prone to them. Yippee...
I get leg cramp a lot through the night :( its dreadful.
Headache is still there its been gettin worse then dying down then getting worse. Was weird though I put it down to migraine as it felt like one and I was sick but was only sick once.

Oh is sleeping on the settee tonight said he will let me have the bed to myself so I can try and get a decent nights sleep :)

Lol emmajaine I've just spoke to him and he said he will have a look on very or littlewoods later or tomorrow :) gotta keep nagging these days lol.
Was watching emmerdale earlier and a couple got engaged after a few months together I said to Alex well
Look weve been together nearly 8 years and they've gotten engaged after so many months wheres my ring lol he said dont need one whats the point we're happy how we are lol bless him x
Just catching up whilst feeding again ;-)

Sorry you're all having such a rubbish time. All these pregnancy woes will be forgotten and you will be missing your bumps whilst having all the newborn woes!
Hi all, absolutely over the moon to announce that baby Esme Grace came into the world on 26.03.2015 7.09pm weighing 7lb 6oz!
She is absolutely beautiful!
Proud parents we are!
Hope you are all ok 😊
Congratulations Michelle! :D yet another April baby in March!! We're running out of babies to actually be born in April now guys!!

Up at this ungodly hour due to more pains and heartburn. Hating this so much right now. Can honestly say I've had enough and am on the verge of a breakdown :-( I really wish you could request an early induction based on feeling so damn miserable.

Anyways, time to attempt to go back to sleep before I murder my snoring OH!!!
Congratulations Michelle k.

I'm awake at stupid o'clock too Cossie with pain. Not sure if I just over did it yesterday or not but so tired and just want to get a proper nights sleep:(

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