**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Happy belated Birthday Prettypee. Hope you have a better day tomorrow and get out for a last birthday meal together.

It's coming up to my husbands birthday and we're hoping to do the same as I am finally feeling a good bit better. Baby has finally dropped away from my ribs and although he can still hurt them it is much better. I can finally stand or sit up straight for more than 5 mins without crying with pain. So relieved as I can finally get out and about again.

So cute Cossie. Must be a very affectionate cat.
Just to let you know I had a baby boy at 3.21am today, didn't have time to do a labour thread. Will update when I'm not so knackered x
Congratulations lepus! Hope you're both doing well xx

Crap nights sleep just couldnt stay asleep and didnt help that I was really hot throughout the night and wasn't in the quilt if I did cool down and put tje quilt back on id just go really hot again.
My feet/ankels are really sore this morning not painful but uncomfortable when I walk so god help me when I walk to the school this morning.
Not too sure if to phone fau and see what they say or wait til I phone my midwife in at 9 x
Congratulations Lepus!!!

Oh Emmalouise, poor you!!! I can only imagine how uncomfortable you are. If I were you I would probably call fau.
Oh wow Lepus, huge congratulations on the speedy arrival if your little boy :-)

Anyone else getting muscle spasms? I woke up in agony last night, yelped with the pain. Ouchy :-(
Congrats lepus another bundle of April joy in March lol...

Rooster ive had spasms on my bump where cudnt move was told it was due to baby lying on a nerve n causing round ligament pain. Ive also had two nights where woke up with leg cramps that necessitated getting out of bed n flexing my foot with assistance of hand (not easy with size of my bump). Mega painful...
Ooh my goodness.. another baby for uz April mummy's. . Congratulations lepus:) x
I've been getting them in my calves. They're so so painful but only last a very long minute! My goodness. I don't even know if it's a pregnancy thing! But both calves have had an attack of it now and I feel a bit crippled :-(
Headache is really bad. Eyes are going weird not sure if its part of the visual disturbances :/
Just feel really sick. Feel bad that I cant take the kids to school as I dont want them
To miss their last day as they break up for half term.
I really dont wanna risk taking them and it getting worse.
Feel sick as well.
Hope its just a migraine and thats it and some sleep will clear it up and make it feel better x
Congrats lepus! Looking forward to reading your story! Enjoy baby snuggles!

Rooster I suffer from calf cramps, they are bloody horrid! Have had them for years and seem to go through phases of getting them 2-3 times a night and then none for months. Unfortunately I've not found anything that helps,but you have my sympathy.

Emmalouise hope the swelling has calmed down, I fully sympathise with how uncomfortable it is, my cankles are rediculous at the moment! I'd phone tge fau as it could be the pre eclampsia getting worse (fx its not tho!)

I'm back at the hospital for checks a bit later,must repack hospital bag as I realised I had put too many long sleeved things in, and I was roasting!

Emmalouise you need to phone fau hun, headache and visual disturbances are not good signs. Hugs xx
Congratulations lepus!!! Can't believe we have another April baby in march!!

Hope everyone is well this morning? My twinges stopped after 4-5 hours. They were so painful and I could time them, that's what worried me. I managed to get a full nights sleep and he's moving as he should. I'll be mentioned the increased heart rate and feeling lightheaded after each 'contraction' to midwife this morning. Hopefully nothing too serious!! Xx
Eeek Nicki! That sounds exciting and scary at the same time! Glad you managed to get a good nights sleep tho. Xx
Very much so emma! Not going to lie though, I'd quite like things to happen sooner rather than later! I'm too uncomfortable now!! :lol: xx
Completely get that! OH and I were thinking at the beginning of the week that we could have baby by now, kinda disappointed that we don't as I'm so uncomfortable now. Can't imaginewhat it must be like to go overdue! Xx
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I gave birth at 40+16 last time and it wasn't fun! I wasn't uncomfortable just hugely impatient and got fed up of people texting me asking if baby had arrived yet!
Defo a migraine.
Being sick tired and feel cold :(
Just hope I can get some sleep and bring a quilt down. Baby keeps moving and really uncomfortable :( x
Aww congratulations Lepus! Can't wait to read your story. All becoming very real now with so many April babies already being here.

I better start preparing myself for the pain of labour as we looked around another midwife led facility closer to home and it seemed much better- cleaner, more relaxed etc. so think we're going to go there but no epidural available-eek! Wasn't exactly intending on one anyway but then again I'm a ftm with no idea how bad the pain gets or how I'll cope with it.
Congratulations Lepus!

Baby seems to think between 2-4am is playtime these days so I watched some OBEM on YouTube to try prep myself a bit more. One was a 17 year old who only took paracetamol for pain relief that was slightly terrifying to watch! I'm really hoping if they let me labour naturally I manage to stay at home as long as possible I think the waiting around in hospital will really frustrate me, wait and see you'll all be March/April mummies and I'll be May.

Good luck to those with check ups this morning.

Hi CDx, dont think you'll be the only one, also finding things really uncomfortable now with leg cramps every few nights, round ligament pain, swelling/pins needles and numbness in fingers and hands when wake (taking magnesium now for this as doula recommended it saying perhaps not getting enough magnesium which helps calcium be produced and absorbed by the body), took rings off around week 20 I think not worn since...which feels bad if out and about as the old fashioned stereotype is still there (people see bump and automatically look for ring) esp if out and about alone...

Our baby girl is also getting very forceful now pushing against sides hard which makes her bounce back the other way and therefore get pressure opposite side...get this vertically (not nice as usually results in pressure or fanny daggers down there!) and horizontally (when belly looks like it lurches one side to the next and you wonder at the amazing elasticity of your stomach then I can tell you!

Left side sleeping starting to work, managed to sleep for longer last night (until leg cramp hit me at 6am and then couldnt sleep for ages!) so getting used to it and it does mean she is remaining on left side now whereas she was swapping sides frequently before...'stay on my left lil girl, be good for your soon to be mummy lol...'

Also starting to wonder how can wait potentially 5 weeks for her arrival as we both want her here now altho keeping nice n busy but its starting to frustrate me that at any one time something aches and when you try to ease it you cause another ache somewhere else...oh well 5 weeks of uncomfortable symptoms isnt too bad I guess esp in comparison to what some of you ladies have had to put up with!

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