**** April 2015 Mummies ****

He is just too cute Em, congrats!

Looks like I'm not too far from you guys either Rooster, Nicki and Emmalouise, I'm just couside of Cannock!

Have had the laziest day ever today, must have needed to catch up on sleep after being in hospital, has had like 3 naps!! (Only an hour or so each time, but still! Lol).

Hope Kelly and Prettypee are OK

Had the most amazing massage today, it was on a mattress down on the floor and honestly all my aches and pains are gone! Only wish I had found this place sooner.

Can't believe we've had 2 more April babies in March, congratulations ladies!
Hi Cdx pregnancy massage is the best but unfortunately my regular girl is ill and so had to postpone for a week or so...just when the aches are at their worst lol but don't need another illness lol...
Small world ay girls that we arent that from each other.
Ollies been hyperactive today so really struggled to keep up with him running around when we got back from food shopping. I left him with his dad when I went to pick jay up from school this afternoon thought he would of had a nap but that turned out to be a no lol.
Headache and tired as hell. Ive gotta go shop in a bit as well as forgot the bread and milk in the shopping again.

Been getting pains on and off all afternoon as well. Was falling to sleep on the settee until someone knocked the front door x
4 April babies born already and we still need to hear from Kelly and prettypee!
Congratulations Em. He's gorgeous. Glad to hear you's are home too.
Gaaah! Just discovered I have fricking piles again! I had them at about 30 weeks but managed to get rid, really want them gone before I give birth! Any one got any ideas? X
Congrats em- such a handsome little one!

I've been struck down with a cold! Then last night 3-8 false labour. I had a bath at 8 and was going to call midwife but then it just stopped! On one hand it was good as it's my birthday today and was desperate to avoid it but on the other hand after 5 hours I had accepted it and was getting excited!

I'm feeling off this evening though, I had a headache, took two co-codomol but now I feel sick. Could barely eat dinner and I'm so drowsy. I guess it's the cold virus or something.

On the positive side my husband got me some lovely jewellery :) and is taking me for dinner tomorrow if baby is not here. :)
Can't believe we have 4 already- can't believe I've gotten to 38+5 with no baby- thats the furthest anyone in my family has ever made it. Everyone is getting impatient!
Thanks guys :) not sure if I mentioned I had a scan at 37 weeks and she was 7lb already, 2 weeks on from that and guessing she's well into 8's by now, that's so scary :S
Happy birthday prettypee!! Hope you've had a lovely day!!

I've been getting sharp pains right where period pains would be that shoot right up the centre of bump. They come and go but straight after they've stopped I feel really lightheaded and like my heart is racing. Surely this can't be normal? Not sure whether to call the midwife or to wait and mention in to midwife at my appointment tomorrow...
On the plus side I do have my own cute, fluffy, little hot water bottle! uploadfromtaptalk1427402655373.jpg
good to hear from you again Prettypee, annoying that it was false labour but guess its like a practise run?

Aah Cossie nice to see, our cats dont come up on laps but they are getting clever at climbing over bump and wider legs as used to have them together but cant now as trying to give bubs lots of room to engage...I believe she is trying lol.

Your cat looks exactly like our black tomcat except yours is fluffier...
cossie, im getting sharp pains near cervix at same time as she's moving all her limbs, im hoping its her trying to engage, our sonographer said that when baby tries to engage they are pushing the uterus against cervix hard and then the cervix pushes back and that this is one of the preparation signs for labour but could still be weeks. it doesnt half hurt tho lol...fanny daggers galore, just had about 5 in a row...
happy birthday prettypee!!

aint felt right all night, like you're not in the right body like it feels weird its hard to explain lol.
still been getting pains every now and again. i couldnt get through to the midwife earlier so left her a voicemail and she hasnt rang back about coming to do my blood pressure tomorrow so will phone again in the morning and see if i can get through to her.

Feels like the swellings gettin worse in my feet/ankles/legs skin feels really tight when i move them like when you sit on the floor and you cross ur legs.
same with my fingers, oh was messing about earlier and asked me where my eternity ring is told him i had to take it off cuz of the swelling and the first words out his mouth was 'jesus Emma you've got sausage fingers" felt like smacking him upside the head lol.

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