**** April 2015 Mummies ****

I'm the same CDx! I am having frequent moments where I find myself thinking "oh my god I'm actually having a baby!" :lol: I'm not sure it will feel 100% real to me though until I'm holding him and looking after him in our home :) and I can't wait!!!

I hope your mood picks up emmalouise, although I understand. I feel like I've been in a crappy modd for about a week now but can't explain why. Must be pregnancy hormones and being anxious about labour birth and being a mummy!
So frustrated. Feeling incredibly fed up with pregnancy as it is then I went for my whooping cough jab yesterday and accidentally left my bag in the waiting room for 15 minutes, somebody has handed it in after clearing the cash out of my purse (£50-£60). I'm gutted. The practise manager is going to review the CCTV today and call me, hopefully they can physically see someone removing the cash from my purse otherwise nothing can actually be done about it.

Having a brazillian blow dry done today as well, can't get my wet for 3 days after and typically, it's raining.
Hey, How are we all doing. My hormones are really going bonkers now. I've had two complete breakdowns in the past 12 hours :-( Lots of tears and I don't really know why. Just overwhelmed I guess. I'm feeling really tired and my toddler is being quite demanding at the moment. I just want to lie on the sofa and watch rubbish tv, but obviously can't do that.

My baby is already 6lb, apparently so feeling enormous. I think the tiredness and hormones are bothering me the most. Once I hit 37 weeks, then i'll be more than ready to crank this kiddo out! I've gone from wanting a late baby to wanting an early one!

Still waiting for updates from emmaxc, Em91, kelly H and we haven't heard from Prettypee in a while either!
I'm the same rooster. I'll cry at anything at the moment! I can't wait to get baby out. I'm so uncomfortable and I'm really sick of the heartburn!

I was thinking about prettypee yesterday and thinking we haven't head from her in ages. Hopes she's doing ok!! Can wait to see if the other 3 are having cuddles with babies!! :D
They are definitely keeping us waiting! I'm desperate to add more babies to the front page!

Have you decided where to give birth yet cossie?
I'd love to be one of the ones you can add sooner rather than later but I think little squiggle is far too comfy in there!!

I'll be in Telford now rooster. I was a little upset at first especially as Shrewsbury hospital is only a 5-10 min drive away compared to 20 - 30mins depending on traffic (and then it could be longer!) but a couple of factors have eased my mind - 1 is that my nan volunteers in the shop in Shrewsbury and as she seems to think she'll be welcome in there while I'm in labour being in Telford means she can't just "pop in to say hi" as she puts it! Secondly (and most importantly), they're removing asbestos from the building in Shrewsbury at the moment. Could take up to 4 weeks to remove it. I'm not so sure I'd like to a) be in labour with all that asbestos and b) even want my LO anywhere near the stuff!! And beside, providing everything goes ok, I could be home after 6 hours if I'm not comfortable in Telford :)

What about you rooster? Did you decide on where you're going in the end?
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I think I'll be consultant led on the basis that he's measuring big, but I have been told I won't meet a consultant unless it becomes a necessity whatever that's supposed to mean! I guess it'll mean I'll have just midwives unless something goes wrong or I need a c-section. What about you? We might end up being in at the same time rooster!!! :D
I know! I'm going to the consultant led, though I have the choice to go the the midwife led unit if I want to... but I don't! I'd prefer to be near all the doctors etc incase I need them. Plus, want to go to the new building :lol:
You're not too far from me then rooster! Im in Wednesbury bout half hour to an hours drive away along the motorway.

Took me twice as long to get the food shop done. Lilly decided it would be a be stubborn and not listen afternoon. She wanted a box of kinder eggs but tried reasoning with her saying for that price she could get more with her money with sweets or chocolate but she dug her heels in and pulled that puppy dog face and I ended up caving doesn't help that ive spoilt her the Last two days cuz shes been upset about me being in and out of the hospital.
So ended up buying sweets and barbie magazines to cheer her up bad idea cuz now she'll think she will get it all the time.

Tired as anything as well and ive still gotta get jay from school in 20 mins. Done such a stupid thing in the food shopping as well picked up a joint of beef that had 5.95 on for the price but didnt notice it said 5.95 per so n so weight so ended up paying 8.98 for it and didn't notice til I got home. Baby brain kicked in today lol x
thats ok emmalouise, at least you didnt ask someone for their tea preference then not hear it ask again, then say silly things like so you want a black coffee with milk lol...Im all over the place atm which im told means have plenty of oxytocin flowing all good signs...OH is doing the mental work for me now tho lol...have to always check switched cooker on also as will switch hobs on n wonder why no water boiling lol...

Btw EmmaC has a labour thread now, another April baby in March lol.
I am emotional with mood swings for the last week too....What's going on with our hormones??? Also one day I feel quite energetic then another day very tired. My skin around belly button feels sensitive/sore and one spot underneath belly button feels half numb (I've read it's normal but doesn't feel nice)...oh well.
I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and will be seeing consultant on Monday.

Can't believe how many April mummies actually turning to be March mummies. It shows how quickly our turn is nearing... I still haven't finished sorting out my own hospital bag yet ups...
My oh has done that for me as well lol. He has to check if ivr turned off everything before bed cuz I almost always forget one thing or another. Been getting some weird looks walking to the school as im not wearing a coat I dont even feel cold tbh.

Im sure I've probably done worse with pregnancy brain in the past lol.
Jays gonna be gutted though as he has just missed the army helicopter going past.
Be glad when I get home can get changed and put my pjs on and relax xx
Oh wow.... congratulations Emma!
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Sorry for the slow reply! The hospital signal was awful!
Our beautiful boy Jenson was born at 11.05 am yesterday morning weighing 5lb 13ozs. He is totally perfect. His sister is so in awe!!
As are we!
We've just arrived home, hes feeding well and generally very contented! xx

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