**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Im at fau now will be going in a room in a bit to be monitored and have BP and bloods done. Ollies bein quiet playing with Thomas and eating his tomato flavour snaps. So fingers crossed he stays like that. Bad time to be getting a headache and when I look down I can see spots in my line of vision xx
I feel a bit shaky today and like I've got black floaters In my eyes.
any of you experienced this? x
Ive experienced the visual disturbances and the shakes but put it down to feeling run down.

Still waiting for bloods to come back. Doctor isnt happy with the amount of protein in my urine sample. Said he wants to wait for my bloods to come back and then make a safe decision.
Got a feeling ill be here til well after tea time and Ollies starting to get grumpy xx
I feel a bit better now I've had some thing to ear and a sugary drink.

Have they decided if they are going to induce you early EmmaLouise? Its good they are keeping such a close eye on you but must be a pain spending so much time at the hospital especially with Ollie and trying to keep him amused.
Still waiting on bloods ive got 25 mins to wait til I go back down to fau to see if results are back yet.
Registar has said he more than likely wont risk leaving me to go full term if my bloods come back slightly raised.
Ollies gettin fed up and tired so tryin to get him to nod off for a nap x
On my way home :) consultant still isn't happy but said he knows ill phone back up if anything else theres +3 protein. Gotta phone midwife from docs and get her to do my blood pressure Friday and Sunday then back to hospital Monday for scan and review x
I'm so jealous that they are letting you go home emmalouise! I wish I could go home. My bp has stabilised and the past couple of urine samples have been NAD, but I have to stay in til tomorrow. I haven't even seen the consultant as I was asleep when they came round, so they decided not to wake me, which I'm actually annoyed about as I wanted to ask them a few questions about what the plan is seeing as tho I'm 37 weeks tomorrow. Bloody hope the come round early morning tomorrow!

They didnt really want me to go home but they've told me to rest as much as possible. Im going to check what they've written in my notes in a bit. Only one set of bloods came back and they're okay but they have to phone me later to let me know the results of the rest of the blood results said if they're abnormal then i have to go straight back in and be induced.
One of the consultants asked me if I had previously had a baby at 37 weeks or before 37 weeks so im takin that as they're planning on inducing at 37 weeks will find out Monday after my scan I hope x
Hope your okay emmajaine and that you can go home tomorrow :)

Feeling really tired now. Im just lying in bed and I could just easily nod off to sleep. Ollies just gone to bed as we. Now just waiting for jay and Lilly to get changed for bedtime at 7.

Still no phone call off of hospital regarding blood results if I don't hear anything by tonight ill give fau a ring tomorrow afternoon xx
Argh, desperate for updates from emmaxc, Em91 and Kelly H! Come on ladies!
i've been wondering about them all as well as to what is goin on and if they have had their babies yet!

just checked through my notes and it says i had protein +3 Leuc +2 and Nit +2 i aint a clue what this means other than maybe possible infection :/ but i feel fine nothing hurts when i go to the loo or anything :/
I've gotta phone midwife tomorrow morning as well to ask her to come out to do my bp and dipstick test again.
I'm hoping i have my fingers and toes crossed that they make up their mind monday and so no we're not risking leaving you to go further than 37 weeks and inducing you.
I've had period type pains in my lower back and bump for the past half hour as well.

I'm going home!!!! Soo happy! Have to stay in til 11 to finish the 24 hour test, but consultant is OK with me going home so long as I come back if anything changes and also come in on Friday to be checked.

yay!!! emmajaine! some good news that you can finally go home :)
OH just read through my notes with what they had put it in today they told me that they would phone and he pointed out that i had to phone them! so they told me different as to what they had put in my notes so will be phoning them first thing after i've dropped the kids off at school.
Jays not sleeping well tonight he said he can't sleep cuz he is too hot and has headache and bellyache.
hope he aint caught a bug but will be sending him into school in the morning if he is feeling better,
i've had headache all done which has gradually gotten worse can't wait to get into bed and go to sleep but knowin my luck i had a better night last night and will end up having a crap nights sleep tonight x
37 weeks today! Feels kinda scary to know that officially I am counted as full term now, but also reassuring as there is still a chance I'll need to be induced cos of pre eclampsia (was given official diagnosis last night, but it is only mild ATM). Had the BEST night sleep last night, was so good to be in my bed!

How are you this morning emmalouise? Hope you managed to sleep OK. Hope the phonecall this morning goes OK.

Anyone got anything exciting going on at the moment? Are we all on maternity leave now?

Morning everyone, feeling very tired today. Don't think I'm sleeping at all well at the moment. I'm very uncomfortable at nightime and am really struggling. But I'll muddle through :)

38 weeks today! Due in 2 weeks and in a maximum of 4 weeks I'll be having cuddles with my baby boy! Although I do hope it's not that long! :lol:

Nothing too exciting at the mo. Midwife appointment tomorrow morning and the furniture is being delivered Monday. Once that has been delivered our nursery is complete :D !! I'm on annual leave at the moment, maternity doesn't officially start til April 1st but I'm classing myslef as on maternity leave on a technicality! ;)
I am officially feeling rather impatient now!! Reading everyone's stories about being induced, having early c-sections or having had their LOs I want mine to have cuddles with!! I know I should be making the most of this time when it's just me but I really just want my little boy here!

Sorry for the mini-rant!!
Been told bloods are okayish at the moment. Ive gotta phone midwife in a bit. Been told soon as I get a headache or anything else I need to phone them back up. Will be phoning midwife once ive beem cleaned up and sorted Ollie out. Sleep was okay but woke up with period type pains from quarter to 6 til 8 every 5-6 mins lasting bout 30/40 seconds. But then tailed off. Getting frustrated. Midwife said yesterday that it feels like shes turned back to bein head down but will know for defo Monday after scan. I didnt realise until I read the leaflets in the hospital that feeling sick or being sick along with high blood pressure is a symptom of pre-eclampsia.
Last school run tomorrow then break up for the 2 week easter holidays :) hopefully get a few lie ins or try and relax as much as possible xx
I think we're all the same cossie, up until now we've been on one side of the fence walking slowly towards it, occasionally peeping over and now we have climbed that fence and swinging both ways and its uncomfortable...thats the best analogy I can come up with and my doula said its completely normal. Ive been trying to keep our baby girl on my left and have been recommended to try and change the side I sleep on (always been more comfortable on rightside) and so tried last night but must have woken up 5 times 4 x toilet visit and have achy shoulders but hey its the first night...Get to see our lil girl again today on scan and doula reckoned yesterday that she had engaged by the loks of my bump (which completely explains the almighty painful round ligament pain I had the other night and yesterday had that pressure/stitch/cramp sensation down below and couldnt walk without holding bump so could be).

I'm the same cossie, feel like should be enjoying the time and we are but in the back of your mind you are still counting down lol...
I'm on annual leave today and tomorrow, in work Monday and Tuesday then on annual leave until my due date.

Going for a pregnancy massage this afternoon and I can't wait for some relief in my back.

Is it just me still in disbelief that this is all happening? My brain really isn't processing I'm going to be a mum soon. The panic is really starting to set in I won't be good enough.
In such a crappy mood :( I dunno why. Ive cleaned up and sat down with a cuppa before I go to pick Lilly up from nursery and I just started to feel generally crap and starting to get a bit of headache. No visual disturbances yet though.
Hate the fact its raining as well and ive gotta go do the food shop after ive picked Lilly up from school. So looks like we'll be getting the bus into town instead of walking.
Just hope that Lilly comes out in a good mood. She got upset yesterday and this morning thinking that I had to go stay in hospital. She didnt wanna get up and go to school but she soon perked up when she saw her friends and for once she actually gave me a cuddle and a kiss bye and she never does that she normally just runs into her class and thats it.
Actually made me a Lil emotional lol.

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