**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Congrats Aimee and welcome to the world Eva!

I wonder if we should see if the march mummies wanna share a thread in baby and toddler, seeing as so many of our babies are actually march babies...what do you guys think?

Sorry to hear you are going through a similar situation to me prettypee, its hard isn't it? I just never thought I'd be trying to deal with this at 34! Am hoping that they can at least remain civil to each other for when baby comes, but I guess we'll see.

I've had a kinda dodgy tummy feeling at the beginning of this week, not bad, just felt that something wasn't quite right. Was very strange, figured it was some kind of mild bug, but maybe it is pregnancy related.

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I feel like going to bed early but I can't :( ive gotta iron uniforms for tomorrow then go in the bath wash up and then have a quick clean up before I can even think bout goin to sleep.

Just watched Lilly brushing her hair and she counts how many times the brush goes through her hair and she doesnt go any less than 20 if she goes less or more she starts again I hope this aint the start of an ocd thing....
I've had period type cramps in my thighs on and off all day, not contraction or BH like at all, but frustrating nonetheless. Grumble.
Congratulations Aimee. Lovely name and well done on the prediction too.

Good luck sneezing baby out Emma:). Hope all goes well.
Congratulations Aimee, you spoke too soon on Thursday night, but glad she's here safe and sound.

Look forward to meeting her at one of our nct catch ups. Hope you don't have to stay in too long x
Bit scary having the crib set up! 3 more sleeps until our boy is born . Eek!

hope you've all had a good weekend! Huge congratulations Aimee!!
We've pretty much spent the weekend finishing off DDs room, the nursery & washing the covers for the bouncer etc!
Tomorrow is my last childfree day whilst O is at the childminders, so im getting my haircut then going for lunch with a friend before im back over to the hospital for monitoring. Tuesday will be my last day of just me and Olivia so im planning to take her out for the day!

This time next week our baby will be 4 days old already! :-O eek
Another 9 days of March left and then it is officially time for us April Mummies to shine!

We have at least one more baby being born in March with emmaxc being induced tonight. Maybe prettypee will get a March baby too?
& me! :-)
Em! I forgot about your c-section! Another March Mummy! When's the c-section again?
So fed up tonight I just cant be bothered with anything.
My landlords dad is coming tomorrow to collect mail and send over to Australia. So while im at the hospital oh will deal with him cuz im not too sure what time ill be back. More than likely Ollie will be coming with me to the hospital tomorrow afternoon. So gotta find a way to keep him occupied so he wont get bored.
Slightly gettin my hopes up that the consultant will agree and tell me that he will book me in to be induced at 36/37 weeks. Also got to tell him that the midwife and doctors on Tuesday and Monday told me that baby has gone back to bein breech and see what he says about that x
OH has come down with a terrible sickness and diarrhea bug. I'm so terrified of catching it with being almost 35 weeks pregnant and with my final coursework deadlines for uni coming up on Friday.

Has anyone else caught a bad bug while being pregnant?
I think a few of us have had some kinda bug during our pregnancies at some point. Keep fluids up and eat little ans often and you'll be fine but if you feel you cant get in to see ur doctor and see what he says. You should be fine chick :)
My kids are always coming home from school with some bug or another and if I get it I just drink loads of water and eat little and often.

Was supposed to of done oh some breakfast this morning but me and Ollie fell back to sleep on the settee oops! Lol
Ive gotta go wake the kids up now for school x
Woke up a few times in the night with either backache or really hot :/ x
Unfortunately quite a few of us have had bugs/infections over the past month or so. I hope you don't get it lizzii. I really struggled when I went down with it.

I hope emmaxc is getting on okay with her induction.

I can't believe there are going to be at least two more March babies! I sure hope I'm not the solitary April mummy left alone in here by the end :lol:
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Barely slept last night due to being so uncomfortable and heartburn. I have to deliver first aid training today...its going to be a long one! Just hope my colleague appreciates he's on his own with all the practical stuff because my back and hips are playing up again. At least I only have today, tomorrow and Wednesday this week and Monday Tuesday next week before finishing up on annual leave/mat leave.

Em you must be so excited! Enjoy your last few days with your daughter before you become a family of 4.
Feeling very frustrated this morning ladies, I wrote a couple of posts yesterday via the app and assumed they had been posted as they were showing on my phone but now I can't see them anywhere.

Firstly, congratulations to aimee on the birth of your daughter :) I bet she's gorgeous.

Secondly, lizziimayy, as others have already said, we've all picked up bugs that have been going around. I had a cough that hung around for the last 5 weeks. Luckily the last 2-3 weeks it's only been a niggly cough. Still got the sniffles though.

My BH have been getting extremely painful. Is this normal? Don't get me wrong, it's great to practice breathing exercises but they are really painful! I've got just over 2 weeks left and I've just about hit that point of had enough and want baby out now!!!

I hope everyone else is managing to enjoy these last few weeks? :) xx
Morning Cossie, my BH are far more regular now and can be brought on by simple things like when I stretch, turn over, even sneeze...yikes...They are uncomfortable but not painful but its when I get period like cramps at same time that its annoying...last night woke up 3.30am went to the loo, got back into bed and made the mistake of a full length body stretch on my back and then was stuck with mild-medium cramps for an hour! It was soo frustrating but guess its all preparation lol...as a result didnt want to stretch anymore and as lying on side made it worse was on back for a lengthy period so no have back ache lol...oh well another sunny day and getting in birthing pool again today so that shud help...
Its finally hit me im struggling to put my socks on :(
I thought id skipped this bit and was fine putting them On til now :( no blurred vision or seeing spots in my line of vision this morning hoping it dont start later on today.
Lillys been sent home from nursery already with earache.
So she'll be going with her dad to pick jay up school later when im seeing the consultant.

Can feel my hips clicking this morning but surprisingly they arent hurting all that bad just a slight ache now and again. I've got Ollie with me this afternoon at the hospital so hoping that he behaves and doesnt play up the last couple of days he has been really hyperactive and cant keep still for long.
Should clean up but im sat with a cuppa watching crappy daytime TV.
I've been getting a lot of period type cramps. Had them yesterday and they're here today too. Urgh. Never experienced this last time...
Maybe April really isn't the best month to have a baby! It should be avoided! Lol

BH are always paired with the period type cramps for me so I'm just kind of accepting the pain as a part of BH. They just really take my breath away and are really uncomfortable. I've started wondering over the last few days whether I'm even going to be able to cope with full blown labour because I'm only just coping with the braxton hicks
Ive been having them frequently. They're starting to get a lot like the contractions I had when in labour with my other 3. So hoping that this means shes starting to get ready to come. Ive never gone over my due date so this time I really dont want to go over x

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