**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Ohh, I was hoping that maybe you had had a baby, especially with your family history! I bet you are feeling impatient!
Good luck today Emma, fx its a nice speedy induction.

Had a hell of a morning so far today... Found out that my dad has left my mum after 38 years of marriage....feeling really kinda numb and weird and super teary. Wish I could go and see her, but she is in Cornwall and I'm in the Midlands and my SPD means there is no way I could drive that far. Just wanna give her a hug.

Plus baby has not had their normal morning movements, which I'm putting down to the fact that baby is picking up on my upset, but I could really do with feeling baby move.

Oh no emmajaine! Hope ur mom is going to be okay! Sending hugs ur way.
Its horrible when a marriage breaks down. Ohs mom and dad split up after 25 years but we're lucky that they still get on and can still be around each other for the sake of the kids.

Ive just put Ollie down for a nap so will be goin to put the roast on.
Got far too much to do today and I cant be bothered lol. X
Emmajane - I.know it's not going to make things better but I know how you feel.

My parents marriage is over, dad demanded a divorce the other day due to mums infidelities which she denies. Since then I've had to deal with suicide threats and really dramatic behaviour from my mum. I live 30 mins away and I'm struggling with it. At 38 weeks pregnant there's nothing I can do but it's been horrifically upsetting. My mum is a strange woman, she is emotionally closed off, was never a great mother to me but she is my mum and things improved once I moved out. It's her fault and they've been living together as separated for a year
She doesn't care about dad, she just doesn't want to loose the house or financial security. I asked them to leave me out of it but it's not made much of an impact.

Anyway I've hadto make the choice to close off emotionally to it so that I can concentrate on my husband and baby soon to come. She doesn't deserve to grow up surrounded by that rubbish xx
emmac good luck tonight, can't imagine how you are feeling, I've still got just over 3wks til due date and my dreams are ramping up pregnancy style lol...had one last night where walked into sainsburys 10mins before closing time but as was walking in couldnt pull my tshirt down over bump and then was walking around baby aisles thinking things like 'have I got this, have I got that, do I need that?' lol clearly my subconcious is now picking up on everything going on lol.

prettypee, glad you're ok, sounds like you're having a hard time of it, emmalouise hope you get seen and they can help you as dont imagine the waiting is easy...Ive also been having semi painful braxton hicks, also they are ramping up in frequency had 5 this morning in less than 2hrs. only tend to get one or two a day combined with period like cramps but not too bad that I need to take paracetamol. They seem to last longer now so guess thats a good sign, I even brought one on myself through sneezing...how wierd....had a few more fanny daggers too...wish she would stop hitting me there lol...oh and sleeping on my side at nighttime is becoming uncomfortable with the ribs now as think she keeps pushing her bum up to them and sometimes she does it fast which makes me jolt awake lol...then of course you need the loo and by then she is awake and keeping you awake lol...

What a lovely day it is ladies, have just been sat outside on a recliner exposing belly to the sunshine and eating an ice lolly...could have fallen asleep lol...
Aha fanny daggers!! I aint heard that for a while.
Im sure shes still breech from Tuesday/Wednesday. Im already putting my foot down that if she is I dont want to go naturally as a mom at the school had hers breech and she said it was the worst ever cuz it was more work.
Was strange how she was so far head down Monday at the scan that shes now decided she wants to be a pain and go back to being breech.
The waiting annoys me sometimes but ive gotten used to it by now.
Dont think that oh is ready for her to come at 37 weeks if they decide to induce me then lol xx
Man everyone does seem to be having it rough, I'm not tooo bad other than being in pain with SPD, keep getting bad tummy aches though as if I've eaten something bad or have an upset tummy but haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary and it's been happening every day. Maybe baby's pressing on my tummy or something, anyone else getting this? xo
I had an unexplained upset tummy the other day which I've had a few times now. I've put it down to something to do with pregnancy!
I've felt like that as well just cant seem to put my finger on it as to it is thats causing it :/
Yeah another one who's been having some stomach issues.
The other night I was really sick, my gag reflex seems hyper sensitive these days.
Hiya all just wanted to update you, baby Eva was born eventually at 9.58am this morning after being induced over 24hrs after waters broke. Induction was tough my body struggled A lot but fortunately Eva did great. She was born a good weight of 6lb 1oz not bad for being born at 37weeks.
all of us a are shattered but delighted she's finally here! Good luck to you all xxx
oooh...congrats aimee...!!! hope you all doing well.
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Congratulations Aimee and welcome to the world Eva - gorgeous name x
Congratulations aimee! Thats a great weight for 37 weeks :) xx hope ur all doing well xx
Aww yay, Aimee! Congratulations on your gorgeous little girl! As you predicted :-)
Another 9 days of March left and then it is officially time for us April Mummies to shine!

We have at least one more baby being born in March with emmaxc being induced tonight. Maybe prettypee will get a March baby too?
Congratulations Aimee!

I think more April babies are going to be born in March rather than April!

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