**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Feeling very achey today, baby keeps pushing their head out at the top of my bump and it honestly feels like they are bruising me inside. Getting period stabby pains low down and kicks in my bum. Pelvis pain is back and I feel like I am waddling more now, think mat leave is coming at the right time.

Glad you got the go ahead for the birth you want Rebecca.
You must be excited to see LO again EmmaLouise.
Starting to seriously dislike mamas and papas! We ordered our furniture from them in October and after hearing nothing from them the week delivery was due at the end of Feb I phoned them and the order hadn't been processed properly so the delivery was delayed by 3 days, as an apology they gave us a £20 gift voucher.

I ordered bottles online to be delivered to store because they didn't have the set we wanted in store. I got a phone call tonight to say they don't have them in stock and I could pay more for a bigger set which we don't need or get a refund.

Always an issue with them.
Yeah im excited to see baby again :)
Just wish the consultant and doctors would give me a definite answer bout what they want to do they keep swapping and changing their minds. Gotta have blood pressure and pre-eclampsia bloods done again Wednesday and go on the ctg to check babys movements. They havent really been happy with them as they kept saying last week shes rather sleepy/lazy. X
Mamas and papas aswell as kiddicare are a nightmare for deliveries so ive read on the net recently. Was pretty much falling to sleep on the settee when I got back from hospital earlier but then soon as kids are in bed and settled and im watching TV I dont feel tired at all.
Hopefully when I do go to bed incan sleep better and not wake up loads throughout the night x
Morning all. I've woken up with my period pains in lower back and thighs again. Fun stuff huh. I never had any of this first time. Just curious as to whether it actually means anything?

We're still waiting on emmaxc!
Had a better nights sleep but still woke up twice so not as bad as it has been.
Its nearly 8oclock and im not even dressed to do the school run and Ollies not dressed either :/
Think its gonna be one of those days lol x
I've been getting more frequent period pains Rooster not really thought much of it but my mum seemed excited by it! Also got lower back and pains down my left leg but putting that down to pelvis issues.
Eurghhhhhhhh jays come down ill now :( his throats all swollen up and has a right nasty cough and his eyes are really watery so looks like trip to doctors or dose him up with cough medicine and calpol.
My hips are clicking again this morning but not too painful. Suppose ill come back from the school and try and clean up without causing too much pain x
Morning ladies, hope your lil ones are all starting to feel better!

I've been getting a few period type pains over the past couple of days Rooster, would love to think it means something, but not holding my breath! Lol

Have midwife this afternoon and the third antenatal class tonight, which is about feeding. Am actually looking forward to it, hopefully have lots of info and tips about establishing breast feeding (am quite scared about failing at it)

Hope you all get to enjoy the sunshine today! Xx
Oh no. Poor kiddies :-(

I'm not looking too much into my pains, just hope it means everything is stretching or moving into place or something.
Morning ladies, woke up this morning to hiccups which was nice til I realised they were on right side just above belly button...always have felt them left or right below so got the doppler out and sure enough her HB is also just above belly button on right, could that mean she's turned breech? Done some research and tried the inversion from spinning babies website hope that helps, otherwise lots of walking for me today to see if she'll turn back...she's been so obedient til now remaining head down hope she hasnt decided to turn at the last minute lol...
Just lookes through my notes and looked at my blood results from last week and it says ARC RAISED 9.41. I had no idea what this means so I looked it up like the idiot I can be sometimes on Google and it says its the same what they tested for the acid levels in pre-eclampsia so its raising and I dont know why they didnt tell me yesterday :/

Hi emmalouise it does seem strange y they didnt tell u but they must have their reasons...

On another note think she's turned back to head down thanks to inversion n bouncing on ball lol hb now beneath belly button. Phew! These babies dont have get us running round in circles lol...practise for babyhood n toddlerhood I guess...
I really have no idea why they didnt tell me :/ im freakin myself out bout it all and startin to worry about it.
Ive found more stuff about it and its got something to do with the kidneys as well. Will be asking at the fau tomorrow when I have to go in x
This time tomorrow i should be holding our boy! :-O! It's so odd knowing he will be here!
Sorry pointless post but i can't put it on my Facebook as weve not told anyone!
How exciting Em, Im excited to think she will be here in next three weeks or so but to know for definite must be exhilarating! Cant wait to hear how you get on...another April Mummy in March lol...I believe our lil girl will be stubborn though and may only just make end April...
good luck with tomorrow Em! hope all goes well for you :) x

i should really stay off of google and stop googling what the consultant midwives and doctors have put in my notes lol i just can't help myself i should put a sticky note on my laptop screen saying DO NOT SYMPTOM CHECK ON GOOGLE!!!
got to be at the FAU tomorrow at 11, so will be keeping you updated with what is going on and what will be happening looking forward to seeing lil miss again at my scan on Monday :) plus side its the easter half term next week so will be able to arrange childcare for the kids so OH can come with me :)

Good luck for tomorrow Em, looking forward to seeing the next April baby!

Had a very eventful afternoon\evening, am currently in hospital overnight for monitoring! Had routine midwife appointment and my bp was high (180\90 ish) so got sent to maternity assessment unit to be checked, and they have admitted me as also showing signs of protein in urine and they are concerned about the level of swelling I have. Also bp is fluctuating so they wanna keep an eye on me. Midwife did say that if it had stayed as high as it was at first I'd be in delivery now... So another potential march baby here!

How is everyone else doing? Xx
Good luck for tomorrow em!! :-D it's so exciting!!

Another day without Internet. Thank you EE(!) I really hate using the app because I miss so much!! I'm feeling so overwhelmed at the moment. I'm questioning whether I can do any of this - birth, being a good parent etc. I'm sure all will turn out fine eventually but it doesn't stop me panicking!!

Eeeek emmajaine! So exciting!! :-D
good luck emmajanine! i know exactly how you feel i've had it all with previous pregnancy and now with this one, i'm in weekly for bp checks and bloods and monitoring.
i'm currently at home though with the kids and oh as i'm weekly at the hospital for checks etc
hope you're okay and baby is doin great :)
have they done any bloods to check?
i've been having protein and high bp checks for the last 4 weeks now so they're keeping an eye on it but they've found that my ARC(kidneys) are raising they're supposed to be 3.5 but are 9.41, the consultant didnt tell me til i actually looked at my notes earlier and i looked it up on google.
so i will be asking tomorrow about it and see what they say when i'm in again for monitoring and bp and bloods tomorrow.
i've already said to oh if they wanna keep me in fine but i only wanna stop in if they are going to induce me as i dont wanna be in there and my bp comes down to a satisfactory reading and then be sent home the next day.
they said i know all the symptoms etc so if anything seems worse then to go straight in or to phone them.

i'm currently wide awake and not even tired and craving orange lucozade! hate the fact my oh brought 4 big bottles of it as it was on offer in the shop by us for 99p per bottle -.- full of sugar and i'm really trying to resist the urge to drink some. x x

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