**** April 2015 Mummies ****

cossie I know how you feel but think its different with early labour contractions as they come and go and arent constant...at least thats the general consensus, we could be the anomaly lol...for me constant period pain is the worst as it doesnt want to go and unlike real period pain (prepregnancy) you cant lie on your belly on a heated blanket to ease it lol...
emmalouise for us first time mums how would you describe first contractions? how frequent as sometimes get BH 3 x per hr other times 1 in 4 hrs...
With my first they were mild period type pain could easily sit through them and they were coming every 5 mins lasting bout 30 seconds I knew they were proper contractions cuz they felt different to BH they were catching me off guard. They werent very regular at the beginning. They soon got regular once my waters were broke by the midwife. But with my second and third I pretty much didnt get a break between them they were really intense.
You'll notice the difference between BH and the real thing chick :) xxx
Ahhhh starting to get paranoid that little Ashley is waiting.good until my birthday to make an appearance. It's the one day I've asked her not to come! (26th March)... I can totally see it happening now and I hate the idea of sharing my birthday!
Thanks emmalouise, think that helps us ftms prepare...as much as can be prepared that is...therefore having period cramps for 40mins once a day surely is just my body preparing itself for the finale?
I'd agree kitten - think it's body trying to prepare to the real deal. Hope this means it's not too far away! The sooner heartburn eases the better!!!

Awww, I'd be the same prettypee! I'm sure she'll wait til after your birthday :) and it'll be a lovely belated birthday present :D
My heartburn seems to have eased for one of two reasons...either she is now edging southwards altho no confirmation that she's even partially engaged, or due to a slightly taller torso its easing up now (never had breathlessness of appetite reduction) or (and this is the most likely) have a strict only water after 8pm and no drinks after 9/10pm if go bed 10/11pm...cut down a lot on fizzy drink as well as this often made my heartburn worse and trying to limit sugar intake these final weeks (last ditch attempt lol).

Anyone else noticed much more insistent jabs and nudges? I can even make out feet now if she is pushing out the way lol...and yesterday she was on some serious recon with her hands in my lower region (below my bikini line)...was very strange....lol...oh and never thought would even put suntan lotion on my belly lol but yesterday was out in the sun and wanting her to enjoy the light and eat felt it prudent to do so...my belly's gonna have enough to contend with without sunburn lol...still cant believe its only 3 wks away now altho my gut instinct is she'll go overdue, she just seems too happy in there atm lol...
After 3 babies and this bein my 4th I still can't really figure which part of her is sticking out lol I can pretty much tell which is her bum or head but other limbs I cant make out lol.
Im just sat waiting for the bus now to the hospital Ollies just fell asleep so hoping he wakes up in a better mood. Its pretty cold here :( so im sat with a scarf and coat on and im still cold. Ive had heartburn on and off since bout 24 weeks and its horrible sometimes I can just bout cope and sometimes I cant its vile. X
I can honestly say I hate the heartburn so that is definitely one part of pregnancy I will not miss!!

I have only managed to work out when he pokes his bum out and that was with the help of one of the midwives!!! :)
Hate hate hate waiting for buses I have to get two buses. One from by my house into the town and one from the town to the hospital. Waiting for the second bus now and its cold and baby is pushing right down into ny pelvis can tell its her feet :( and its really hurting.
Ollies still asleep but brought him some mini cheddars and some juice to keep him quiet if he wakes up lol x
Argh feeling absolutely exhausted. My son's 2 year check and my antenatal appointment with HV really wore me out! Luckily my son performed well and developing wonderfully, just unfortunately he is a tiny little thing and hasn't grown recently. We've all put it down to his poor health recently as he's been poorly since before Christmas. He's back to the doctors straight after his nap as both of his eyes are streaming yellow puss.. and his nose is dribbling. So, he's poorly again. He's got a bit of a cough too and probably a sore throat!

No wonder I forget that i'm pregnant sometimes!
Aww hope ur Lil boy feels better soon rooster! Ollie had this a few weeks back with his eyes and it was conjunctivitis. We wiped his eyes down with warm water and it cleared up within a couple of days. Just at the hospital now. And its boiling hot in here.
Ollie woke up and fell back to sleep. Hope they aint behind with appointments x
Poor little mite wakes up with thick crusty eyelids and refusing to have his eyes wiped down. Hopefully we'll get some eyedrops in a bit. I just feel for him. I had a bad eye infection not too long ago and his doesn't seem quite as bad as mine got, however i think it will get worse if we don't get something pronto.
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Bless him Ollie was the same tbh he hated it when I went to do it but if his dad went to do it he was fine he let him lol
He is a right daddys boy.
Just had my BP done its 134/78 its gone down but still I think a cause for concern but will see what doctor and consultant says.
Just hope that they will listen to what I have to say and take into account I'm not willing to risk it going higher or the pre-eclampsia tonget worse.

Ollie is still asleep. From how warm it is in here he has rosey red cheeks lol.

Hope emmaxc is having lots of baby cuddles by now :) x
Hope he's better soon rooster! I've been losing lumps of plug the last 4 days and baby is 3/5 engaged, although I now I could be sat here saying the same thing this time next week lol
Just got home from hospital. Still gettin traces of protein in urine dip tests gotta go to fau Wednesday for more bloods and monitoring.
They've decided to get me to 37 weeks and see what happens. They've booked me in for another growth scan for next week Monday :) xx
at least you'll get to see your baby again and have a definite milestone to aim for, 2 weeks to go...! Also scans are sometimes better at identifying whether breech or not so try lots of inversions (spinning babies website), bounching on balls and walking on all fours on day of scan and see if that helps!
Im excited that we got another scan :) hoping that she does move my auntie told me to walk side ways up and down the stairs and that will get her to move. She said as well that shes happy if baby decides to come between now and 37 weeks and that at the most she would only need to be in neonatal for upto 2 days if she has trouble breathing on her own.
I didnt expect for her to give me an extra scan tbh I thought she would say back to fau this week for ur weekly bloods and monitoring and then back to me next week for a review. She was ever so sweet and said shes not very happy with the first consultant who I saw first cuz he didnt put me on any aspirin to keep BP down or to help keep down and keep ot stable.

Ive been told im stubborn cuz I didnt wanna go in tomorrow as ive got my eldest two easter bonnet parades to go to lol so she booked me in for Wednesday instead x
abit of an update from me! dont get on much to catch up now im on maternity leave as I hate using the app it never works for me and im lazy about getting the laptop out :p
baby is now head down thank god, been given the OK to vbac in the birth centre so thats very exciting and a better outcome than I was expecting :D only problem has been measuring along the 10th centile but saw midwife today and have moved up the graph a little so fingers crossed it doesnt cause any more issues! Im knackered, and achey but other than that things are good and its just a waiting game I guess :) loving my time off with max although we still seem to have so much to do every day I need some days to relax! been sorting his room and clothes etc so I think thats my nesting kicking in as Ive been putting it all off for ages!! xxx

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