**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Us April mums aren't having a good time at all are we :-( I've woken up felt sick so threw up come back to bed to lay down and just general feel poop with what feels like period cramps. Think am going to run a bath and try to relax my body my bum feels heavy aswell (back bum). Besides all that said I shouldn't moan too much I only have till Sunday to wait till my induction 2 days and I am so scared nervous excited just lots of emotions going on x
i've been feeling and being sick again, rooster, the same thing happened towards the end with my son so i kind of expected it. had to get my mum to take him to preschool with me this morning as i felt so rough. hope it's not too bad for you. back to the antenatal consultant again today for my blood results, i could have done without my thyroid playing up so much, i feel like i should just move in to the hospital.

anyone else crying a lot? i've lost count of how many times i've been in floods of tears in the last week, ugh.

hope all is ok Aimee! gentle hugs emmalouise, sounds like you're going through the mill a bit too xx
Good luck aimee!!!! :)
Ive been doin bits of sorting through stuff got
The urge to go through hospital bag again. So will be doing that when Ollie has his nap.
I know I need to get my
Pjs sorted for hospital and get a toiletries bag sorted with shampoo and conditioner and a few other bits. Ill be ordering pjs from off of the net later today.

Keep changing my mind what will be the first thing she'll be wearing lol.
Can see Lil dots in my line of vision I hope to god its a migraine and not pre-eclampsia getting worse x
hope you feel better soon emmalouise, aah rooster not more nausea bless you...

Forgot to say in our scan the other day she had hiccups and it was the most amazing thing to see her tiny diaphragm moving and her mouth at the same time as feeling her hiccup...at least I definately know its hiccups now... gonna miss those rhythmical nudges when she's here lol...

Lepus I havent yet been crying but was emotional yesterday during scan as she looks so lifelike now and when sonographer got the best pic ever on 3D started saying was gonna give him a big kiss lol...so embarassing but hey thats emotions for you...

Got my birth plan all set and ready but haven't decided which method I want the vitamin K administering...has anyone else got any views/experiences on this? Heel prick vs oral? Gonna do some research on it.
Finally starting to pick up, thank funk for that!

We're going for the injection for Vitamin K. We live half an hour away from the hospital so going back and forth for drops isn't practical. the way I view it is that our babies will have injections to be immunised anyway at 8,12 and 16 weeks. My son also had a cannula at birth so I don't think injecting the Vit K will be too traumatic and it'll be very quickly forgotten.
Glad to see you're feeling a bit better rooster. We've all had it pretty rough haven't we? My heartburn is returning with a vengeance :( I can't take gaviscon as it makes me sick and rennie is hit and miss, sometimes it works sometimes it does absolutely nothing! It always seems to hit early hours of the morning waking me between 1&2am although it's hit now and I'm in so much pain with it :(

I didn't hear anything at all yesterday regarding GTT test so I assume all is good. The only downside is that I wouldn't have minded being induced next week but I've always said I want the 'natural birth experience' in that I get to go into labour as and when my body decides etc. and no c-section needed (it's scares the crap outta me!)

Hope all is ok with you Aimee.

I'm the same Lepus, I'll cry at anything at the moment! xx
Hiya all it was my waters and have been kept in hospital as no contractions yet. Annoying thing is I'm two days too early to go on the midwife led unit and also birthing pool probably not available. Never mind!
Had to start antibiotics too
Will b getting induced tomorrow if things don't start to pick up so looks like this will also b another March baby! Just so bored lol!
Oh dear it is all goin this month for us April mommies!
Good luck aimee keep us updated on your progress :)

Still seeing a few dots and visusal disturbances but not too bad I can still get on and do things. Ive just been shop and ended up buying stuff that we dont need and I only just went shopping yesterday as well!
Oh how annoying Aimee, is it 37 weeks you have to be? Good luck with everything, will be keeping a close eye on here to see how you're doing xx
Oh dear ladies, I really hope all of you start feeling better soon!!!
Good luck Aimee! Hope all goes well for you!
Good luck Aimee! What a lot of impatient babies we have!

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing OK, am not feeling great today, think its some kind of tummy bug, have been very windy and (sorry for tmi)been to the loo about 6 times! All a bit sore down there now!

Good luck Aimee!!

Had my Anethestist appointment today! They've reduced post c sec hospital stay time so as long as baby is doing ok i should be out Thursday lunchtime after my Wednesday c sec! So happy that it'll only be 1 night away from DD!
Hard to think this time next week we should have spent our first 24hrs at home with baby!
April babies are being impatient and March babies are so lazy lol.. think il be a april mummy..
Good luck aimee
Good luck Aimee. Hope it all goes well. Not long until you find out if your prediction of a girl is right.
Aimee is that you from farnborough NCT? If so small world on this forum, this is Sarah D.

Hope it's not too boring for you x
Good luck Aimee!
That is so exciting Em, will any of these LOs wait until April? Lol.

I had my midwife appointment today all is fine apart from this LO is staging a protest of not wanting to come out, still in the complete wrong position. I've to go back on the 1st of April to give them one last chance to see if they have moved then discuss my options after a scan if they haven't.

Is anyone else extremely thirsty these days? I had to have 3 glasses of milk and 750mls of diluting juice all before I left the house at 10 am this morning! Apparently it's normal at this stage but I'm just glad baby isn't head down or I would never be away from the loo.
Goodness, good luck Aimee! Keep us updated on how you get on.

We haven't heard from prettypee in a while either?
I was thinking that, rooster, hope all is ok with her.

I've been really thirsty too, cdx, I've been drinking pints and pints of water a day and it has to have ice and a straw lol

Consultant appt not so good, thyroid is getting worse so upped meds again, it's been rubbish all through this pregnancy. Had lots of pain down below where baby is pushing down, he or she is now 3/5 engaged so I'm hoping it will move quickly and hurry up.
so fed up tonight and i dont even know why.
i had about an hour of really bad period type cramps all in my lower back and front bottom of bump (exactly the same as when i was contracting with my other 3)
but carried on putting kids to bed etc see if they carried on but they had tailed off.
looking on very and found the pushchair i want now and trying to persuade the oh into ordering it but its not gettin anywhere lol


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