**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Just hoping the consultant says they wont risk letting me go over 37 or 40 weeks as they caught it late with Ollie and how they found out was through the blood tests which came back with the uric acid so they said it came on around bout 34/35 weeks.
Bad idea today to have a clear out spd has kicked in pretty badly gonna hurt like a bitch walking to pick jay up from school later. baby has been really active today and shes still breech :( can feel her head in my ribs :( which is starting to hurt.
On a plus side jay and Lillys school have teachers training tomorrow so a long weekend of doing naff all lol x
No news is good news I'm assuming! I've not heard from hospital or midwife to say that the GTT came back positive so I guess that's pretty much it for me now until baby arrives!

Hope everyone is doing OK today?

Lizziimayy I hope your growth scan went ok!! :-)
Scan went well and baby is growing perfectly! She hid her face and kept her legs closed though so I think she's a bit shy!
Estimated weight is 5lbs already which is quite scary, terrified she'll be a 9lbs baby now!
It's becoming so much more real when more of April babies are being ready to be born. All excitement is starting to kick in.
Today my baby has decided to push on my ribs and keeps doing it since morning...FUN...Also for the last week or so part of my tummy (under the belly button) feels half numb, such a weird sensation, not very pleasant though. Never experienced that before but read it is quite common it's all from stretching.
I'm 35 weeks tomorrow, on 30th I will hopefully find out my C-section date (seeing my consultant), can't wait to know when I will meet my baby :)
Im stuck under a toddler!
She is going to miss her personal pillow! That and the game of stacking toys on top of him then watching him kick them off
Anyone elses little people become attached to the bump?


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my 3 are a little attached to bump. my eldest always says goodnight to her and gives bump a lil kiss and my daughter rubs bump when shes sat watching the tv and my youngest likes to lie on my bump and laugh when he feels her kicking.
he points as well and says baby belly.

Just had tea and now i'm so tired its shocking. hopefully ollie decides have a lie in tomorrow and i can have one as well need to catch up on sleep i've missed from not being able to sleep properly.
can just feel my eyes getting heavy as i'm typing this.
That picture is adorable Em!

I am so uncomfortable today I think I have a head in 1 side of my ribs and a bum in the other.

We had our 2nd antenatal class last night and its all starting to feel very real! I felt like it very much focused on breastfeeding though, formula feeding wasn't mentioned at all. It actually made me doubt my decision but spoke it over with OH and I feel a bit better.

I felt like I knew a lot more than I thought I did which is all down to being on here and you ladies so thank you! We had someone who I would say was around 30ish ask if they phone 999 when their waters break!
Hi Ladies, had my 36wk scan today and looking like she's growing nicely, started feeling more stabs down below today (v ouch) guessing its either her fingers or her head pushing on my cervix...she knows where the exit is thats for sure! Our sonographer threw in a couple of 3D piccies too and she looks soo adorable sucking her thumb and smiling, she now has the face of a newborn all chubby cheeked lol...hard to imagine its only a matter of weeks now...
thinking an early night is in order but knowing my luck i'll get into bed and i'll be wide awake or i'll just get comfy then i'll need to get for the loo lol.
still feels like my heart is racing and i'm just sat on the settee :/
i'm so fed up now i just want monday to hurry up and the consultant to make a decision on if he will be agreeing to induce me at 36/37 weeks. its so annoying knowing all these things thats going on in this pregnancy and i'm starting to panic/anxiety about it getting worse :(
i had a bit of a confrontation with my elderly next door neighbours carers yesterday cuz they keep putting the dirty adult nappies in my bins and i thought i'd go out and have a word and when i was talking about it i felt my heart begin to race a bit and started to get breathless when they kept saying it wasnt them etc and when i replied back saying well i just watched you do it my kids put rubbish in that bin and i dont want them to open it one day and then as they put their rubbish and accidently touch it etc its bang out of order as i was talking i became quite breathless and i turned around opened the front door and said next time it happens i'll be going to your managment about it.
i've never had this before so i'm not sure if its anxiety related or what.
but i do know that i'm panicking/anxiety bout if this pre-eclampsia gets worse :(
My dad said to me yesterday, 'this time in 8 weeks you'll be a family of four'... I actually freaked out a little bit, as of course, he's right, even I go very over due...in 8 weeks baby should be out!

This pregnancy is completely flying by. My hospital bag isn't properly packed and babies nursery is still a study. I just don't feel ready :lol: I don't want to be pregnant anymore but they baby could do with waiting for a little bit whilst I prepare myself!
Think my waters may have leaked, woke up to being quite wet. Put a pad on laid down and stood up but nothing then. Should I call midwife?
I don't think there's any harm in calling the MW. I really have no idea what the procedure usually is when it comes to waters breaking! I'd probably call just to check.
Theres no harm in phoning and asking she might ask you to go into fau so they can check if they have been leaking.
In such a shitty mood this morning feel like ive had no sleep. And Ollies decided to tip his cereal all over the floor good job it was on the laminate instead of the rug so easier to clean up lol. Cant help but laugh at him with thw faces he pulls and says help mom and grabs a few cloths and tries to clean it up x
Oh dear rooster what a way to start ur day. Ive not had breakfast yet I just feel so drained and tired. Was in bed for 10 last night and kept waking up.
Got some pain in my knee and I have no idea what I've done :/
I was planning on staying in my pjs today or in some comfy leggings etc as I haven't gotta go anywhere but now ive gotta get dressed cuz ohs dad is coming round. Cabt be bothered to get up off the settee to get changed though x
Aww hope you feel better soon.
Headache is starting to kick in full force. Been told to take paracetamol but I said that I don't like taking them as they dont help. And I dont like taking them in pregnancy I dont know why I dont but ive never taken anything part from BP medication and aspirin when the consultant prescribed them for me in my last pregnancy for high BP (which actually didn't help)
Its gone pretty dark here now from the eclipse. Ollie just asked if its bed time and pointed outside sayin dark lol x
Spoke to midwife lost more fluid so they want me to pop in the have a check to see what's happening :-)
Urgh. I feel appalling. Starting to echo the horrible MS I had. At least my son is in preschool this morning.

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