**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Thanks cossie! Really feeling phoning and cancelling but know that that isnt an option.
All Ollie has done all morning is scream and shout. Just hoping that he stops and settles down. He's normally such a calm and chilled out Lil boy but today he seems to have the devil in him.
Looks like its a bribe him with wotsits to keep him quiet.
What a bloody day! As if today could throw anything else at Me! Dreading it if they do put the monitor on to check in on baby as I doubt Ollie will sit quietly through that
Do you know how long you'll be there for? Hopefully it won't be too long and you can head home and chill with ollie :)
Said about an hour normally he falls to sleep on the bus so hoping he does that unless the consultant or midwife wants to do a few blood pressure readings within a couple of hours I dunno.
He seems to of calmed down a bit now. Was probs cuz his dad got him up this morning and he didnt wanna get up lol. Hopefully once he has a nap he'll be okay x
I'm doing ok thanks ladies. Now im over the dissapontment of not getting the birth we planned I'm actually a little bit excited that he will be here in 8 days! I think we're all ready. Just juggling childcare logistics at the moment! Very pleased i finished work early or this would have been my first week off! At least ive had a few quality weeks with O!
I'm debating whether to grab some tiny baby bits! He was estimated 5lb 7ozs yest so might just about make 6lbs... O was 6lb 2 and newborn swamped her. So might get just a couple of tiny baby vests/sleepsuits so he has something which will actually fit! Then again their estimates can be so wildly innacurate maybe i will just leave it and OH can always pop to tesco/asda/morrisons. theyre all within 2 mins of the hospital!

Emma i hope the hospital went ok?! & your monkey behaved himself!

Planning to spend a few quality days with O this week since i know it'll be the last few days just the two of us for a while! Xx
Im still here now had to repeat the ctg as doctor wasn't happy with the first one.
Just wanna get home now.
Ollies been okay but he's tired and wont go to sleep x
Hopefully the next results improve and they dont keep you much longer EmmaLouise.

I've had lots of period cramps over the past few days and got lots of pressure low down when I walk. I am still convinced baby is breech and have their head in my ribs which makes me really breathless.

I am so tired and have no energy - I've noticed I am a lot thirstier the past few days. At my 2nd past MW appointment I had glucose in my urine but a few days later it's clear. Now paranoid this could now be additional sign of diabetes.

Is this all normal for this stage or should I get checked out? I'm 34+3.
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Hope you get home soon emmalouise, I hate hospitals and am dreading a long stay in after baby arrives.

CDx, I've got a GTT tomorrow morning. I guess it couldn't hurt to get checked out if you're at all concerned xx
heyyy sorry for the late reply ladies, my battery had drained on me. i got out hospital at half 3. couldnt really grumble ollie was behaved for a while lol but after he woke up he had a massive tantrum cuz he didnt wanna be sitting still for much longer.

results from bloods yesterday were fine blood pressure has come down a bit today but they found +2 protein in my urine.
I've gotta go back up again tomorrow at half 10 for my other blood test results as they wanted to repeat them. they are 99% sure its pre-eclampsia.
they put me on the ctg 3 times today, and each time only showed little improvement from babys movements they kept saying they arent happy with it and that they think shes far too sleepy and will repeat again tomorrow. OH is having ollie tomorrow and then i'll be picking Jay up from school i think all depends on time i get back from hospital which i hope wont be too late.
they wanted me to stop in for 2 days but i didnt want to as i dont wanna be away from the kids and would be more relaxed at home and they said its my choice but dont be afraid to call if i need them for anything and that they are there to be bothered.

It's good they are being so cautious and keeping a close eye on you but it must be hard especially when you have the other kids to look after and try not to worry too much. Hopefully you have all the answers soon.

Hope eveeything goes well with yours tests tomorrow Cossie. I have the MW on Friday so might try to hold off and have a chat with her even if my urine sample comes back clear. Had a bit of chocolate and Irn Bru which perked me up this afternoon so managed to see to the end of my shift without falling asleep at my desk. Roll on 2 weeks today when I finish up for mat leave, thankfully that's only 7 working days because I've booked in some annual leave.

i'll be glad when i know for defo if i have it or not and what the plan of action is. can't believe that shes moved from being nearly fully engaged to being breech, but when i was in the bath it felt like she had moved to being transverse :/
i have one awkward and very stubborn baby on my hands just like her big sister x
On my way to the hospital now. Hopefully bloods come back fine.
Had a bit of a barney with the oh this morning he didnt get much sleep last night but I told him I was leaving Ollie with him today as I wont be long. As ive gotta get jay out of school today as I have parents evening at half 3 so im aiming to be back for dinner time. But oh kept saying for me to take Ollie with me but said that he cant come cuz he already has a cough/cold and dont wanna pass it round the antenatal ward and fau. X
Urgh. This excessive tiredness is really starting to mess up my day! Doesn't help that i've stupidly started selling books and got pressure to get that up and running within the next five weeks. Why the bobbins did I bother?! I just want to sleep.

Anyone got itchy stretch marks? I only have two, but they are both starting to itch.

Also, my son seems convinced he's having a sister... don't know where he's got this idea from. I just hope he isn't disappointed if it's a boy!
Morning ladies, hope all is well with you all :-)

GTT all done, should har by the end of the day or mid morning tomorrow at latest. They said if it comes back positive then they'll induce at 38-39 weeks so I could have my baby in the next 2 weeks!! That's a scary thought but I'm really hoping the tests come back negative as they'll want to do tests on me and baby after he's born and I'd rather not!!

My stretch marks are ridiculously itchy. I have 5 long ones and they itch like crazy. Aaaww! My friends little girl new they were having a boy right from the start! So maybe your son has an inkling rooster!! :-P xx
Hi Ladies, hope everyone getting on ok? Had midwife appt today and she tells me she's partially engaged 4/5ths aparently as the head won't rock when she tries...good to know...hopefully she stays that way...scan tomorrow so we'll see what her measurements are then....
So many potential inductions for April mummies! We haven't had it easy the past few weeks have we? Hope your results are clear Cossie and today has been better for you too EmmaLouise.

I thankfully don't have any stretch marks - yet - just a bit of discolouring around my belly button that I'm plastering with cream to try stop it developing further. I do feel like this Baby is running out of room though.

I'm really sore around my ribs it feels like I am going to bruise, Googled it and saw sometimes baby can break your ribs with their movements - ouch!!
Got our 2nd antenatal class tonight and I'm feeling a bit anxious it's the midwife led session so I think it will be more in depth.
My tummy is covered in stretch marks, and they can be very itchy, will be using bio oil once baby is here to encourage them to fade!

Fx your GTT comes back clear nicki.

Hope things went OK today at the hospital emmalouise.

I'm really fed up today with being pregnant (feel bad saying that), but I'm sore and keep getting breathless, and bored of being at home alone but not being able to do stuff (SPD too bad to 'nest'). I also feel super fat and ugly and gross and swollen, and none of my clothes fit. :-( sorry for the winge ladies.

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everything is okay. i got back home at half 1. Ollie was well behaved for his dad lol he sat with him watching films :)

but everything is defo pointing to pre-eclampsia midwife and consultant said that i have the onset of it and that they have caught it early. so will be easier to manage but if i feel any of the symptoms get worse then i need to either phone them up asap or go in soon as possible.
got to see consultant again Monday. so will be keeping you updated with things.
Shes gone from being head down on monday to being breech yesterday and still is breech now midwife who saw me reckons she wont move now to head down as baby obviously finds being in the breech lie more comfy as she keeps flipping that way.
if she did move she'll only probably manage to get to the transverse lie and not fully rotate round.
they were happier with her movements today but still a little undecided about them but said they're happy that she moved more today.
I had my 34 week midwife appointment today. Still measuring at 32cm like at my last appointment so I'm having a growth scan tomorrow morning. So excited to see baby again!
Glad to hear they're being thorough Emma! FX for a straightforward end of pregnancy for us all!

I can't say it anywhere else as we've not really told people about the c sec... this time next week our boy will be here!! Eek!Xx
I hope the growth scan goes well lizzii :-)

I can't wait to add more babies to the front page!

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