**** April 2015 Mummies ****

How exciting for you em!
More babies to add to the front of the page :)
I feel like a right cripple :( my hips are hurting sittin in these uncomfortable chairs and its gonna kill me to get up. Doesnt help that they've been clicking when walking pretty much constantly since bout half 10 this morning :(
Consultant might want to keep me in as my blood pressure is high again 155/88
Said they want to do bloods and they will come back within an hour and will see what will happen then x
How exciting :) now that i'm 37 weeks am starting to get jealous of all the labour threads and birth stories haha I know baby could do with another couple of weeks inside but am just dreading going over 40 weeks, so uncomfortabe and in pain with SPD so would be very nice for him to make an appearance in the next couple of weeks xo
Just had my bloods done just waiting for someone to come redo my blood pressure. Then hopefully will find out what will happen. Hopefully wont be waiting long and will be able to go home really dont wanna stay in x
Blood pressure has come down 144/92 I think she said. Now gotta see if they wanna keep me in or not but gonna tell them ill be more relaxed at home and thats where I wanna be and ill come back if need be x
Just had my 36 week check, everything seems fine with head partially engaged, how exciting :-)
Glad to hear everyone is doing well!! Can't believe how many April babies are due to be born in March!! I'm willing to guarantee that I'll be the one the goes over due!! I would love for him to arrive a tad early but that's just my impatience shining through!

Are you excited Em?? I think I'd be petrified!!!

Hope you get home soon emmalouise!!! xx
Waiting for doctor to come more than likely he'll try and keep me in.
Gonna try and get him to agree to let me go home x
Wow, seeing the first baby name on the front page makes it all very real!!!!!lol

How you feeling about having lil one next week em? Everything all sorted?

Hope you manage to get home emmalouise.

Northern girl, I'm with you on wanting baby early cos of SPD, I can't bare the thought of going overdue!

Wow the past few days on here has made everything seem so real! Came from Tri1 with you girls which felt like 5 minutes ago and now babies are arriving. I've still got 6 weeks to go.

Hope you get home EmmaLouise.
It's crazy how many April babies are being born in March!

I have a feeling I'll have the last April baby sometime in May!
hey, i had got home just before 6, just in time to get kids ready for bed and have a few cuddles and something to eat with them.
gotta go back in tomorrow morning at half 10 to have bp took again and to check if the tablet that they have given is working but i doubt it will as it didnt help or work last time.
been told that will probably be induced/c-section at 36/37 weeks if there is no improvement.
will update soon as i know what is going on.
i've gotta go through my hospital bag and see what else needs to be brought and put in there more than likely will be taking ollie with me tomorrow as oh has a job interview in the morning x
I think you and I will be the last ones here lizzii, at this rate at least :lol:

I had a terrible sleep last night. No idea why. Just couldn't settle at all and now I've got a headache and a tiny bit of nausea. Bleurgh.
Really dont wanna take
Ollie to the fau this morning he has woke up in a right huff and mood! Gonna be one of those days just hope that he falls to sleep in his pushchair while
Im being seen. Really not looking forward to this one Bit! So tempted to just get a taxi there instead of going by bus least then i aint gotta cart his pushchair with me.
Morning ladies,

Hope we are all well? Sleep last night was bloody awful, really am getting extremely uncomfortable now especially at night when it feels like baby's head is right in between my legs!!

At this rate the April mummies will have more babies in March than the March mummies!! :lol:

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