**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Happy Mothers Day ladies!!

Yesterday my mum and friends threw me a baby shower and I am completely overwhelmed you can't get moving for gifts in our living room. OH is away on a stag weekend due home at 1 ish and I'm struggling to resist opening them without him.

I don't know if it's emotions from the baby shower seeing how loved both me and baby are and realising that very soon I will be a mum or the fact it's Mothers Day and it just makes it so apparent there's someone very special missing from our family today with my uncle not being here or a mixture of it all but I cannot stop crying! My emotions have been fine so far throughout this pregnancy but I'm a total wreck today.
Happy mothers day to all you mommies and mommies to be! Well and truly been spoilt today :) was rather emotional lol didnt expect anything im just happy to be their mom :) was washing up and Ollie came running into the kitchen with a Lil gift bag with a pair of earrings in and then soon followed Lilly with another gift bag with a necklace and then jay came in with a another gift bag with a bracelet.

Hope ur all having a nice day and enjoying yourselves xx
Having a April mummy labour thread is getting me excited for possibly my own and all the other April
Mummies labour threads to come!
Hopefully find out tomorrow with consultant if they will induce at 37 weeks got a right nasty headache now its been coming and goin all day but now it's sticking around.
Really thinking of havin a bath then going to bed when the kids are all in bed and asleep.
So tempted to have a nap now though but know that I wont sleep tonight if I do that x
Good luck today Emma!
My appointment for monitoring/consultant is at 11.30 So i should know for definite when this baby will be making his appearance! I properly packed hospital bags and unpacked the birthing boxes last night. Bittersweet knowing im havinf a section. But pleased he will be here safely very soon! Also wrote my 'gentle cesarean' birth plan which the consultant is happy to go along with. So at least we should still get skin-to-skin & delayed cord clamping etc!
Happy Monday! Hope you all had a good mothers day x
It's all getting so close now. I'm a mixed bag of excitement and nerves!

I have my 34 week MW appointment this morning so I will be intrigued to see where baby is positioned. I'm really not sure where it is, I had a feeling it's gone breech again, but now not so sure. Hopefully it's still head down :-)

I hope Chazabell has had her baby :-)
Ive been up since 5 with Ollie. Im so tired dont think he will be going to sleep any time soon either he is so full of energy its unbelievable. He's just running around shouting. Think my eldest is coming down with chicken pox again this will be the second time it is.
He has what looks like a few spots on his face and a couple on his neck.
Baby has been kicking pretty much non stop since about 8.
Which is weird shes never normally this active this early of a morning x
Good luck with all your appointments today ladies.
My next MW appointment is Friday so hoping baby's position has changed.

yeah I hope things have went well for her and she is enjoying lots of cuddles. So surreal to think April babies are starting to make an appearance.
Can't believe how much I've missed out on! I had a really busy afternoon on Friday finishing up bits and our internet has been down most of the weekend and the app for my phone has been useless!! But i'm officially on maternity leave now and BT have sorted our internet connection so I'm back!

Really hope everything is good with chaz!! So exciting knowing we are already having April babies!!

How is everyone else doing? I've had backache for the last day or so and my mum mentioned it on Saturday and I'd noticed on Friday that bump has dropped. Not by much but it is really noticeable! Does bump dropping mean anything? xx
Bump is measuring 2/3 weeks behind (measure 32cm at 34+5) but otherwise all is fine and baby is head down - yay. I have a scan next week so will see what happens there with regards to babies size. At my 32 week scan baby was measuring fine so i'm not overly concerned.
Sorry I've been MIA - Internet has been down for a while!

How is everyone?

I'm now 37+2 full term and feeling impatient!

On Friday I ended up in hospital after falling on concrete straight on to my bump. It was a hard fall and I was in a lot of pain, luckily baby was ok and they gave a scan to check- she's 7lb and has chubby cheeks and arms :) apparently they could also tell she's got short legs so will take after mummy (5ft 2). It was so strange.

But they did check my BP which is high and my headaches are probably linked and I'm swelling more all of a sudden. But my blood levels are currently ok. So I have to take cocodomol for headaches and monitor my BP. I'm only stage 1 hypertension so all should be ok. I've decided to turn up the heat now and try to do all I can to bring on labour before BP gets worse! So raspberry tea, moving, birthing ball, plus enlisting my oh help in the bedroom.... Any other ideas? Xx
Cossie, bump dropping signals baby's head moving into position / dropping into pelvis, this doesn't really signal much in terms of timings for birth but it means your getting closer and moving in the right direction! I think 36 weeks dropping is avg for first time mums but some women can drop as early as 32 and still go over due date!
Wowee prettypee, glad you and baby are doing ok!!

I keep being told so many different things but I guess everyone's experience is different! Although I wouldn't mind him coming around now.... 1 day on maternity and I'm already bored stiff!!!! :lol:
So excited to have updated the front page with the arrival of Chazabells little boy, Daniel :-)
Just getting ready to go to hospital for scan look outside and it decides to Cowin rain :( glaf everything went well for you at ur midwife appointment rooster.
Hoping im not waiting ages like last time to see consultant after scan really dont wanna be waiting for ages. X
Prettypee some have suggested evening primrose oil inserted nightly gonna do that myself from this wk as have some left from ttc days.
have they said if baby is engaging at all yet, prettypee? this little one is only 4/5. hope you're ok after your fall and not too bruised! i'm the same as you and starting to try everything now, got the ball out to bounce on, can't have raspberry leaf unfortunately, but got a lot of curries planned this week and pineapples, we've also just done a quick maternity reflexology course and there's some acupressure points you're not supposed to use until about now so we'll be trying those too. no idea if any of this will work but no harm in trying ;)
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Just come out scan. Baby is weighing perfectly on the 50th centile. Said shes about 5lb 10oz but not to panic and get worked up thinking that shes gonna be massive lol said she'll more than likely be 7lb 10oz or a bit bigger but scans arent always bang on with weights.
Shes got long legs and some hair she pointed to her head and said all the fuzzy bit is hair :) and shes right down and pretty much fully engaged :)
Just waiting to see consultant and gonna tell him bout the clicking hips and headaches etc see what he says. Hope he does finally settle on bringing me in to be induced at 37 weeks.
:) ill put all het measurements on later when I get home x
So my April 12th baby will be born next Wednesday the 25th of March! Rescanned this morning and monitored. The consultant isn't happy leaving him in there longer than needed so he will be born by elcs next week! She was really on board with the gentle c section approach which is fab! X

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