**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Oh dear em! All that fighting you've done and you won't be able to have the birth you so very much you wanted x

Ive started to get more braxton hicks now pretty painful when gettin towards the end of the day.
6 weeks left Sunday hopefully consultant will have made his mind up of he is going to induce me early like they had said before they were thinking of doing. Find out Monday will mention all the other things thats been going on etc xx
Wow lots of changes for us April mummies sorry to hear some of you won't be getting what you had planned or wanted so much. At least they are being extra cautious to get your precious LOs here safely. I can't believe we will have our first 'April' baby soon.

I guess I'll find out a week today what's going on with baby's position and the next steps. Still feeling kicks really low into my bum so know they haven't turned yet. 6 weeks to go for me.
Hey northerngirl, second time mum and 28 and still feeling nervous about it all! Have to say, ignorance was bliss last time :lol: Do you know what you are having? I haven't got you down on the font page as blue/pink/yellow?

Having a boy as far as we know :D
We are most defo having a boy! His his face on his growth scan but paraded his boy hood!!!

We already have our 1st April baby. Mum2and1angel :)

It's a case of who's next?? I find out tomorrow or Tuesday my induction date after an internal exam. 37 weeks tomorrow and he's only 5lb estimate so they are keep to keep us monitored xxx
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Started to perk up a bit have bit more energy and then i went all tired :( wish I had Loadsa energy so I could get things done. Plus side its the start of the weekend so me and oh are dropping kids off at their grandads while we pop out to get a few final bits for baby. Oh has said now he likes poppy for our girls name but not sure on grace for her middle bame I cant think of any other names that can go with poppy for her.
My friend had her baby on the 10th a day early he was weighed in at 8lb 7oz he had to stop in for a couple extra days due to infection from waters breaking and not immediately going into labour.
Starting to labour/symptom spot and I really shouldnt lol. X
We've been out and bought some 'tiny baby' baby grows and vests. 8 baby grows and 6 vests. Should do us a couple of days if he is 5-6lb. Wanted him to have some clothes that fit properly. They are so small!! So we have 3 sizes of clothes to be packed to cover all instances.

He's been wiggling around throughout the day since his 2am hospital trip. I think as he moves lower he presses on my sciatic nerve. Get pains across my lower abdo and hurts to lift my left leg. Once I'm up and moving it eases!

My bits feel swollen today tho :eh: especially if I've been sitting upright. I can feel it. I've never remy been aware of my foof otherwise! Lol.

Heartburn is crippling me....swigging gaviscon from the bottle like it's pop. And I bloody hate the stuff! Who invented aniseed anyway?!?!? Shopping however....made me crave milk, fresh orange and smoothie so I have a hydrating evening ahead ha ha ha!! xxx
Lol bless ya chaz. I remember thinking the same about olliea clothes he was born 6lb 11oz at 39 weeks and he was so tiny compared to my other two just couldn't believe it.
I've been told by docs that I have spd now :( and that the clicking I can hear sometimes when im walking is my pelvis and that if I mention this to the consultant Monday along with the other things that has happened he will tell me my options.

Had the kids help me with making an egg custard tart earlier was a fun hour.

Looking forward to Monday now cant wait to see princess on the scan and see how much shes weighing now xx
Mmmmmm egg custard tart!!!!

I feel for you, before we realised my back was sciatica I honestly thought it was SPD it hurt do bad. And my friend suffered really bad with it. I feel clicking when I walk downstairs but it's in my groin and not painful. I'm thankful baby has moved away from the nerve at the back, easier to deal with the front I think.

Just finished my bag for hospital. My underwear, pj's dressing gown finally in....need slippers!!

Its horrible isn't it? I wish I didnt suffer with all this seems cuz ive said this is my last pregnancy I seem to be gettin everything that hurts/causes pain etc lol.

Woke up with a headache :( so gonna try and sleep it off on the settee when Ollie goes back to sleep.
Had weird dream last night that I had gone into labour over the weekend :/ hope I would want Lil miss to stay put for a few more weeks x
Starting to wonder if baby has gone breech again. Feeling loads of movement way down below like I did when baby was breech from 28-32 weeks...

MW appointment on Monday :-)
Im the same rooster I think baby has moved back to breech it felt
Like she moved that way last night when I was watching the TV. Headache is wearing off a little now but can still feel it there.
Actually slept a little better last night only woke up once and that was to go toilet.
Getting some major strong braxton hicks this morning. Just glad that they aint the real thing.

Morning ladies well woke up with leg cramp, pins n needles both hands with achy knuckles again then when got up suddenly got stitch like psin down right hanside. Lying down n its helping but was concerned. googles it n completely normal. As she favours rihht side she probably causing round ligament pain or squeezing on something. ...ouch it hurtd lol from ribs to pelvis...
Hope you're all having a lovely weekend?! I'm having a crazy pregnant lady hormones day!
I go from fine to in tears over the slightest thing. I know its all over my worries around the c sec & recovery etc OH really hasnt said much on it which isn't helping. In all honesty i need a hug!! But he seems oblivious! :-(
Oh has took our eldest out to the town today so its just me Lilly and Ollie today. Ive cleaned up and now putting the washer on.
Oh has said he doesnt want me to be sterilised said im too young and that he thinks I might regret it.

Aww em! Men just generally keep some feelings to themselves as they dont wanna burden us with their worries. My oh is the same typical bloke.
I had to ask him last night what he actually thought of me asking for a section and being sterilised cuz he hadn't said anything for a few days about it.

Hardly any pain in my hips today thank god. Can get on with some other stuff instead of being limited.
Our CTG this morning was fine and baby met the criteria. He's been a little quiet this afternoon.

Just had a phone call off the midwife saying the registrar isn't happy that I'm not back until Tuesday so I'm back in tomorrow too. Mentioned how active he's been and she said they may think about inducing me earlier!!

Glad someone is reviewing my notes and keeping close eye on baby xxx
Oh goodness! Good luck for tomorrow chazabell. I can't believe you'll be having a baby soon!
atleast they are keeping an eye on you, can't believe that you'll be having a baby soon :) x good luck with tomorrow chick xx

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