I am petrified of bad nights sleeps, tar poo, leaking nappies and juggling both of my boys. But I'm also greatly excited about meeting him and cuddling, kissing, snuggling and watching the boys connect. I'm desperate for it to be all over, I'm so uncomfortable and struggling to walk with these hips now.
i have moments where i'm all over the place thinking how the hell am i gonna cope lol but then i realise that i'll do just fine and i have the help off oh and some other family members
noticed since last night that when i'm resting it feels like my hearts racing :/ i'm determined not to look it up on google but will be mentioning this to consultant monday.
fell asleep on the settee after tea tonight and now i'm not even in the slightest bit tired hopefully when i get into bed in a bit i'll be able to nod off.
Also i've had enough of the pain in my hips tonight its weird cuz i've never suffered with this in my previous pregnancies so why now it has decided to creep up on me i dont know. part of me is freaking out thinking this baby is gonna be huge and thats what causing the pain :/
Thanks for sharing your feelings on things ladies I think it's just 'cos I'm only 21 and sort of drift along not thinking that things are really happening until they really are happening haha. I don't even know what it is i'm nervous about!
Emmalouise I have the same with the racing heart thing I think it's quite normal just get it checked if you get chest pains with it as well, but yes googling is often not the wisest decision haha xo
Definitely not alone northern girl, i'm constantly feeling incredibly nervous and excited at the same time, with quite a host of disbelief that it is actually going to happen mixed in there too! And I'm 34, so its not an age thing!
I think the racing heart thing is quite normal, we all have a load more blood floating round, so our hearts have to beat that bit faster. Obviously if you are really concerned then speak to your midwife.
Exactly the same northerngirl. I still can't believe it's actually happening - everything is organised, babies room is ready, pram is built up at my mums but it's still surreal.
I am so nervous about the birth, I don't handle pain well at all and I am dreading it. I can't imagine how much my life will change when LO arrives but also can't wait to meet them and find out if I have a son or daughter (just typing that makes my stomach flip but also put the biggest smile on my face!)
Hey northerngirl, second time mum and 28 and still feeling nervous about it all! Have to say, ignorance was bliss last time Do you know what you are having? I haven't got you down on the font page as blue/pink/yellow?
Im in such a no go mood today. I should really get a wriggle on and get ready for the school run. Be glad when its easter half term then ill have time to try and relax and not have to rush about of a morning x
So it's all starting to hit home how big this is today. It's my last day at work so after today I'm officially on Maternity leave! Eeek! I thought I'd be really excited but there's part of me that doesn't want to leave. They presented me with a card and a boat load of gifts yesterday and when I got home I went through it all and cried. I don't know whether it was just hormones, the fact that it definitely made everything all that more real or whether it was because the amount of stuff I got made me realise just how much I'm very clearly appreciated by everyone! Maybe a combination of all 3.
Aww bless ya cossie! It is really overwhelming isn't it?
I keep saying after this cuppa im gonna get cleaned up but I just cant be bothered lol.
Im just tired I feel fine in myself just tired and got no get up and go again lol.
Hiya all, glad to hear you are all feeling better.
I have times when I panic and other times I'm just too excited lol
I'm 36 weeks tomorrow woo hoo still can't believe that!
My Braxton hicks are ramping up and becoming slightly more frequent. Struggling to sleep now too getting hip aches oh well not too long now.
Is there any first time mums going for a home birth, I'm really considering it now?
Hi Aimee same here, had them daily now for past three weeks but now counting 12-14 per day and sometimes 2 per hour. Only occasionally are they painful especially if get one when lying on my side as hard to get comfy. Haven't had any at same time as back pain or menstrual like pains yet so not worried...anyone else notice crampy/achy fingers/toes? Was thinking maybe the relaxin hormone is centralising to my
HI Aimee same here, have had them daily now for past three weeks but some days count 12-14 of them and occasionally 2 per hour, always either 30secs or 2-3mins long. Dont have any back pain or menstrual like cramps at same time tho so not worried. Can be uncomfortable tho especially if lying on one side. Anyone else getting achy hands/feet? Just started to notice they ache every morning like ive spent hours the day before wringing clothes...wondering if relaxin hormone is centralising to womb now in preparation for birth and extremities are suffering lol.
Aimee yes planning home waterbirth...only 10mins from hospital tho so fine for emergencies. Dont like hospitals and so know wouldnt relax there, have everything prepared for home with an independant midwife and doula attending as well as hubby...Have candles, lighting and music all set...
Looks like we will be having a March baby! my HBAC is slipping away! Baby has had repeated reduced movements this week. They've scanned and said all looks ok at the moment, but the consultant said she'd rather play it safe and deliver him at 37 weeks rather than risk leaving it longer & something then going wrong. They don't induce (& i wouldn't want induction) VBAC women so it'll be an elective c sec in around a week. I'm gutted all the fighting for my HBAC has been for nothing. But ultimately as long as our boy arrives safely then it's ok x
It really is emmalouise! I think it was the lovely comments on the card that really set me off! Will be interesting to see if I get emotional at the end of the day when I leave to go home for the last time this year!!!
Back from the midwife and I know it's not a massive deal but I won't be getting the Shrewsbury birth I wanted and will instead have to give birth on the consultant unit in Telford as he is measuring large. I guess the silver lining is that I'll be in the right place if anything were to go wrong.
Wow, another march baby!! Sorry you won't get the birth you wanted em, but at least you know he'll arrive safely
Oh gosh, I'm do glad they listen to us with reduced movements and look into why and make a plan! I'm 37 weeks tomorrow, have a CTG for him then back ok Tuesday for same plus see consultant. Going to try and get more info tho. Hubby expressed last night that he's worried. Because of his size. His day of reduced movement and induction. But he just wants him here safe.
My appetite has returned after being poorly last week! Lost my double chin I was that poorly!! Lol.
Just at hair dressers for the final time until after baby......months away no doubt my next appt!
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