**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Got a right horrible headache :( plus my left knee is really hurting this morning dunnonwhat ive done. Ollie woke up at half 4 had a drink and went back to sleep but I couldnt seem to settle back off just after quarter past 5. Just couldn't get comfy.
On the plus side only 4 days til I have my scan and see consultant and asking about having a section and being sterilised :) x
Thanks ladies, I have felt baby move now, but no big movements, more like the odd flutter here and there.

Exciting news Kelly :-D

Feeling very real now that we know Chazabell and emmaxc are being induced this month! I'm super excited to start adding babies to our front page :-D
Sounds completely normal Chazabell, I was talking to a few girls in work yesterday who said towards the end of their pregnancy they started to get emotional about missing their bump and feeling baby move because it's a special bond only the 2 of you have - you thought you had another few weeks of that to go so no wonder your emotions are a bit all over the place.

Hope baby is wriggling away as normal soon Rooster.

Kelly that is so exciting that you have your date too. I can't believe we will have babies here soon I'm starting to feel a bit emotionally unprepared. We had our first antenatal class last night, I did minimal pelvis exercises but my back really hurts this morning especially when walking. I hope I havent slipped the joint out of place again.
Chaz my first was always on or below the 10th centile and he was 7lb 8oz! im right on the line again this time so expecting the same again! you will have your lovely baby soon :-) xxx
Wow chaz!! I did think we'd have one or 2 April babies born in March but not this early!! As far as I'm concerned you'll always be an April mummy so stick with us hun!! :D

How are your movements now rooster? If you don't feel strong movements this morning I'd call midwife - better safe than sorry!
Got so much to do this morning but I just cant be bothered lol.
Ive gotta have a quick clean up before I have to be out the house to pick Lilly up from nursery.
Could do with an early night tonight but doubt I will get one lol.
I can't be bothered either emmalouise! Although tomorrow is my last day at work which I really can't wait for! I'm hoping I can start to feel a little better just by being at home.

Although I'm taking my iron tablets I actually feel worse for it. I almost always feel really light-headed and almost like every limb in my body is too heavy for me to move. Is this a normal side effect of iron tablets? I've got a midwife appointment tomorrow so I'll certainly mention it to her then
I just feel drained like no energy at all.
Wont be surprised if I do actually end up falling to sleep on the settee later lol. Ive done the living room and rearranged rhe cushions on the settee etc just gotta get the hover out then will be done. Gotta put a load of washing on as well but that can wait til I get back from pickin Lilly up from school x
It's so hard to move from the sofa to do anything when bubs is wiggling around in my tummy!
I can't believe I am 34+1! Time is just running away from me and the nursery is STILL a study! I had a chat with OH and he agreed that we'll sort out the nursery the weekend after next... I'll be 35+3 by then, but I understand why he has wanted to hold it back.

I've finally started to wash stuff for the new baby. The crib has been washed and the crib sheets and it's now in place, so at least baby has somewhere to sleep if we get an early arrival! Tomorrow mum and I will be steam cleaning the old carrycot, buggy and car seat to make them looking brand new.

My son seems to be becoming more and more aware of baby - we obviously talk about the baby a lot but I also know that preschool have set up a little parent & baby role play area and I think this is largely down to the fact myself (and probably a couple of other mummies) are pregnant. It's nice that preschool are helping out in preparing our little boy.

I'm definitely getting more and more tired now as the pregnancy progresses. My OH works from home so he's helping when he can, even if it's the odd 10 minutes here or there.
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I am getting so much pressure at the top of my bump which is making me feel like I have a stitch in my back. I really wish baby would turn and move away from my ribs.
My mum and friends have organised a baby shower for me on Saturday. I didn't want one at first but now looking forward to an afternoon with family & friends.
Hi CDx also getting lots of pressure at top of bump but guess thats cos its the main area they notice changes to when you move/bend etc...I love feeling her stretch her legs against top of bump, its only at nighttimes when she is v close to ribs that it gets uncomfortable...more frequent BH today mainly brought on by her...oh and she's definately trying her new space out for size as feel her hands 'down there' - fanny daggers r back with a vengeance lol...she's not settling low down yet think she's quite happy exploring top of my bump....getting some ace belly movement video tho! OH felt her foot early prodding his hand so he's fascinated with it too...Getting a lot less kicks and more rolls/wriggles guessing cos she's got less space...
Can't believe some of our April mummies are going to be having babies this month...all starting to get a little bit more real isn't it? Eek.

This is utterly typical, husband has been trying to get leave before baby gets here, he is coming home 3 days after planned section....oh well, at least he IS coming home. Just frustratingly close.

Bags are finally packed.

Braxton hicks are upping their tempo and I'm slowing down so soooo so so so much.

I do wonder how soon it will be to start seeing new babies on the front page :) can't believe we are all due NEXT MONTH
Hi KellyH agreed! Yikes - cant believe now seeing 4wks + 6 days on my app...4 weeks is like not far away at all!

Planning a last day out to the beach next week as have been craving a walk in the sand and a paddle in the see for a while now (perhaps not helped by my hypnobirthing CD which keeps asking me to imagine sand in my toes and the smell of salty air...- dont want to imagine want to be there lol). Hoping for some more good weather to make it reasonably warm albeit breezy...
I'm not sure how many first time mums there are on this thread but I guess this can count for ladies already with children, but is anyone starting to like, panic like hell haha well not panic but feeling very nervous and a bit scared. Don't get me wrong I'm excited and want it to be over with as am very uncomfortable.
I'm 36+3 and starting to kack it a bit now as reality really settles, just hoping i'm not the only one! xo
i feel a bit all over the place, most of the time i'm just excited and eager to meet my new baby but there is the odd occasion where i start to feel a bit nervous, i just don't like not knowing when it's going to happen. plus i'm blimmin uncomfortable now and i just want it over with lol
Im the same Northerngirl, when each week was passing its like counting the milestones and always have a week to go til the next one, now Im nearly out of weeks now its like gosh soon there is gonna be a screaming baby in the house and as a first time mum yes that is scary but also terribly exciting (not the screaming part lol) and reality has defo set in but until that moment I hold her dont think it truly hits home lol

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