**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Just incase midwife sends me to the hospital or id have to go straight up we havent got anyone to pick them up from school today as ohs mom is busy and ohs dad lives a bus ride away from the school.
So if we do have to
Go hospital we can go straight from home without worrying not being back in time to pick them up. If midwife doesnt send us to the hospital then jay will be in school by 12 dinner time :) xx
I was just wondering her logic. Makes perfect sense! Lol. Hope she gets you sorted today, you e been trying to tell her for long enough!! xxx
Glad things are alright Chaz, our babies do like to make us worry lol and don't doubt that that'll continue...

I've had BH all over belly tbh mainly lower but the other day more the top of belly and was uncomfortable to move as was pressing into my bust lol, felt rock hard lol...

Getting some painful lurching movements now like she's taking a run up to my sides lol...

Time to test the birthing pool again - yay!
Hope you got on ok EmmaLouise and your LO is wriggling about more today Chazabell.

I am so drained today and we have our couples antenatal class tonight at 6 which I need to go straight from work when I just want to sleep. The only positive is OH is taking me out for dinner afterwards as he goes on a stag weekend tomorrow, anxious about him leaving the country incase baby surprises us by coming earlier but I still have 6 weeks to go so surely everything should be ok? He's best man and had it planned and booked before we knew about LO but I think he feels bad about leaving us too.
Everything went well at midwife appointment :) baby is fine but stubborn lol she wouldnt keep still when checking heartbeat etc.
Midwife said for me for my BP is fine so nothing to worry bout and she said I was right to push it and get seen.

For once actually enjoyed tea and the kids helped making the yorkie batter for the toad in the hole :)

I'm going to be a March mummy girls. Baby is below 10th centile and they are examining on Tuesday for induction :shock: xxx
Oh my gosh Chaz!! How scary! But exciting at the same time. Our first April baby......

How are you feeling about it? Xx
i don't get the chance to pop in much, but do think about you all and how you're getting on.

oh blimey, chazabell, have they given you any idea when this month they might do it?

things here are good, we had our growth scan on friday and baby is just over 7lbs already and big on most measurements. I think he/she will be about the same size as my little boy was.
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Oh dear chaz!!! I hope everything goes well for you and bubs :) scary but proper exciting at the same time for you.
How are you feeling about it all? Xx
Could be as early as Tuesday. Was told to have my bags in the car ready!

I'm a little in shock as never expected it, but we get the next few nights together to prepare everything and make sure the house is ready. Hubby's leave starts on 26th March do he'll get the whole if April with us xxx
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Aww I was in shock when I was only sent in for BP check etc when I was pregnant with Ollie and then to be told that the next day I'll be induced.
You'll be fine chick it'll be a little shock at first but then you'll soon be excited and over the moon when ur Lil bundle will be in ur arms with you having cuddles xx
Eek, I'm not surprised you're in shock, it's sooner than you thought. Let us know when you hear x
Is it normal to feel emotional? He kicked before and I cried. I rubbed my tummy & I cried xxx
Yes, completely, the whole thing is an emotional roller coaster, even more so now you know he'll be here soon x
Completely normal chick. You're bound to feel emotional and your hormones will be all over the place even more so now everything is happening much more quickly now.

We're all here for you :) xx
:hugs: Chaz, sounds completely normal, reckon all of us would feel the same. Xx
Oh gosh Chazabell! How overwhelming for you!

I'm having a huge panic tonight as baby isn't moving since having a knock to the bump at around 6pm. I'm nervous since this is usually babies most active time of day...
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Have you phoned the maternity unit rooster? Might be worth it, get some advice and peace of mind xx
Try a cold fizzy drink or a really hot drink, sugar. Lie on each side for 10 mins. Tap & wobble your tummy. If still nothing call them and get checked out. Bubs didn't do a single thing until 5 mins into his trace last night! xxx
I agree Chazabell- totally normal. I would definitely feel the same. Good luck with everything. Thinking of you.

Rooster I read somewhere babies can go very quiet after something like a car crash so imagine it could be the same with a knock but definitely better to get checked out to put your mind at rest.

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