**** April 2015 Mummies ****

I couldn't believe it either!! When she was doing skull measurements she said "do you see that fuzzy line just there? That's his hair!!" and there was soooo much hair!!! I was lovely seeing him again even if he was really scrunched up! Couldn't see to much as there's not much room in there to see anything.

Really hope the next few weeks go quickly for us all!! Starting to definitely get more and more scared as each day passes but I can't wait either - I just want to cuddle my little boy! :D xx
No need to take notes to antenatal classes, at least didn't need them for nct.

I have just finished my last day at work!!! Now at home with feet up. Got a nice gift from as well, a gift box of mamas and papas bits :)

Now the wait really begins. I have busy couple days but hoping to get a massive clean-a-thon underway and complete by end of Friday!
I'm back!!!! I'm back to my old self....almost :)

I had the best nights sleep in a week. Pillow is back between my legs! I've been out for a walk and a bit if shopping and bumped into a friend for a giggle! Now sat in sofa with a big fat chocolate yoghurt and closer mag before I start on some housework with 2 bunnies running around my feet!

So glad to be over the worst of that bug!!!

Bump isn't so achey today either which I'm glad about, keep checking to see if he's dropped and he hasn't!

Who's watching OBEM tonight? xxx
Cossie, we have had the same with our last two scans showing hair then growth of hair - mayb the old wives tale about heartburn is true... It was the last thing we expected to see on a scan lol...I keep feeling very low movements as if she is sizing up her living space lol not dropped yet...midwife says they will have practise sessions popping in then coming back up as they get the feel of the space lol...hoping she decides to make home soon lol...lots of pressure at the sides of my bump now as she runs out of space, especially near ribcage, the bump almost juts out at 90 degrees from my waist - yikes!

Just put up the changing table topper we ordered off Amazon - I love the fact they make it nice n simple with allan keys as no good with a screwdriver lol...

Going back in the pool for another test tomoz - have a heat retention cover to test out (see if it holds temp better for those times when I get out for a while) as well as an anchor like thing both for getting out and for something to pull on when pushing (supposed to be good for squatting too) and also want to test the ambiance in the room with my magic no flame candles....looking forward to it...

Had our penultimate haircuts yesterday - next is booked for 11th April (4 days off DD!) v scary...

Prepared two drawers in our room for nighttime necessities as crib will be in our room to begin with and like the idea of nursing and changing during the night in our room so...cue a little sort out...nesting instinct takes over lol....

Also slept well last night not too much tossing and turning and count each morning wake up rested as doubt there will be many more as she continues to grow lol... I also do the pillow between the legs Chaz but during the night when turnover, it doesn't always follow me lol so it helps 50% of the time lol...

Hubby now on the no alcohol routine...as suggested by himself this morning when he had a hangover...bless em little treats like that will be a thing of the past very soon, Ive tried to convince him a little bit is fine but when she's here he will get plenty of sleep deprivation hangovers without the alcohol lol...Good thing is this way he has made the decision not cos of nagging so know he'll stick to it lol...
New series of One Born Every Minute starts on channel 4 tonight at 9!

Going to be weird watching it and thinking that it's not too long until that's us! Love seeing the new babies, I can't wait to meet baby.
I've watched it for years and I've watched lots of baby programmes so I'm quite used to it, hoping that it makes me more prepared for labour.

However, I'm sure I'll be terrified when the time actually comes!

I'm getting the OH to watch it with me to educate him on labour and so that he knows all the dos and don'ts!
Yes my hubby is on zero alcohol until the baby arrives. I've said he can have 2 bottles of beer when he decides he fancies one as he'll still be able to drive. So he's saving his beer choice until Sunday afternoon after football when we have his mum for lunch!

I'm looking forward to OBEM. I'm already certain I won't be screaming or 'mooing' ha ha! I'm quite good with sighing through pain and all the cramps I had with endo....and I've told hubby to make sure I wash my face as soon as labour starts so I'm not one of those mums with mascara under my eyes or a tide line of foundation around my chops ha ha!! xxx
haha some days i'm totally knackered and just wanna sleep but seeing how happy and close they are makes it all worth while. i think deep down i've always wanted a biggish family cuz my extended family is huge!!!!
and i've always loved having them about and always having someone there to talk 2 or play with when i was younger :)
now its my time to relax as they are all in bed going to sleep then up at 6 again tomorrow morning to get all school stuff ready etc :)

can still feel the tightness of my hands and feet because of the swelling i really dont know what to do i don't know if to phone midwife and see what she says or go straight to phoning FAU at the hospital and see what they say.

anyone of you ladies started to take/use evening primrose oil? i'm thinking of using it this time around see if it really does have any benefits. i'm just in the middle of looking it up and seeing what others have said about it and then will decide to get some tomorrow or not x
Argh, good gravy this baby comes alive at night time! Great, we have another nocturnal baby on our hands! :lol: My son was the same when in my belly and he just did not settle. Fun times ahead.
Emmalouise - heard gud things about it and altho doesnt always work doesnt do any harm...not sure when to start myself and whether to take orally to begin with then insert...daft q here - if u still have your plug then wud epo inserted actually reach cervix when it breaks down?

Rooster same here between 9pm n midnight n if toss n turn too often then too. She is usually sleepy in mornings but sometimes v active esp if im hungry n she hears my tummy grumbling. ..lol
Just returned home after a trip to the antenatal ward as babies movements had been minimal today and he didn't perk up when I came to bed and did everything to get him going.

All was well with his trace and he started kicking & moving. Measured at 32cm, smaller than my last appt so they are sending me for a scan, poss tomorrow but we have a trace each day until scan!

Ive read that you insert as far as you can get it and it doesn't matter if plug is still intact as it can still evening primrose oil will still work.
Read online that you can take it orally and insert and best to insert of a night. Im gonna have another nose online later on today.

Couldnt sleep properly again last night kept waking up cuz couldn't get comfy im going to be phoning midwife this morning and asking her bout the swelling in my hands and feet and how the skin feels tight on my feet and I when I hold anything in my hands and that the headaches are getting worse.
Theres in pain in my hips today thank god! Woke up actually painfree!!!
If I cant get through to midwife ill just phone docs as I know shes there this morning so will try and catch her there x
How worrying Chazabell, I hope everything goes well with the scan and it's good they are keeping such a close eye on you.

If I was ever in doubt about Braxton Hicks I am not anymore, lots of pressure and pain down at the bottom of my bump especially when walking and my whole bump is tensing but baby is still in the wrong position.
Hope scan goes well for you chazabell.
Knackered just aint the word this morning. Im totally fed up phoned midwife and she said to keep an eye on the swelling phone docs at half 8 when they open and try and get an appointment to see her. Said to
Keep kids off of school just incase I have to go in. Least to say oh aint happy bout the eldest two missing school this morning Cuz of how much they love school etc x
Midwife actually phoned me back and gotten me into see her to get my BP checked and check the swelling of my hands and feet finally. Xx
I felt ok when we were at hospital, cried like a bitch when I got home tho! He started wiggling away when I got back into bed.

After 3 days being sick followed by 2 days of increased activity it was unusual for him to not wiggle in the evening when I got into bed. Wasn't expecting my bump to have shrunk. Feels like it's grown to me, weather that's because I've lost weight through being poorly I don't know. Just glad we went up and they are keeping their eye on us.

Cdx I'm glad you've described BH like that as that's what I've been getting. Just lower bump nothing higher up.

Emma how come you had to keep them off school on the off chance? On the plus side glad you got thru to your midwife. The midwife and Dr last night commented on how id seen different people each appt and that I should be consultant led as it's IVF baby, but they were really helpful and reassuring. Told us never to frett about calling, that's what they want xxx

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