**** April 2015 Mummies ****

Back from growth scan. Amniotic fluid measuring normal, baby's legs are average but head and abdomen are measuring large :( booked in next week for a GTT. If the GTT comes back positive I've heard that this means they like to just do a c-section rather than let you give birth naturally - is this right or have I been told wrong?
They may suggest early induction at 38 weeks, unlikely theyd suggest a straight of c sec.. saying that Induction is generally a cascade of intervention! I know lots of GD mums who have said no to induction and gone on to deliver at term.
GTT at this late stage is wildly inaccurate & is known to show false positives.
Usually they'd get you to do daily finger pricks as an alternative.

arm yourself with the facts so you can make your own informed decisions.
Is anyone else feeling like this....

You stand up and you feel the need to support your bump? It feels soooo achy and uncomfortable. The only way I can describe it is the ache feels like I've had surgery.

Well done on finishing Lizzi :)

Have you had a GTT before now Cossie? xxx
Back from growth scan. Amniotic fluid measuring normal, baby's legs are average but head and abdomen are measuring large :( booked in next week for a GTT. If the GTT comes back positive I've heard that this means they like to just do a c-section rather than let you give birth naturally - is this right or have I been told wrong?

I'm not sure to be honest. My baby is a big'un - saying that, they called it a chunk, but it's measuring on the 50th centile. The head was measuring a week ahead last time!! Did they mention what centile the baby is?
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... Life can be tough...
Chazabell I've been feeling exactly the same at times very heavy and feeling like everything is gonna fall out. I've had a few more Braxton hicks over last few days too with period like pains but nothing too bad and very infrequent. Sure it's normal at 35+2 :-)
getting very exciting now :-)
Had my growth scan today, was good to see baby again, but they were being a monkey and were tightly curled up, making it difficult to get accurate measurements. Eventually managed it and baby is coming up as 5lbs 11. Thankfully my fluid levels are back down within normal range.

Also saw a consultant (the third different one that I have see this pregnancy) and honestly I feel it was a waste of time. Each one has focused on something different and not followed up on what the previous consultant was asking about. This one focused on my b12 deficiency for some reason (not linked to pregnancy at all, I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia 8 years ago and it is well under control with regular injections), so I now need to sort blood tests to check my levels. I'm fine with this, but the first consultant I saw told me that I was just to carry on under GP care for it, and that my levels has no relevance to my pregnancy! Just wish for some consistency!!!!!!

I hope that if she jas dropped she stays there even though its painful. But woke up this morning and my hips are fine no pain/pressure but saying that I'll end up getting it later on.
But my god this headache ive woke up with is horrible! I couldnt sleep properly last night either :( kept wakin up cuz I couldnt get comfy and waking up to go to the loo me and oh took it turns sorting Ollie out cuz he kept waking up cuz of the chest infection he has.
Only 6 days til scan and seeing consultant cant come quick enough. Least then he'll listen to me unlike my midwife at the docs who doesnt seem to give a toss x
Thanks for the input girls. No one mentioned about centiles - is there anyway I can tell by the charts? I've never had a GTT before but it sounds like the most boring process ever. I've been told to fast from midnight the night before and then they'll take blood at 10am then I have to drink a sugary drink then they'll take blood again 2 hrs later and I have to wait with them during those 2 hrs.

Glad to hear your scan went well emmajaine :-)

I have to support my bump everytime im stood up otherwise it feels like it's going to hit the floor!! :lol:

:-( headaches are no fun. Luckily mine seem to have subsided but my heartburn has returned with a vengeance! Scan yesterday did show he's got a full head of hair which really shocked me!!! Xx
Hope you ladies aren't suffering too much today.
Well done Lizzimay that's impressive last year of uni it's stressful enough never mind being pregnant.

I've got my 1st antenatal class tomorrow evening, do I need to take my hand held notes to this?
Hi Ladies, sounds like we're all getting on well, Im still wary of the weight prediction from my scan as comparing with nhs notes she is 50th for body and thigh but above 90th for head...hoping she's just had a growth spurt early...

Also getting a bit more painful nudges now especially at night time on my side...still enjoying it...just...lol

Don't think you need maternity notes at antenatal classes unless you have a specific question...
midwife said she thinks baby is head down now so fingers crossed!
getting so anxious though atm, cant sleep! finish work on thursday so hopefully that calms me down!
and you dont need notes at ante natal classes :) xxx
I defo spoke too soon. The pressure/pain has kicked in :(
Least the weathers decent and I aint gonna freeze walking to the school to pick Lilly up from nursery.
My friends waiting to be induced her waters broke at 7 last night and its her due date tomorrow as well. She didn't start contracting after her waters went so the hospital said they will kick start labour for her today.
So excited for her :)
I finally found out how to post pictures on this without OH having to do it for me.
Bump has def changed shape and I feel they are lower but not convinced they have turned.
Bump at 33+3

Gorgeous bumps CDx :) I just feel absolutely huge!! I'll try and post a pic later :)

Apparently the March mummies have had their first baby actually born in March!!! I wonder if we will see many early April babies born in March? Or how far into April we will get before our first April baby!! :D I'm far too excited now!!! xx
Thanks Cossie. Aw that is so exciting! We might not have much of a wait, only 3 weeks tomorrow until April.
I was tri hoping earlier and saw November mummies in tri 1 - it only feels like a few weeks ago we were all in there now our LOs could be 6 or 7 months by the time theirs arrive.
Ooh exciting...nice bump cdx mine feels that size lol and also feels like its suddenly popped oh n defo have outie now! 5wks to go!
Awww nice small bump cdx
A few of the moms at the school have commented on how much my bump has dropped. They all reckon she'll be here before her due date. I think these past few weeks have been dragging. Hopefully it starts to speed up.
Was gonna go shop for a mixed slushy started to crave one this morning and still am now but I needed to get home as ohs dad is popping round so will get
Oh to go get me one later :). Can feel baby just this min pushing down and its painful as anything so glad the schools only a 10 min walk away from the house cuz of the BH I was having were quite painful so wanted to get home soon as I could x
Thanks ladies.
EmmaLouise you must be like super mum I'm struggling going home to a dog to look after never mind 3 kids! My gran keeps saying I will go early because of the way bump is, along with every other old wives tale I will also have a very hairy girl.

Just going through previous posts again I can't believe they can tell you baby has a full head of hair Cossie that is amazing! I must say I am very jealous of you all getting additional scans (and glad they seem to all be going ok) but on the other hand glad there is no concerns for me to need one. We'll see on the 20th with what way baby is lying.

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